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In Credible

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Everything posted by In Credible

  1. In Credible

    PlayStation 3

    Is this the line for Metallica tickets?
  2. In Credible

    To the state of Virginia:

    ...if you think ugly girls are cute.
  3. In Credible

    Gears of War (Xbox 360)

    Too many cool games coming out at the same time, Im gonna go with GH2 first.
  4. In Credible

    TOAO The Wire Season 4 Thread

    If anyone wants to talk about the new season I've seen every episode and I must say that it is amazing. Quote me on this Season 5 will be the greatest season in the history of television. I'm doing a little thing with my avatar and sig, I'm going to be changing it to different characters and putting in quotes from them. Note: I've already done Freamon.
  5. In Credible


    MD 20/20 is delicious.
  6. In Credible


    The point is that can be done without us seeing it and they save that time to develop more interesting plot points. The audience knows, so stopping the flow of the story and sitting everyone around the campfire to rehash old information wouldn't be a good use of their time.
  7. In Credible

    Day of the Dead Trailer

    I really like the Dawn Of The Dead remake.
  8. In Credible

    Comments that don't warrant a post

    It's a victimless crime, like punching someone in the dark.
  9. In Credible


    It'd be kind of cool if the new plane characters that they are introducing are actually Others that killed off the real ones earlier. It would make sense that they would wait for the right opportunity to help out. Then once they are in positions of more power, they lead everyone into a trap. Booyakasha!
  10. In Credible


    Again I ask when did they show that the Others have a sub?
  11. I think some of has to due with the fact that she can be a good poster if she wants to, but usually chooses to start shit for the sake of starting shit.
  12. In Credible


    I'll be seeing it tomorrow.
  13. In Credible


    Let us have our fun.
  14. In Credible


    1.) Alias only had 5 seasons and the 5th was stopped halfway through, then came back to wrap up the series(and season 5 wasn't that bad until they knew it would be cancelled). 2.) Seasons 1-3 were good, the first two were the strongest, but season 3 was solid. 3.) JJ Abrams wasn't writing Season 4 or 5 due to Lost and other works. 4.) JJ is still the shit.
  15. In Credible


    When was this shown?
  16. In Credible

    Blockbuster Online Free Trial...

    Im looking at: I usually get 10 movies a month, give or take.. Each movie returned is a free rental instore so 10+10 = 20 movies PLUS I still get 2 free game rentals instore each month. All for $18 Well aren't you the bee's knees?
  17. So instead of complaining about her, why doesn't someone just start a thread where people post that they've put her on ignore? Then she won't have anyone to bait, because the only people that will read her posts are the ones who don't care enough to fire back.
  18. In Credible

    Blockbuster Online Free Trial...

    Jennifer Garner is hot. Alias Seasons 1-3 are good (Went way down hill 4-5). I don't know why people don't like season 3.
  19. In Credible

    Digging a hole.

    Digging the giant hole reminds me of the movie Frailty, which oddly enough was on yesterday.