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In Credible

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Everything posted by In Credible

  1. In Credible

    HEY Mole

    You've started others?
  2. In Credible


  3. In Credible

    RE: Hey Mike

    More specific please?
  4. Well, she is always referring to everyone as "kids" and is usually in dumb arguments. So I thought maybe she'd like to... ....alright nevermind.
  5. This one is for Leena
  6. Well one positive thing about Leena is that she looks like this chick giving a blowjob
  7. In Credible

    So, Princess Leena is back. For good.

    Everyone here acts like children, including most of the people in power. How else should these people be referred. It used to be somewhat ego. Now it's just true. You're all pathetic. You're a nerd Leena.
  8. In Credible

    So, Princess Leena is back. For good.

    Calling everyone kids all the time is pretty douchebagesque... ...so good luck with this over the top ego angle.
  9. In Credible

    Saw 3

    Yeah, that's what I enjoyed about the first two. In those the people had a chance to live if they passed their test, with her it was rigged so it wasn't as good. I don't see how they can do a 4th one and I don't think they should.
  10. In Credible

    Saw 3

    I felt a little sick watching the surgery scene, it was so drawn out and graphic.
  11. In Credible

    Best Halloween Costume?

    I'm going as one of these guys.
  12. In Credible

    ding dong the bitch is dead

    That's funny because you can say that about 80% of the posters on this message board. I think most of the reasons she gets flack is due to other people's insecurities. The fact that she's an attractive girl (not some fat goth chick or some guy's gimmick), she's smart, and she calls people on their bullshit. Most of you just want to sit on here, make obscure references, and put way too much work into making jokes. There was a huge thread trying to prove that she wasn't a girl, which then turned into she actually lives in Buffalo. Why all the effort? I think it's just that when a girl (that most guys here would never have a chance with) throws a wrench in the E-Penis measuring contest that is constant here, most posters feel threatened. So people feel the need to remove the threat and restore the usual order. If you don't like her, ignore her, the feature is there for that kind of thing. The other 20% of us will welcome a different opinion.
  13. In Credible

    NFL Week 7

    I'm quite late, but the Vikes looked pretty good today (even with Hasselback in). I love it when Chris Berman picks the Vikes to lose, lol.
  14. In Credible

    ding dong the bitch is dead

    Welcome back....from vacation? Anyway glad to see you're posting again.
  15. In Credible


    I could see that Jack being part of The Others and getting to know them, how they work and why they are there. Then turning on them and helping in the revolution with Locke and company.
  16. In Credible

    ding dong the bitch is dead

    I didn't mind her, she added an actual opinion rather than referring to inside jokes or jumping on every little mistake someone made in a post. Which was refreshing.
  17. In Credible

    Madison WI

    Check mate.
  18. In Credible


    Great episode, good to see they brought Season 1 Locke back.
  19. In Credible

    Madison WI

    Haha. Wisconsin sucks even more now, who could have thought that was possible?
  20. In Credible

    Did my hard drive just die????

    No problem, glad you got your data back.
  21. In Credible

    TOAO The Wire Season 4 Thread

    I got them from isohunt, I couldnt wait that long to watch them.
  22. In Credible

    TOAO The Wire Season 4 Thread

    Cheese is in the last few episodes of the season (which made me happy). I think the torrents are leaked review copies, so some reviewer must have given them up.
  23. In Credible

    Did my hard drive just die????

    Depending on the brand (check there website) you need to change the jumper on it to slave. Hook up a another HD as the master (it will boot the OS from this) then the slave should show up as a second hard drive.