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In Credible

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Everything posted by In Credible

  1. In Credible

    Warned for flamming.

    You all have the dumbest fucking arguements about absolutely nothing, and your internet egos are too fucking big to let it die. Get lives, you sad pale faced losers.
  2. In Credible

    Scorsese's THE DEPARTED

    I wouldn't call Anthony Anderson all star talent and Alec Baldwin is a has been never will be. That being said, I am looking forward to seeing this movie. He was fantastic in Glengary Glenn Ross and more recently in The Cooler. He just needs the right role and he shines.
  3. In Credible

    The Fuck List

    Fuck Yeah!
  4. In Credible

    The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning

    I really liked the remake, infact I hated the original. I look forward to seeing this one though, R. Lee looks to be awesome, killing the entire police force and taking over as sheriff.
  5. In Credible


    I don't see these things as mind fucks though, they do have intriguing characters. They just use perception tricks to throw us off, most of these things are logical, they just don't give it to you in a set structured way.
  6. In Credible

    The Fuck List

    Fuck the police.
  7. In Credible

    Warned for flamming.

    ...running in a race in the special olympics.....
  8. In Credible


    I definately can't wait to see what happens with Juliette did you see the look on her face when Ben said "Go ahead (and kill her)"? Also when Ben said "I guess I'm out of the book club." I'm pretty sure Ben and Juliette were an item at some point, they seem like a broken up couple that is forced to work together.
  9. In Credible


    Yeah I'm not sure what you all expect out of this. I think it was a fantastic episode, they should leave you wanting more and it was definately an intriguing episode.
  10. In Credible

    Wanna know what WP has been up to since getting banned?

    That was pretty funny.
  11. In Credible

    MY EYES. THEY BURN. (Actually SFW)

    I just threw up in my mouth a little.
  12. In Credible

    TOAO The Wire Season 4 Thread

    I think its great because the stereo types are totally blown away and the realness of the environment is brought to the forefront. You see more than good or bad in people. The show is just so fucking realistic.
  13. In Credible

    NFL Week 4

    The Vikings really need to get some offense, the defense is good enough to win games, but the offense can't move the ball. I can't wait till Tarvaris Jackson is the starter, he's a lot like Vick and would add a lot to the offense.
  14. In Credible

    Futurama is back...

    The hell it is, look at the first seasons of both and see how they compare. You can't compare the first seasons of a show to the later seasons of another.
  15. In Credible

    Futurama is back...

    The Simpsons Prime> Family Guy Originals>The Critic>Futurama Futurama is one of those things that is way overhyped by the internet fans. It's funny at times, but there is no way that any of it comes close to The Simpson's in it's prime. If The Simpson's stopped in it's prime Futurama wouldn't even be mentioned in the same discussion. I see it as Futurama is to The Simpsons like American Dad is to Family Guy.
  16. In Credible

    NBA 2K7

    I played Live 07 at a friends house and I really didnt like it. It wasnt very responsive and it seemed really half assed on the gameplay side.
  17. In Credible

    TOAO The Wire Season 4 Thread

    I think they want to make him a soldier, they see something special in him and it takes a special kind of person to be a good enforcer/soldier. Like Stringer Bell said after Omar's Granny's hat got shot "Good help is hard to find." Just think about the real soldiers that have been shown so far: Weebey Cutty Omar Chris Snoop Lil Charles Brother Mouzone All of these are very strong characters and are invaluable to the side they are on.
  18. In Credible

    TOAO The Wire Season 4 Thread

    Just saw the newest episode, they focus on Marlo the most in this episode, very nice look into who he really is. Also there's a really good scene with Omar sticking up Marlo's poker game. Otherwise you can tell things are about really get going, Lester is getting closer to figuring out where the bodies are going.
  19. In Credible

    Ouch Motherfucker

    That's fucking horrible, I kind of wish I hadnt looked.
  20. In Credible

    Rondo Rclassics

    A lot of Hedberg's jokes only work because of his delivery though, so If you don't what his delivery was like then it's not that funny.
  21. In Credible

    Rondo Rclassics

    More Hedberg!!!! I want to get a vending machine, with fun sized candy bars, and the glass in front is a magnifying glass. You'll be mad, but it will be too late. I'm a hard act to follow, because when I'm done, I take the microphone with me. I ate one anchovy, and that is why I did not eat two anchovies. As a comedian, you have to start the show strong and you have to end the show strong. Those are the two key elements. You can't be like pancakes. You're all happy at first, but then by the end, you're sick of 'em. I saw a billboard for the lottery. It said, "Estimated lottery jackpot 55 million dollars." I did not know that was estimated. That would suck if you won and they said, "Oh, we were off by two zeroes. We estimate that you are angry." I want to rob a bank with a BB gun. "Give me all your money or I will give you a dimple! I will be rich, you will be cute. We both win." You know when you see an advertisement for a casino, and they have a picture of a guy winning money? That's false advertising, because that happens the least. That's like if you're advertising a hamburger, they could show a guy choking. "This is what happened once." I don't get the regular AIDS test anymore. I get the roundabout AIDS test. I ask my friend Brian, "Do you know anybody who has AIDS?". He says, "No". I say, "Cool, because you know me."
  22. In Credible

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    The one with Danikka Patrick and Dan Patrick having her car towed was kind of funny. (note: I didnt care enough to look up the correct spelling of her name)
  23. In Credible

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    The Peyton and Eli one was funny.
  24. In Credible

    We Have Us An Iron Man

    They should just use Bert Reynolds. Or Tom Sellick.
  25. In Credible

    Rondo Rclassics

    This thread needs some Mitch Hedberg! I drank some boiling water because I wanted to whistle. A lollipop is a cross between hard candy and garbage. Has anyone seen me on Letterman? Two million people watch that show and I don't know where they are. You might have seen this next comedian on the Late Show, but I think more people have seen me at the store. That should be my introduction. "You might have seen this next comedian at the store," and people would say "Hell yes I have!" I've got a wallet, it's orange. In case I wanna buy a deer. That doesn't make any sense at all. I miss the $2 bill, 'cause I can break a two. $20, no. $10, no. $5, maybe, $2? Oh yeah. What do you need, a one and another one? I called the hotel operator and she said, "How can I direct your call?" I said, "Well, you could say 'Action!', and I'll begin to dial. And when I say 'Goodbye', then you can yell 'Cut!'