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In Credible

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Everything posted by In Credible

  1. Q: Leena, do you squirt?
  2. Naah, she's not in trouble Leena is an attractive girl but I'm over her now. She isn't good enough for me anymore. Yeah usually when you get rejected by a girl it's because you are way too good for her. Denileville Population: YOU
  3. Oh btw, feel free to post more of her "notes", as Paris would say "That's hot"
  4. Damn Leena's a freak...that's awesome.
  5. In Credible

    Pringles Will Grease Your Ass

    I don't think I've ever heard a story about someone pooping their pants that wasn't funny.
  6. In Credible

    'Alf' star caught smoking crack

    I just saw this new commercial that...get this...has talking frogs saying Budweiser, but in three parts. I think they're really onto something with that one, it's gonna be big I tell ya.
  7. In Credible

    'Alf' star caught smoking crack

    Funny, I just heard that the girl from Diff'rent Strokes was doing low budget porn and knocking off liquor stores. Where the fuck have you been? That was front page news 16 years ago. I kind of think that was his point.
  8. In Credible

    Madden NFL 07

    I hate it when that happens.
  9. In Credible

    Man crushes.......

  10. In Credible

    HBO Sunday Night Lineup

    Wow, Deadwood is getting really instense. So Hearst left to get out of the way of the bloodshed to come? Charlie Utter was the shit when he confronted Hearst.
  11. In Credible

    Incriminating photos of Inc

    Is that a baby's dick?
  12. In Credible

    Fuck Gang Wars.

    Ok, when I have done hamstring curls I have felt a weird pressure on my groin/pelvic area, but if you orgasm from it you have other problems. If you orgasm from curls then you must be able to last all of 5 seconds with a chick.
  13. In Credible

    Verizon Chocolate...

    My friend has it, I looked at it, it definately looks cool. It's not as loud for mp3s as my T809 and I didn't like how you control it like an ipod.
  14. In Credible

    Man crushes.......

    Jason Statham is the shit.
  15. In Credible

    Method Man - 4:21 the day after

    I really like Liquid Swords and Legend of The Liquid Swords. GZA is the shit.
  16. In Credible

    Horror Update

    Just checked and OF COURSE I am out of town when Feast screens here. On the bright side I will be in Houston, and it does screen there. I just have to talk my friend into going to it. I never understood why this didn't make it into a wide release. It looks just as good as any other generic horror movie out there. Maybe because it is Rated R, which is a big no-no in today's Horror Movie Rules....!?! Because the Weinsteins would rather put out a turd like Cursed wide than a movie people will actually like.
  17. In Credible

    Ran over a deer last night

    I bet they didn't have insurance did they? God Damn Deer!!!
  18. In Credible

    How reliable is Amazon for ordering and shipping?

    Same here never had any problems with Amazon whatsoever. Like someone said before if you qualify for free shipping go for it, they usually overestimate how long it will take to be delivered.
  19. In Credible

    Man burns porn shop

    Wow, that's pretty weird. Sounds like he planned it ahead of time though. btw that avatar rocks dude.
  20. In Credible

    Horror Update

    I didn't get the teen feel at all since there was only one teen in the entire movie (the son). I loved how when you look back every single part of the movie was just a step in the plan to get the detective into amanda's game. That was badass.
  21. In Credible

    Madden NFL 07

    I think with Vick it's mostly what he wants to be known for. He reminds me of Daunte Culpepper early on in his career. Daunte was incredibly talented, but also very raw. He made bad choices and tried to do too much on every play. I think that's part of Vick's problem, he plays totally with his heart and not as much with his head. If he would just realise that sometimes there is nothing available and throw it away, he would be a much better quarterback. Vick can be deadly accurate when he's dialed in and has a very good arm. He's just too hung up on making something happen on every play. When Daunte started realising that you can't win on every play, he put up some sick numbers and the team was better off.
  22. In Credible

    My Laptop

    First if you can backup the files to another hard drive or jump drive, do it. Then I would call the company that makes it and try to get information out of them, as much as you can so you can gauge if this problem is fixable or if you're better off starting from scratch. I've never heard of the problem, but it's rare that someone has a problem that's never happened to anyone else. I'm sure that some of those symptoms have been reported by another customer. Sorry I couldn't help further.
  23. In Credible

    I-Pod Question

    You can get a program called Ipod Agent which makes it much easier to transfer from Ipod to computer.
  24. In Credible

    Horror Update

    That would be sweet if he had some sort of large scale end game, though that would definately rule out a 4th movie. There wouldn't be much to top genocide.
  25. In Credible

    Horror Update

    I enjoy the Saw franchise, and I thought the sequel was good. Hopefully they keep it fresh and original in the third. The people behind it are good people, so I wouldn't mind seeing it keep going if they keep the quality up.