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In Credible

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Everything posted by In Credible

  1. In Credible


    It's probably the black smoke from Lost.
  2. In Credible

    Rob Zombie to direct next Halloween movie

    That's because you have horrible taste in movies. I wanted this movie to be good, but it was a big pile of shit. I've officially given up on Zombie making a good movie, he is garbage through and through.
  3. In Credible

    TSM Game Nights

    Id be down for CoD4 or TF2
  4. In Credible

    The Wire: Final Season

    It makes sense, since Marlo had been taking over the city and Avon wanted the turf for the drug revenue (oil). Instead of trying to work something out he just uses more and more force. Avon gets lazy with his planning and his ego makes him get reckless in execution without really thinking the situation through. He refuses to change or stop and it ultimately brings him down.
  5. In Credible

    The Wire: Final Season

    Some good Omar Clips...
  6. In Credible


    Yeah the series started off with a lot of potential and I really think it grew to something great. Very happy with the first season and it's nice that the big mystery wasn't completely solved yet.
  7. In Credible

    Speed Racer movie

    Looks pretty lame.
  8. In Credible

    The Wire: Final Season

    I can't wait for this season to start, with the writers strike going on and this being one of the only shows completed, it should get more attention.
  9. In Credible


    Yeah I agree, best of the season so far. You really can't go wrong with the Janitor.
  10. In Credible


    Yeah another really good show here, definitely went away from the normal abc cop show story on this one. I'm looking forward to Charlie having to fight the case against him. Also the show has used pretty solid music to build on scenes so far.
  11. In Credible

    Really funny

    You are lame.
  12. In Credible

    My New Haircut

    Jager bombs! Jager bombs! Jager bombs! Jager bombs! Jager bombs! *chugs* Jager bombs! also POWER BARRRRRS! was good.
  13. In Credible

    This week in the NBA

    I might be in a small group, but I love watching the Timberwolves this year. They have such a talented young group and it's fun to watch them mature. Also Marko Yaric is impressing me so far this season, he does a much better job as a 2 than PG. Corey Brewer showed a nice shooting touch and a nose for the ball last night. Al Jefferson is just fun to watch when he gets going, his footwork is fantastic and he is a surprisingly good shooter. Rashad McCants has been the scorer they've wanted him to be, he sprained his ankle last night, hopefully he can stay healthy though. I would really like to see Chris Richard get more minutes, he could be another Craig Smith type. Theo Ratliff has looked really strong so far this season. Greg Buckner has shown he can shoot when he gets going and they'll definitely need him to this season. Antoine Walker has looked horrible and I don't see him staying in MN too long. Hopefully Randy Foye can comeback strong from his knee injury. Telfair has been solid at times, but needs to work on not trying to do too much. He tends to get in his own way a lot. I want to see what Gerald Green can do once they start to give him some minutes.
  14. In Credible


    How about you douchebags stop derailing the thread?
  15. In Credible


    Maybe if there is a post about the movie they can put "Not The TV Show " in the title. Still a great show btw.
  16. In Credible

    Pizza Hut

    I'm probably a fan of Papa Johns out of the big 3, but I just had LC's a couple weeks back for the first time in forever and loved it. It was cheap and tasty, maybe I was really hungry but I didn't find anything wrong with it. Just simple and a good price.
  17. In Credible

    Scary games for Halloween

    Try out Condemned: Criminal Origins. With a good sound system and the lights off it can be pretty freaky.
  18. In Credible


  19. In Credible

    Orange Box

    Just played TF2 for the first time on 360 and I like it a lot, but they really need to fix the lag issues.
  20. In Credible

    Guitar Hero.

    The "optical illusion" has happened since the first game, it's from your eyes getting used to the motion of the board and then suddenly looking at something still (makes the walls look like they're melting). I always kind of thought it was funny to see my walls melt after a song.
  21. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    They are giving Forza 2 and Marvel Ultimate Alliance with the new Premiums (along with the HDMI and new heatsync) so I would personally (and did) go with that.
  22. In Credible


    Just got done watching the Season Finale of Californication and I can't wait for more. I really hope this gets picked up for another season.
  23. In Credible

    SAW IV

    I really liked the first two, but the third tipped the scale a little bit more towards Gore than Story and lost me. I won't be in a huge rush to go see this one, but I will check it out sometime.
  24. In Credible

    Orange Box

    From what I understand in the first HL Gordon helped create the portal that started bringing the aliens into the world at Black Mesa. He fought and thought he'd won when the G-Man recruited him, but the aliens ended up taking over the world and HL2 takes place after the aliens have taken over and are putting humans into camps. Gordon joins up with freedom fighters and begins the fight again, though is thought of as a legend of sorts to many of the people who have heard the stories about him.
  25. In Credible


    I'm really digging this show, I thought it would start to get old, but I'm actually enjoying it.