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In Credible

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Everything posted by In Credible

  1. In Credible

    Russians get day off to procreate, then win prizes

    Then they just have to figure out how to get money to live on!
  2. In Credible

    Who wants to read some dump files?

    Are you using the same copy of windows?
  3. In Credible

    SAW IV

    To those talking about the guy with the limp and the key in #2, that was actually Darren Bousman. He said he did the limp for no reason, but it's definately not Dr. Gordon. Also it's been established that in 4 Jigsaw and Amanda are dead, they won't be coming back (though Jigsaw is in the movie, just not alive). Also a woman that plays a detective in the movie said in an interview that they find the bathroom and that it's a pretty big scene.
  4. In Credible

    Satellite Vs. Cable

    Fuckin wet blanket.
  5. In Credible

    Early Rumor as to who will play THHHor

    All I can say to that is... Get out of my house! We also would have accepted "Thor is not a homo!"
  6. In Credible

    Early Rumor as to who will play THHHor

    Thor is a Homo.
  7. In Credible

    The thread that never ends

  8. In Credible

    SAW IV

    That's the thing, Saw came before and set the tone. Hostel was just torture with no reason, there was a reason to the insanity in the first two Saw flicks. Saw setup the rules, you have to earn your life, and Jigsaw never actually murdered anyone. Saw 2 followed the same rules of play the game, listen and follow instruction and you'll survive. You actually cared about the characters and when the twists came in the first two flicks it had a HOLY SHIT! effect. Saw 3 went so far into the gore that it became less about people trying to get out of genius sadistic traps and more about how many fucked up ways can we kill people? So by the time it got to the end, I didn't really care that much about the twist. Plus Amanda didn't follow the rules, which I thought hurt the integrity of Jigsaw. I flipped in the first when the body stood up and in the second when Wahlberg fell into the trap (and you realise that the entire movie was just a setup to get him into a game). The third I didn't really care at the end and with the added gore it killed the franchise for me. That clip from the 4th looks like more of the 3rd and to be fair, you cant really expect them to have good stories anymore when they write them in less than a year and are working on sequels, which are inherently more difficult to keep up quality. The first two movies had much more creative time for the scripts (the second movie was just an adaptation of a script Bousman had already written) and it really showed in the story of the third.
  9. In Credible

    Lesson: chew, chew, chew...did I mention chew?

    I'll tell my friends, you may have just saved lives.
  10. In Credible

    The Bronx Is Burning

    I don't think they realise that most of the country hates the Yankees.
  11. In Credible

    SAW IV

    I dug the first two movies, they weren't as much about being as gross as possible. The third one killed that by just being disgusting with no point. After watching that clip, I'm not really looking forward to anymore Saw flicks as the gimmick has run very thin. I see the box office returns dropping greatly after #3, but will probably be enough to get another sequel or two.
  12. In Credible

    Beautiful Katamari demo on XBLM

    Fun game, I played it on PSP but the controls are better with two sticks. Too bad its only a 3 minute demo.
  13. In Credible

    Major restaurants and stores not in your area?

    I always see commercials for Sonic and Jack in the Box, but I dont think we have any in the state.
  14. In Credible

    You Favorite Alcohol

    If you get those jagg bomb glasses, then use either parrot bay or malibu in the shot and then sparks in the outside, it's good times.
  15. In Credible

    Failed Bridge in the Twin Cities

    I'm from Minnesota, hopefully their aren't tons of fatalities, pretty fucked up situation. And....Holy Crap! We made the national news for something other than our teams being dumb!
  16. In Credible

    Rob Zombie to direct next Halloween movie

    I thought Rob's first two movies were lame, though he did improve with his second (a monkey farting on a snare drum would have been an improvement). I'm a fan of Halloween, I always dug how creepy Michael's movements were. I'll illegally pirate it when I get a chance.
  17. In Credible

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    I'm a big Wolves fan and I loved watching KG play. I'm actually happy with this trade, we get come salary cap space, some young talent and an on the verge Super Star in Jefferson. I'm also happy for KG, he may finally get the title that he deserves. Both sides improved, the Wolves wouldn't have done anything with KG this year. Ainge basically saved his job, it now makes the Ray Allen move on draft day look very smart. Without KG the Celtics getting Allen would have been too little to make a big splash.
  18. In Credible

    Kill Point

    I had questions on how this would play as it went on, but seeing the 2nd week (3rd episode) has gotten my interest in this show. There are so many different things going on, a group of hostages wanting to revolt, another starting to become friends with the captors. The FBI and the Captain butting heads and making powerplays, as well as Beck's other channels to try and get his daughter out. Then you have Wolf's other men on the outside looking for a way to extract the squad. Very cool take on a bank heist gone wrong.
  19. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    The Darkness is pretty badass, great voice acting, graphics, and the gameplay is a blast. I've heard the multiplayer isnt very good, but the single player is fantastic.
  20. In Credible

    Trick R'Treat Trailer

    that link doesnt work, but I saw the trailer and it doesn't look that bad. Kind of like a Creep Show type movie but about Halloween.
  21. In Credible

    What is with online players...

    I cant stand the high pitched voices.
  22. In Credible

    Microsoft expands 360 coverage against RROD

    Actually the PS2 was much much worse than this is. At least people are getting replacements and aren't paying out of pocket (and if they did are getting reimbursed). I know several people who had to buy a second PS2 because of all the disk read errors and general shittyness that was the PS2's durability. I also know a couple people who paid $40 to have Sony fix the disk read problem, I had to crack my PS2 open and adjust the lens probably 4 times, and I didn't even use it that much. Inconvenience is one thing, but having to pay on top of it is another. Microsoft made a mistake and are going above and beyond to make it right.
  23. In Credible

    so I find out tommorow

    Cavaliers are girl cars. Girly girl.
  24. In Credible

    Favorite commentary track(s)

    I agree on the Evil Dead ones and also Saw has pretty funny commentary.