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Everything posted by garfieldsnose

  1. garfieldsnose

    Changes made by Barack Obama

    I guess four years isn't enough time to buy a $60 converter.
  2. garfieldsnose

    Monday Night Wars

    It either was his last WWE appearance or wasn't. How can it be one of his last? Come on, mang.
  3. garfieldsnose

    95% of wrestling fans

    If I remember correctly, Coach was never part of any World Wildlife Fund, jack.
  4. garfieldsnose

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Garcia won't bring the Mets anything. Just a waste of a signing, imo.
  5. garfieldsnose

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Didn't really anger me, but I felt bad for the driver in the end. I'm driving home from my girlfriend's last night and I'm at a red light and have to turn left. There is a car the opposite way that also has a red light and is going to be turning right. I get the green left arrow so I go to make my left turn, and even though the guy stopped at the light at first, I guess he doesn't figure I'm making a left even though my turn signal is on and he decided to make a right and cuts me off, and then swerves into the other lane (it was a two lane road and I was turning left into the left lane). He hits the curb and then treads slowly with his left blinker on and I just pass him not even really caring. He probably felt like such a shit afterwards.
  6. garfieldsnose

    Executive Orders

    Bombs secretly implanted by Bush. Duh.
  7. garfieldsnose

    WWF Survivor Series 1991 & This Tuesday In Texas

    The dude that always dressed up like Hogan in the audience looked like someone killed his mother after UT beat Hogan.
  8. garfieldsnose

    ECW Arena might be closing

    Heh, a guy I know from high school works with the indie promotions that have events there and shit, and he just posted a long ass note on facebook about this. He also orchestrated the Ric Flair signing the Friday after Thanksgiving.
  9. garfieldsnose

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    What? Eli Manning isn't playing in the Super Bowl against the Patriots if it wasn't for the NYG defense, and he sure as hell isn't winning the SB with any other defense besides that one. As far as MVP goes, Eli didn't deserve it, all the guys on the defense did. And Eli threw what should have been two interceptions in that final drive in the SB. The Patriots defense choked moreso than Eli "got the job done in the clutch". David Tyree catching a ball with his helmet is as miraculous a play as one could imagine.
  10. garfieldsnose

    A Small History of My Declined Interest

    I think goldengreek's GFYM insult has worn thin. COMPLETELY THE OPPOSITE of John Cena.
  11. garfieldsnose

    Finish Him!

  12. garfieldsnose

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    Is Jericho rehired? I didn't catch it.
  13. garfieldsnose

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    Funny that WWE DVD's still are considered sports.
  14. garfieldsnose

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    Paul E. Normous, NY area indie wrestler who died at 33 years old recently. There goes the boner. No Paul E. Dangerously for us.
  15. garfieldsnose

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    I hate how they just buried CM Punk. .
  16. garfieldsnose

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    It's haters being haters. Elway was the same way. Who's to say McNabb won't win the SB next year? Or the year after? He's still got a lot left. The whole argument I am making is that in no way does getting rid of McNabb improve the Eagles. At all. You're pulling at straws. The year McNabb had Owens, McNabb got the team to the Super Bowl without Owens in two playoff games. It's easy to crack on him when you're a rival, but don't act like McNabb doesn't give this team a chance to win. It's stupid.
  17. garfieldsnose

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    He's right. McNabb has proved through the years he can win. He just can't get over the hump. That's something he and Andy Reid need to fix, but I'd take 5 NFC Title games in eight years than none. By the way you type you don't seem very intelligent, and I guarantee if we had a bonafide #1 WR yesterday we would certainly have had a greater chance to win than we did. Anyone besides McNabb, even Drew Brees, doesn't take this team past any playoff round. And honestly naiwf, I know you're a Giant fan and all, but I think any other team in the NFL would rather have McNabb in at QB than Eli. McNabb gives any team a better chance to win. You can't say that about most NFL quarterbacks.
  18. garfieldsnose

    A Small History of My Declined Interest

    goldengreek always brings the goods.
  19. garfieldsnose

    NFC Championship Thread

    Luckily, Jeffrey Lurie is smart enough not to let them go. I think they're $20+ million under the cap next year, and there should be no reason to improve the offense with more linemen and another wide receiver. I'd like to see how a TO return if he is released from Dallas would go over. That's one guy I do not want back here.
  20. garfieldsnose

    NFC Championship Thread

    Jim Johnson had tended to do that in recent years, especially in NFC Title games. He finds something that works, but feels the offense will pick up on it so doesn't stick with it for an extended period of time and changes it up. Sometimes, I wish he would just stick with it until it fails him instead of him trying to avoid the eventual fail.
  21. garfieldsnose

    AFC Championship Thread

    Maybe cause they didnt call it the other 5 times in the game. It was payback for all those phantom Steeler penalties, though.
  22. garfieldsnose

    AFC Championship Thread

    Ray Lewis mad he didn't get to murder someone tonight?
  23. garfieldsnose

    NFC Championship Thread

    McNabb is fine. He showed today he still has a lot left and he did fine with a 30% Brian Westbrook and average receivers. Sure with his 1-4 record in NFC Title games it'd be easy to say he's never gonna win the big one, let him go. You could've said the same thing about Elway.
  24. garfieldsnose

    List things that don't interest you

    It's funny because these two friends I have weren't the alcohol type that everyone our age was around 19, 20. When my one friend turned 21, he started drinking a lot and hasn't stopped. He became much more of a dick and I don't speak to him as much anymore, but I know he's still there and still one of my best friends cuz we would do anything for each other. The other friend, who I cited in my last post, never talked much about alcohol until after he got a girlfriend, who isn't even 21 yet, who gets trashed at parties and can't stand up on her own. Now my friend parties way more than he did before, and swears he doesn't get drunk when he obviously acts different than he does when sober. He's one of those guys who would kick my ass if I told him he was drunk and I was driving cuz he believe he never gets drunk. Luckily, my gf has a seizure disorder and can't drink more than one glass of alcohol per four days or else she'd be dead. Go seizure disorders!