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Thanks for the Fish

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Everything posted by Thanks for the Fish

  1. Thanks for the Fish

    Jericho mobbed by fans, hits woman

    Not in the United States but maybe it's different in Canada. What are you talking about? You can absolutely defend yourself against a woman in the United States or Canada. It's like self-defense against a man, you can do enough to protect yourself and neutralize the attacker. I want to see the woman play the "I'm a girl and he hit me card", it will get thrown out in a second. It's security's fault for doing nothing in the situaiton. To bad it wasn't Atlas Security. The Canadian fans probably think wrestling is real - probably tweaker trailer folks.
  2. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    Wes Briscoe is Gerald Briscoe's son. Kafu isn't a legacy as far as I know, unless you were thinking of Manu.
  3. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    Windham Rotunda looks like a white Takeshi Morishima Tank Mulligan is also a Rotunda - Taylor Rotunda. I love the last guys name "Yo! Shit At U"
  4. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    Florida Championship Wrestling updated their superstar section. No bios yet, but you can get a look at the superstars of tomorrow - http://www.fcwwrestling.com/talent.html
  5. Thanks for the Fish

    ECW - Feb 3, 2009

    Courtesy of http://www.wrestlingnewsworld.com/wwe-news...-february-2.php I wouldn't mind seeing Gabriel vs Henry to tell you the truth. Maybe they're working on their chemistry for a program/feud that will kick off soon. Dreamer does nothing for me anymore - he has no rub to offer and is utterly useless in anything other than a garbage match, and even then he's pretty paint-by-numbers. No longer the innovator of violence by any stretch. Jamie "Bah GAWD" Noble to save the show - hopefully he means he's being added on a permanent basis. Chavo was recently removed from their roster without any fanfare, maybe he'll be the wily veteran player/coach for a spell. Fooey on Boogeyman beating Noble.
  6. Thanks for the Fish

    ECW - Feb 3, 2009

    It's always been there. And as bad as t is to say, I think it will keep him from every being a top guy.
  7. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - February 2, 2009

    Wrestling and Lost...
  8. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - February 2, 2009

    How is it ugly? You know 4 of the 6 can go (Kofi, Rey, Jericho, Cena), and Kane can hold his own. As long as Knox doesn't mess things up, the Raw EC match should be pretty good. Because it's a foregone conclusion. Even if it was before, there is no way Kingston, Mysterio, Kane or Knox could main event WM. I think the match itself will be fine, and Knox will hold his own.
  9. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - February 2, 2009

    February sweeps?
  10. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - February 2, 2009

    Kane, Knox, Kofi, Mysterio, Jericho and Cena - ugly as hell Raw EC Orton vs Undertaker next week is pretty kickass though, even if it ends in a EC build-up schmozz.
  11. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - February 2, 2009

    That segment seemed to be in fast forward, both HBK and JBL usually take their time during promos, but they rushed through it for the most part. At the SD! No Way Out (where HBK wins) Michaels will make a surprise appearance where he'll cut a promo saying both title matches are spoken for, and nobody is retiring, what is Mr. Main Event to do...
  12. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - February 2, 2009

    They're fast tracking this JBL vs HBK feud to end at NWO. Must have bigger plans for HBK. Must be The Undertaker... This would be a bad deal for HBK to take. I mean one year for financial security, just work the rest of the one year contract...
  13. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - February 2, 2009

    That was the best Candice has looked since she came back from the injury. Short match, but had some nice spots, especially that slingshot suplex... She was probably a little bloated and retaining water...
  14. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - February 2, 2009

    One could only hope Hardy vs Hardy is 1/10th as good as Bret vs Owen...
  15. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - February 2, 2009

    That was a pretty kickass finishing set-up...
  16. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - February 2, 2009

    I don't believe Flair was the model for Randy The Ram, I mean he was still successful and getting paid six figures at the time the movie was being made. I know Lex Luger was the model for his look...
  17. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - February 2, 2009

    For storyline purposes, what would be the difference?
  18. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - February 2, 2009

    That was a nasty back bump on the outside Punk took, and then the running knee to the head.
  19. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - February 2, 2009

    Mickie and Punk - Weren't they supposed to debut together, and actually might have on a Heat broadcast (though it might have been cut), before the powers that be decided to abandon those plans...
  20. Thanks for the Fish

    ECW - Feb 3, 2009

    Why not. Just come back and read the thread in 45 minutes. So much for Jamie Noble. Boogeyman must pull mad ratings. According to his IMDB he could have a role in a pretty big movie - Escobar directed by Antoine Fuqua and produced by Oliver Stone. Of course the IMDB for the movie only has Wright cast so far, as a character simply named "Tony", so you can probably take this with a grain of salt for the time being.
  21. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE SmackDown - February 6, 2009

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz1Iag8kgmA I'm usually not a fan of the wwe.com shows but this was incredible. I wonder why more talent doesn't utilize wwe.com to help them get over. I mean there is no time constraints there so I don't think creative would stop you from doing it and it could save your career, or really help you get over. In the very least it would be showing initiative. Kizarny's cameo in Goldman's offering this week did more for his character than his pre-debut vignettes.
  22. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE SmackDown - January 30, 2009

    If I was a wrestler, I'd work my gimmick out of the ring. I think it only benefits the heel characters for fans to really think they are dirtbags. Edge took off with the whole Lita situation, and Orton shits in a few bags and everybody hates his guts (he also has said in interviews that he works his gimmick with the fans away from the arena). Nobody really knows if New Jack is a crazy sonuvabitch, or working everybody. Kendrick being a pot fiend and not listening to management helps propagates the idea that he is Pillman-esque, a comparison Jim Ross has mentioned a few times both on his blog and during broadcasts I believe. Just make sure you don't get yourself fired. Insult fans and don't give autographs - they'll run on the internet and all of a sudden you're a big asshole.
  23. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - February 2, 2009

    Yup. And I don't have any faith that they will.
  24. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    HBK did a bit where he dressed up like Hulk Hogan, complete was bald cap and when the mustache fell off near the end of the segment it was basically HBK with a bald cap on and he didn't look bad. I suspect his hairline will force him to retire before his back or knees. Edited - Okay it's not ecaxtly as I remembered however here s the vid - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x11jk7_hb...ulk-hogan_sport
  25. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    They have to cut it like that, or else that hair wouldn't reach for the ponytail. It would come loose during a match and look like shit (not to mention be distracting as fuck). Why not just let it all grow long originally and then it could all be pulled back in a ponytail? I understand know why they dont now, because of the dreaded "in between stage", I guess maybe they thought it was cool looking at one time and are now trapped with it. I think Matt Hardy should cut his hair short as part of his heel turn. I don't think guys realize how bad long hair looks until they finally cut it and then look at old pictures.