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Thanks for the Fish

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Everything posted by Thanks for the Fish

  1. Thanks for the Fish

    Royal Rumble 2009

    I suspect both JBL and HBK will be added to the Rumble assuming the actual Rumble main events the show. Also I think we could see Christian and both Hardys in the Rumble assuming the former debuts and costs Jeff the title.
  2. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    However bad in that McMahon will feel the need to overbook himself into all aspects of the show now.
  3. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    Jake Roberts on Kazarny's first match (from his myspace) =
  4. Thanks for the Fish

    TSM Wrestling Spotlight: The Big Show

    compared to this
  5. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    Well it makes sense, because she was squashed on Raw, and it was recently said she was supposed to be at some Playboy gala with Ashley Massaro so something went wrong in there somewhere. She was damned if she did, and damned if she didn't. Once you pose nekkid, you're depushed anyways. How would this be sold as PG television? Maybe Randy Orton took the photo's on their one night tigether and the smily bastard sold them to Playboy and the wwe would use this as a teachable moment to all their young fans - don't pose naked unless you want them to become public.
  6. Thanks for the Fish

    TSM Remembers: The Natural Born Thrillers

    I sorta remember a story where O'Haire was going to be a Japanese-trained American-born Samurai and get a monumental push under at one point.
  7. Thanks for the Fish

    Tough Talk with TSM: David Flair

    Gawd, was that Flair/Dandy match BRUTAL.
  8. Thanks for the Fish

    Finish Him!

    MMC + HP = WC
  9. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    You could dream to be IC champion as a kid and still have it be a lifelong dream even if you won a greater title. I mean now he joins the ranks of the IC greats who never held the bigger titles. I hope he drops it back to Regal, before winning it again in the feud blow-off. I assume Orton is winning the RR as reason he can't be fired next week. I don't see the "Stephanie in cahoots with Orton" angle that others here are seeing. I still see this as HHH being revealed as Stephanie's husband coming out of this angle, it will sort of be like the "McMahon as owner" reveal from back in the day. If Randy is in cahoots with anybody I think it will be Shane McMahon and that fact won't be revealed until much later in the story. Shane vs HHH could get really personal as well, as Shane could go after HHH for trying to force Shane to the sidelines, trying to take control of what is his by his birthright. With HHH's involvement, The Legacy adding Harry Smith would add further levels. HHH's knowledge and involvement in the MTL screwjob could be brought into the angle. I don't know how big or small it oculd be kept, but there is enough second generation talent under contract to make it as big or as small as the creative wants it. The battle royal to open the show was piss poor, though served it's purpose of putting over Orton's strength in numbers. Kelly Kelly vs Beth was junk as well. Why doesn't the wwe drop the silliness of the "Kelly Kelly" name already and just call her Kelly? The backstage segment eminating from the divas match was amusing though. Santino's "Pleeeeze, can we keep her?" was great. Rosa Mendez seems like she's a natrual, and didn't show any camera awareness at all. We all know where this is going, but it could be a fun undercard ride. Punk vs Regal was what I think fans of the two have been waiting for. As I mentioned above, I hope it isn't the blow-off to the feud but that there will be more matches between the two in the future. Punk and Regal acknowledging that they didn't have to break holds or listen to the referee was a nice touch. Cena/HBK/JBL was compelling, if somewhat too long. All played their parts well enough and added heat to the RR match and further storytelling to the angle. WWHBKD? I like Knox, as folks here know(along with Kizarny) so I dug the interview segment and match as it shows that the wwe might have certain faith in Knox and more in store in his feud with Mysterio. I think Knox vs Batista could be an interesting feud down the line. Cryme Tyme vs Miz/Morrison was embarrassingly short. I guess it could be sold as Miz and Morrison were expecting Duggan and were not ready to fight Cryme Tyme or something. The mic work leading up to the match was fun though. I don't thin I ever noticed how big JTG is, probably because he's always beside the massive Shad. Melina vs Jillian - blech. Melina is losing her face appeal. She seems to be a secondary character in this feud with Santino, Beth and now Rosa overshadowing her. Save the IC title match that was really good, the rest of the matches were varying levels of bad. Ringwork took an obvious backseat to storytelling this night.
  10. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    It's going to be HHH vs Orton. He's going to be outed as married to Stephanie. Bet the house on it. Jericho weaseling out was perfect for his character as well. The final segment was great - especially how Vince took the moves like a champ and Randy acted the part really well. Orton served time in the brig before for going AWOL from the military - I wonder if they'll write that in as well.
  11. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    Here comes HHH outed as married to Steph... HHH vs Legacy for WM25??
  12. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    For the new Marlena...would you use a current Diva, or one that hasn't been called up yet? Probably a developmental. Wesley Holliday if I had to chose.
  13. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    Goldie was too normal in the interaction. He should have humped Cody's leg or something... I'd kill if he went back to the movie quoting, and maybe find a new Marlena - his original character was great.
  14. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    Paul E. Normous, NY area indie wrestler who died at 33 years old recently.
  15. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    I don't know what you guys have against Kizarny. If you think he has a shit gimmick with the carny talk, blame the writers. The guy has paid his dues and deserves the opportunity he is getting...
  16. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    Jericho is damn lucky the "Kiss My Ass Club" isn't PG television...
  17. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    Knox has spoke on ecw before. I really don't think it's much of an issue. I think it actually adds to her persona, as it's sort of a creepy, albeit if unexpected.
  18. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    Very good tv match for Punk/Regal - hopefully the feud isn't over. Maybe Regal eliminates Punk in the RR or something to continue the feud. I sorta like when two rivals trade the title back and forth...
  19. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    Was Punk supposed to hit him with a ball shot, or was it supposed to be a gut shot that Regal faked as a low blow last week? Crowd is hot as hell for Punk. No granny swimsuit for Regal this week.
  20. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    Pleeeeeeze. Can we keep her???
  21. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    Matches have been useless. Why would Stephanie fire Orton? Are we supposed to think Rhodes is up to something?
  22. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    Orton almost broke his wrist on that Kane/Dibiase elimination...
  23. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    Santino is really slimming down - is he getting ready for an in-ring push? New Priceless music - Wonder why?
  24. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    OVW did have some pretty bad ass vignettes/promos. That's probably when Heyman was booking there. Probably couldn't use the HNIC gimmick though... Something caught my eye in a recent Colin Delaney interview - That's pretty ridiculous if true. I guess folks desperate for a wwe contract would be willing to sell their first born to the wwe. I can't believe Low-Ki would have agreed to such a contract. Prettysoon, would-be wwe signees will have to promise to name their first born Vince, even if it's a baby girl.
  25. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    I just hope there is no pop in the ratings that would justify Vince making himself the centerpiece of programming again. The show is much better when he's off programming. Is Knox vs Mysterio even feuding? Have they had a singles match yet, or just that 10-man tag and a bunch of post-match attacks? I assume Mysterio/Knox is in holding pattern until Bourne is healthy again.