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Thanks for the Fish

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Everything posted by Thanks for the Fish

  1. Thanks for the Fish

    Sid coming back?

    Wwe hates leaks like this. If it was true, it likely isn't anymore.
  2. Thanks for the Fish

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Was this before or after the releases were announced? Because developmental Johnny Curtis was working the house show circuit recently.
  3. Thanks for the Fish

    Many guys released

    What was implied? That Stephanie was fat and needed a personal trainer. Most fitness models have personal trainers, as to most of Hollywood A-Listers for that matter. I guess it was more the Susan Powter aspect that would give the "fitness for fatty" vibe...
  4. Thanks for the Fish

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    The wwe contract is probably structured in such a way they meet the criteria of an independent contractor. Raven will probably argue that despite that fact, in reality wrestlers are treated as employees. For one I believe wrestler contracts are up for renewal every ninety days - this is probably solely for the purposes of keeping the image wrestlers are independent contractors. The road dress code and other "rules" are probably classified as "suggestions to independent contractors"...
  5. Thanks for the Fish

    Many guys released

    What was implied?
  6. Thanks for the Fish

    Many guys released

    Yep, I remember her debut on the only episode of Raw (or was it Smackdown) that she ever appeared on. Muffy Mower/Mauer or something like that. I believe she was doing a Susan Powter gimmick and was gimmicked to be Stephanie's personal trainer or something.
  7. Thanks for the Fish

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Or call up brother Eddie Colon, and Eric Perez from developmental and make an LAX rip-off faction. Chavo/Carlito would really work as well, but I don't think being put in a tag team will keep Carly motivated. Carly should just cut his hair, rather than the crummy looking cornrows. However maybe he's keeping the long hair in case he gets "endeavored"...
  8. Thanks for the Fish

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    I thought that the low level guarentee wwe contract was $70,000 (less of course if on a developmental contract, which is basically $35,000/year) before house show/ppv/merchandise take.
  9. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Smackdown (8/8/2008)

    Colt and Ace would have been so much better in the Edge lackey roles. It's a damn shame...
  10. Thanks for the Fish

    Many guys released

    If BDV was losing weight and the wwe fired him that's pretty slimy. Nelson, you're not physically imposing anymore and since you can't really work we have to release you. I mean it's was for his own health and all but nonetheless...
  11. Thanks for the Fish

    Many guys released

    Yeah, Moore screwed over TNA on his way out. He's not going back there.
  12. Thanks for the Fish

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    This could be really big, industry transforming even - back pay, health insurance, pensions, sick days and vacation time. I hope he wins.
  13. Thanks for the Fish

    Many guys released

    Sucks for Nunzio, but he was never going to get a push and he was jobbed out so much he really had no rub to give anybody. Funaki better not answer his phone. I actually liked James Curtis and think he could have worked his way into being somebody. He had a great old school heel vibe about him while in the developmentals and his Teachers Pet stint as KC James. He's a young guy though, maybe he can get some experience and get the ecw jobber stink off of him before heading back.
  14. Thanks for the Fish

    Many guys released

    Chris Harris just seemed to miserable. Maybe he needs to walk away from the business or something. He seemed to think he was better and more deserving of a push than he was and thus was always bitter about being misused. If he still wants to wrestle I guess Mexico or maybe Japan will be options. I don't think he'd be worth the trouble for any indie...
  15. Thanks for the Fish

    Smackdown spoilers (a little basic)

    I think Edge will lose, but put up a helluva fight and may even take a Foley bump of sorts for the finish. We haven't had a stunt bump in a HAIC in a while.
  16. Thanks for the Fish

    Smackdown spoilers (a little basic)

    I think Edge's persona can work as a "Stone Cold" type face character. Just as long as he doesn't start spouting catch phrases. The Rockstar tough guy who gets the girls... And in one promo Edge could be back being the biggest douchebag heel - the kid as at the top of his game right now.
  17. Thanks for the Fish

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    "Undertaker come out and Play-ay"
  18. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw (8/4/08)

    Raw pretty much sucked from top to bottom. It's like it was written by a totally different writer than has written the last month worth of shows. Batista and Cena as unwilling tag team champs is so damn played out. Cody and Teddy were much better holding the belts. It's not like Batista or Cena needed any extra storyline around their feud. The Punk patch was a mess, no chemistry there at all. Adamle went from so much potential either being the Keyser Soze genius or a bumbling fool , and they play it off as pretty straight. Katie and Paul are phased out so Gewirtz(sp) can have his comedy storyline with Beth and Santino. That's all I even remember from the show. Completely forgettable and a waste of time.
  19. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw (8/4/08)

    Does the UFC own the trade mark to "Ground and pound"? Otherwise why does the wwe insist on calling it "Pound and Ground"?
  20. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw (8/4/08)

    Welp there goes Burchill's push. I know losing clean to the champ isn't a bad thing, but it a screwy finish could have led to a SS title match at least. Burchill didn't even get his heat back, which makes me believe the IC feud is over.
  21. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw (8/4/08)

    Is that background of Burchill bullshit? I don't believe ever reading about that. Premier league rugby?
  22. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw (8/4/08)

    So the set-up is JBL and Jericho never want to tag the other in and will start breaking up each others pins. I expect HBK to take out Jericho and JBL to pin Punk to put heat on that match for SS.
  23. Thanks for the Fish

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Could the Edge beatdown essentially write-off Foley? Seems like the Dudley Boys contract is up with TNA within the month. I wonder if the wwe will look to bring them back, a feud with Miz/Morrison would make some sense. Miz/Morrison could use the live Dirt Sheet's to set-up the feud, saying they are so good that there is no team in ECW for them to face, that must make them the most dominant ecw team ever sorta deal. Due to the talent exchange they could also wrestle for SD! as well. Or they could go to Raw and feud with Dibiase/Rhodes and eventually Cryme Tyme.
  24. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Raw (8/4/08)

    I'm still not convinced Batista vs Cena one-on-one will happen at Summerslam. I still believe JBL and Kane will be added, probably along with Punk in some sort of gimmick match. When is Randy Orton due back? I think he's a perfect fit to put with Dibiase and Rhodes. If it's anytime now, he could come out and RKO one of Cena or Batista and help the champs retain, while putting himself right back in the ME scene. Even if he isn't ready yet, he could be the mouthpiece leader, and could get Adamle to prohibit and physical attacks on him since he has a doctors note.
  25. Thanks for the Fish

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    What about as a tag partner for Hardcore Holly or Hacksaw Jim Duggan to wrestle Rhodes and Dibiase? Also there is another Dibiase down in FCW, Mike I believe, maybe when he's ready you could have a Rhodes vs Dibaise feud - smell the money. Didn't the wwe want Goldust back for an upper midcard heel act and he agreed to comeback but before he signed he jumped to TNA?