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Thanks for the Fish

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Everything posted by Thanks for the Fish

  1. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    I think the bike got the pops. I like Palumbo more now with the Slash hat he wears to the ring. A biker without tatooes is like a fat personal trainer or skinny Italian chef.
  2. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    ECW has only lost two wrestlers and gained two and a half. They've lost Big Daddy V, which really is no loss, and Matt Striker, who was never used and added Mark Henry who for better or worse is considered an upper card guy, Super Crazy and Hornswoggle. If anything Raw is getting screwed so far, adding Matt Striker, Chuck Palumbo, Deuce and Jamie Noble while losing DH Smith, Trevor Murdoch, Brian Kendrick, Super Crazy and Maria. SD! is doing really well for itself, however I think this is all because ECW is moving to Raw with it's talent exchange possibility. SD needs to add to it's roster and Raw can lose quite a few if essentially adding Kofi, Benjamin, Miz, Morrison, Hardy and the rest.
  3. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    Smackdown gets Maria. I bet it's to keep her from Punk, while also sorta helping out the fledgling Womens Division on SD! Her act with Santino was pretty damn amusing while it lasted. Pronouns Maria!
  4. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    I was watching the draft tracker and as Matt S... started scrolling I was thinking Matt Sydal and was pissed. Striker isn't half bad in the ring actually and if I never hear "Social Studies teacher from wherever NY" it will be too soon. Why can't he have the Dean Douglas-type gimmick and grade wrestlers to start midcard feuds?
  5. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    I'm betting London will join Spanky on SD! before the supplemental draft is over. I do agree that they're tearing up tag teams today with Spank and Deuce and Murdoch, but Murdoch/Cade already split and Deuce/Domino brawled their last couple of appearances. It seemed like Spanky and London were heading for a break-up before it was suddenly dropped. I think Spanky could play a good dick heel. However if they create a few new ones - Canadian Bulldogs, Legacy Stable, and maybe a couple more it's not all bad. Tag Teams are made to be broken, either to get each partner experience or get them over and then it's time for a singles push.
  6. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    Ohh. I like splitting the two up. However if The Canadian Bulldogs were to be formed, I wouldn't mind London and Kendrick kept together longer to feud with them and maybe even Miz and Morrison. I guess Spanky won't bein the Cade/HBK angle though. But maybe that is to clear the way for Danielson. Yeah I know silly fanboy booking...
  7. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    The Black Pope needs to go to SD!
  8. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    Or Italian. Why can't he be a gay Italian Biker?
  9. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    I'll never get behind Palumbo because he's played out. They've tried so many characters with they guy you can't look past his gimmick-ness.
  10. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    Super Crazy is garbage. I guess it was the only remaining place for him to go, but I'd just rather see him released. Regarding Dibiase's mystery partner, Carlito makes certain sense still because he's been feuding with the Tag Champs and his being kept a mystery would be because he is currently in another tag team. Then in the rematch Cody could turn on Holly and then you have Carlito, Ted Jr and Cody Rhodes as your faction.
  11. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    Best pick of the supplemental draft so far has been DH Smith moving to SD! He's been teaming with TJ in FCW whenever he is down there so Dusty likes them together, and TJ has proven he's more than ready in-ring wise as well so I'm actually excited at the possibility. I might actually keep Natalya out of it for the time being though by moving her to Raw. Because including Natalya would be more Hart foundation than New Bulldogs. Is Nattie still engaged to TJ? BAH! I want the Canadian Bulldogs!!!1!1
  12. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    Of course, Hornswoggle to ECW. I'll live with it if it means Finlay can go back to being his bad ass self away from his "son". I don't know what Hornswoggle could possibly do away from Finlay though. I guess he could just live under the ring and make random run-ins and such without much rhyme or reason. Hell he could be a "weapon" in extreme rules matches, along with everything else they pull out from under the ring.
  13. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    Get released. He's garbage.
  14. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    I still think it's going to be Cody and Ted Jr. Deuce being the mystery partner would lay an egg with the crowd and get the stable off to a terrible start. they'll still need another high caliber second/third generation wrestler yet - maybe Carlito?
  15. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    I like this pick because I think it means this as well. It gets DH away from the Legacy stable, and Hayes is a tag team fan. Canadian Bulldogs vs Miz and Morrison would be pretty badass. Wilson can really work. I guess it's not a snake draft, but random.
  16. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    ECW needs a big time face possibility with their next pick. Crosses fingers for Paul London.
  17. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    Deuce will be 37 in September!!! I wonder if he'll pull the ol' wwe forced me into a silly gimmick angle to explain his greaser tendencies on SD!, also could say that it was the only way to get into the business and that it's a shame because he's a legacy. Domino will likely fade into oblivion though. He did a decent (for wrestling) impersonation of Andrew Dice Clay down in OVW.
  18. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    Jimmy Snuka's son. Makes more sense for the Legacy stable than developmental Afa...
  19. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    I like Henry in that he looks like a supreme badass. I just hoped the top of the ECW card would be filled with good workers given the size of their roster and the champ basically main eventing every show. However with Big Show, Kane and now Henry atop the roster, I think I see a pattern, meaning somebody wants a hoss in that role. However subtracting BDV already more than makes up for the Henry add.
  20. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    Just overall sucky attitude that hasn't improved. Self-entitled and the feeling is is that he got too much too soon in the business and he never had to struggle or work for any of it and what they have is the result. I really like the kids potential too, I've always pimped him as a future champion, but not when everybody to a man backstage supposedly hates your guts.
  21. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    Ooh it's a snake draft. Big Daddy V to SD! Predictable. He was supposed to move there late last fall to feud with UT actually. He's been sent home to lose weight, but is due back now. Now I hope they change his name again Nelson "Big Daddy" Fraizer would be badass.
  22. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    I agree, that would be a good ECW draft (save Burke who's already there) however Mark Henry is a brand buzzkiller. Dykstra is deep in the dog house right now, to the point where he could be released.
  23. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    Trevor Murdoch to SD! Surprise, surprise with that one. they needed to move him to allow Cade to get his push on Raw without the Murdoch issue always dogging him. So looking at the first round, ECW got the highest profile/biggest impact player in Mark Henry, Raw got the best worker by far, and SD! probably got the wrestler with the most potential in Murdoch. If only they drop the country singer gimmick with him - hopefully Hayes will know how to use Trevor. Too bad Dusty stillw wasn't booking there as well.
  24. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    Well it's not really an issue, other than Calrito blasting HHH in SA press for marrying into his spot. It's more Carly wanted an opportunity and a push up the card, and as long as HHH in on SD! there will always be a block towards upward mobility.
  25. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE Draft 2008

    Good point with ECW moving to being taped Mondays. Maybe they don't want him working for the same brand he is a road agent for. Assuming Carlito is moved, which could be tricky since HHH is now on SD!, Santino and Noble could be an oddball tag team. Another possibility would be Noble teaming with Holly when Rhodes eventually joins the Legacy stable. Working with Noble on a regular basis on house shows would really help out the youngsters in the second generation stable.