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Thanks for the Fish

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Everything posted by Thanks for the Fish

  1. Thanks for the Fish

    ECW 11/27/07

    Punk wrestled on the SD! taping.
  2. Thanks for the Fish

    ECW 11/27/07

    Yeah, Festus and Freakin' Deacon are one in the same. BAH - There is an echo in here or sumthin'
  3. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    At one time or another Umaga was supposed to be traded to SD! for Mark Henry. Though I don't know if it was dropped or not... HHH is the push killer. He's booked like Hogan back in the day - build up a monster contender, have them go over the entire roster and then feed him to Hogan and then job him out back down the card while building up your next challenger.
  4. Thanks for the Fish

    ECW 11/27/07

    Not to be the bearer of bad news but the house show booking sheets have Punk wrestling Mark Henry for upcoming shows... I don't want Benjamin to go after Punk right now, I want him to team with Burke and go after Miz and Morrison. They'd make much better tag champs than Miz and Morrison, especially since we just had Hardy and MVP as enemy tag partners. If Benjamin goes right after Punk what in the hell did that do for Burke? Is he going to play Matt Striker to Benjamin's BDV? He's so much better than that. Team up Burke and Benjamin and give them the Total Elimination finisher and unleash them on the SD!/ECW tag team division. TNA was going to team up Killings with Skipper at one time and call them The Black Elite Team(BET get it), poach that for a team name. Hell bring in Mark Henry and Teddy Long and have yourself a "New Nation" even if it would lack creativity.
  5. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    BAH! Punk vs HBK is a dream match of mine, politics be damned. However I could get behind Punk/Finlay or Punk/Umaga just the same, though wouldn't be a big Mysterio vs Punk supporter but I'm not a big Mysterio fan to start with. Trading Batista for Jericho would open up a lot of possibilities as well. It's not like he needs to be kept on Raw to pop the ratings, I mean his big return garnered a 0.1 boost.
  6. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    I thought the Flair retirement angle had him saying that the next match he loses will be his last and then going on a tri-brand winning streak leading up to a title match at WM. One of the in the know paysites has said that HHH wanted to heel and face Cena, however with Cena out there isn't a strong enough babyface to play off against - could HHH get the title and then face Flair at WM24 - with the whole Rocky Balboa storyline of Flair getting one last shot and evil prick HHH would love nothing more than to retire the legend once and for all?? And since we're fantasy booking here - what about CM Punk vs HBK?? It could be as simple as HHH vs Flair and UT vs Edge has left HBK out of a title match, so he shows up on ECW and superkicks Punk in order to get his title match. HHH© vs Flair - Title vs Retirement Edge© vs Undertaker CM Punk© vs HBK Matt Hardy vs MVP© - Ladder Match (No MITB this year) I could see Jericho head over to SD! sooner than later. I mean on SD! he could feud with Undertaker, MVP, Edge, Finlay, Mysterio, Hardy and slum over on ECW to wrestle CM Punk, Shelton Benjamin, Elijah Burke and John Morrison. Hell trade him for Batiata tonight for all I care. Batista is one of HHH's chosen ones, so he wouldn't mind the move (unless he was losing a mole in the SD/ECW lockerroom) and Jericho would be out from the HHH oppression.
  7. Thanks for the Fish

    Raw 11.26.07

    Well, I wanted this wrestler to interact with Jericho last week and it didn't happen, but how about Santino Marella crashing Flair's retirement speech? I mean he's already getting abused by retirees and announcers... Carlito would be another possibility, however that would be too much of a rub spot for the on-his-way-out wrestler. Only other reasonable options I could see would be Ken Kennedy, however his issue is with HBK right now or Cody Rhodes if he wasn't in the NAMBLA angle with Hardcore Holly. I guess Charlie Haas could be a long shot if they actually want to use him now that they've moved Shelton to ECW.
  8. Thanks for the Fish

    Smackdown Spoilers for Nov 23rd...

    Vickie Guerrero was behind Edge's actions at the PPV. Edge and Vickie are hooking up - like the rumored and supposedly discarded stroyline - and at one point Edge and Vickie start swapping spit during the segment. Edge vs Batista booked for next week. Taker gets involved and ends up Tombstoning Vickie, who does a stretcher job. In other news MVP beat Mysterio Morrison and Miz beat the Major Bros. Jamie Noble beat Palumbo ?!? Finlay and Hornswoggle beat Mark Henry. Khali makes an appearance. Torrie beat Victoria I'm sure somebody has better spoilers, these are just the ones floating around right now.
  9. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    Wasn't that an xwrestling/wrestling uncensored bit back in the day that Rock went off about during a radio interview with the sites owner present? Elimination Chamber matches do nothing for me. I couldn't care less about the raised stakes either. $10 bucks says the winner will be a foregone conclusion - if anything it's just a cop out by the writers in that they don't need a storyline to build around the title feud anymore as the oppoent won their way there.
  10. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    He'll probably get "lotteried" over to Raw next summer when HHH and Cena are out of viable contenders. I wouldn't mind seeing Undertaker vs MVP feud sooner than later, but Taker is likelytied up in the title scene until after WM (at least) and I don't think Porter will reach that level until next summer. If MVP could stick on SD! after the lottery, I could see him a legit title contender by this time next year, if not already be in his first world title reign(or is it wwe championship on SD?). I still like the idea of Porter going after Punk right now (because he liked having two titles) more than feuding with Rey Mysterio in the interim, however then they'd have nothing for Mysterio.
  11. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    Probably done to somehow protect some of their money from the eventual civil lawsuit.
  12. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    OVW has done better than I gave it credit for. It's likely wwe's fault for calling up the kids too soon or burying them once they get the call-up. OVW is really hurting right now, but even then I'm sure there is politics involved as wwe road agent Steve Keirn runs the Florida developmental and got a lot of the finished talent down there when he was putting a roster together. Maybe OVW is a mess, I dunno. I think the developmentals should be more of a finishing school than building the kids from the ground up. I mean how homoginized is the ring work going to be if they're all being taught the same things the same way by the same teachers?
  13. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    What did the wwe do for talent before OVW?
  14. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    OVW is going on the shitter, half the guys they use is from Derby City these days. Look no further than where wwe sends all of the legacy developmentals - FCW. WWe should get out of the developmental school business. Let kids cut their teeth touring the indies and the world. Harry Smith had the right idea, however he got impatient when he would have been better served with 2 or 3 more years of international seasoning.
  15. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    I swear the wwe is only pushing Snitsky because they want his grossness to be shown in High Definition and think that would get him over huge. That must be a wonderful gimmick to have the other 23h50 minutes of the day.
  16. Thanks for the Fish

    ECW 11.20.07

    Heyman was the creative mind behind the bite club vampirism stuff, the current ecw bookers didn't know how to book the character. I like to think of it as Kevin Thorn went vampire in order to get laid. Ariel was one hot piece of ass afterall...
  17. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    I hated the idea of Hornswoggle when it was just a rumor, however I think it's played out alright in small doses. However making him the payoff to the Bastard McMahon angle was beyond ridiculous. I thought it was a short term rib of sorts to bridge the gap until Kennedy returned from suspension, but sadly that wasn't the case. Hornswoggle living under the ring, poking his head up during Finlay matches and helping out when Finlay looks like he needs help is fine however.
  18. Thanks for the Fish

    ECW 11.20.07

    Thorn looks like a generic bigman who isn't really big when you expose him to the truely big wrestlers on SD!
  19. Thanks for the Fish

    Smackdown Spoilers for Nov 23rd...

    Maybe I've been calloused by the wwe's storyline profiteering of Eddie Guerrero's death, but I really don't have issue with the Edge/Vickie romantic storyline. I believe it's going to turn out that Edge has played her in order to advance his agenda and Vickie will be babyfaced at the end of the angle. Anything is better than the bland face character who got smypathy cheers(if any at all). The only problem I do have is that heeling Vickie will open her up to rude as hell chants and comments from the live audience. Would I much rather have seen the wwe give Vickie an off-camera office-type job if they wanted to help the family out - that's for damn sure. However Wwe can probably pay on-camera talent more money and life goes on.
  20. Thanks for the Fish

    Smackdown Spoilers for Nov 23rd...

    Nasty boys were rumored to be getting a tryout actually. However was ECW taped first or did it air live? If it was taped before SD! then the spoilers should have been out yet. Blame Popup inspyder (get it...get it)
  21. Thanks for the Fish

    ECW 11.20.07

    I assume Shelton jumped to ECW full time since he is a RAw wrestler otherwise? What happens to Charlie Haas? Release? Burke and Benjamin should "borrow" Total Elimination from The Eliminators as their finisher. That is the most badass finisher ever.
  22. Thanks for the Fish

    ECW 11.20.07

    I think they should book Dkystra/Victoria like HBK/Sherri of the past.
  23. Thanks for the Fish

    ECW 11.20.07

    Dykstra will hold the World Title sometime in his career. I mean he's what 22-23 years old?
  24. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    A couple of things - Trish played a slutty role at times in her tenure lest Kristal forget. Also didn't Kristal appear in rap vids before her wwe career? Finally wasn't Bobby Lashley said to be working for her re-hiring? Are we to assume that was shot down as well? Because her speaking out now isn't going to help his cause any. Lita got her send-off because the wwe was worried she'd jump to TNA and buried her out as a result. Look at what's happening to Carlito right now - jobbing to Snitsky and a midget. Trish was leaving the business with the complete understanding that should she ever want back in, that wwe would be her only call. If Lita stuck around longer she might have been recast into a face role, and if she was leaving the wwe on great terms with no thought of TNA she wouldn't have been buried on her way out.
  25. Thanks for the Fish

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    You'd think being married into the McMahon family that HHH wouldn't need to play politics anymore. Even with Jerichos promo short falls - the inability to be serious/intense for long - he's heads and shoulders above anything Jeff Hardy has ever offered on the mic. I think HHH doesn't like Jericho because he left the business by choice and named his price to be brought back. IIRC HHH doesn't much like the Rock either. Koslov is still down in OVW under developmental contract. From what I hear he's actually showing some improvement but is a slow as hell learner. Shame McMahon is a big MMA mark and they want to bring him in as a Fedor rip-off. The Bois Alexiev character (Santino Marella's ovw character) was basically the same gimmick, however Vlad Koslov is actually Russian with MMA training.