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Thanks for the Fish

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Everything posted by Thanks for the Fish

  1. Thanks for the Fish

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Actually Bradock had one appearance in DSW about six months ago, right around the time the pic of him clean shaven and in nothing but wrestling trunks made the rounds and hasn't been seen since.
  2. Thanks for the Fish

    The OAO ECW Thread for 1/16/07

  3. Thanks for the Fish

    WON News + Notes, Jan 15 Issue

    To be fair, I believe he said both Punk and Trevor Murdoch were going to be stars...
  4. Thanks for the Fish

    A serious question about TNA

    1. Bring in Heyman and give him complete control, other than Dixie. 2. Get out of Orlando 3. Get rid of the six-sided ring 4. Fire Don West and Mike Tenay So you believe Chris Lytle vs Anderson Silva is the money match for the next PPV and not Rampage vs Eastman and CroCop's debut in the octagon? Some cards are sold by the main event, while others need a strong undercard(i.e. heavyweight and lightweight title fights). I really don't think you can compare MMA to pro-wrestling and draw any correlations.
  5. Thanks for the Fish

    WON News + Notes , January 15th Issue

    The problem with TNA is that they're paying Angle, Sting and Christian so much money and penny pinching the rest of the talent. With Spike likley paying Sting and Angle's contracts they probably feel that they have say in the direction of the booking and want to see instant ratings increases so the shows have to be hotshotted. How else can you explain Angle's first feud being with Samoa Joe??
  6. Thanks for the Fish

    WON News + Notes, Jan 15 Issue

    Teddy Hart will not work in the wwe because he doesn't look like a Hart (looks like his father, not his Hart-bloodline mother) and he is a crusierweight. Wait 5-6 years when you have a 27 yr old Harry, a 26 yr old Nattie and would have a couple Bret Hart sons being 24ish and 21ish.
  7. Thanks for the Fish

    WON News + Notes , January 15th Issue

    Heyman will be TNA's last hope. Oh how I wish it will happen. Stephanie and the Wwe vs Heyman and TNA could be epic. Of course Wwe isn't letting Heyman go, however I'm betting that he could get out of his contract if he wanted to based on the fact that he isn't being used. He's probably sitting at home writing TNA scripts while on wwe's payroll, while documanting a case to get out of his contract when Russo burns out again or TNA finally realizes that Russo is wrong for their company. I mean ECW is down 0.5 since Heyman was fired, and I don't think that is a coincidence. Heyman popping up on TNA would probably bring that 0.5 with him which would be a bigger pop to the TNA ratings than Sting, Christian and Angle brought together.
  8. Thanks for the Fish

    WON News + Notes, Jan 15 Issue

    Arn is getting his marching orders from elsewhere - he knows who butters his bread. Stephanie HATES Punk and HATES Heyman, and since Punk was Heyman's golden boy, he's in for a rough ride.
  9. Thanks for the Fish

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I hope I never see Jericho in a wwe ring again. He'll never get a fair shake there, especially with HHH and Stephanie running the company in the future. He can't seen to get his footing outside the business though. Fozzy is a gimmick and he's terribly affected in his role as lead singer, he can't seen to get any movie rolls, lost his radio show and picked the wrong reality show and looked terrible in his only episode. He should have waited for Dancing with the Stars. If he decides that he needs to go back to wrestling, I only hope TNA is thriving and he heads there. I'm basically done with wrestling as I haven't watched a full show in months and basically only follow the happenings on websites. To fill the void it's MMA for me. Dana White is a smarmy prick, but at least he gives fans what they want.
  10. Thanks for the Fish

    WON News + Notes, Jan 15 Issue

    The new Hart Foundation is a great idea until you realize who will be booking it. I mean Holly is the 10 yr vet and the star, how do you expect Teddy Hart, Harry Smith and Nattie Neidhart to get any wins? They'll be jobbers to DX upon debut and will only be used for the anniversary of the MTL screwjob in MTL this fall. I'd love to see them no-show the event or do something crazy during the show and quit. They'll never get a fair shake with HHH, HBK and Steph having so much power and VKM being a delusional twat. If I ever win the powerball Lottery, I'm becoming a silent partner for ROH, bankrolling the roster so we don't have to see CM Punk job to Thurman Sparky Plugg because out-of-touch bookers think he's the star. Who wants to bet Punk gets the Tazz treatment in the Rumble.
  11. Thanks for the Fish

    HHH tore his quad tonight

    If HBK wasn't booked to be so dominant lately they could have went with a Rocky Balboa inspired storyline where he wants one last shot at the title. As it stands, I think they should do that storyline with Flair and Cena as Flair is the true old timer and Cena is Mason Dixon, the fighter looking to be taken to the next level. Of course I don't know if Flair could do it, however I'd love to see HBK try to make Cena look like a million bucks. Also worth noting is that we'd see a helluva lot less Superman Cena with HBK involved. When was the last HBK singles match win? Maybe you could tell the story that HBK was tag teaming because he can't go as a singles anymore. With HHH on the shelf, have HBK announce his retirement on Raw, however have his farewell match at the Royal Rumble. Of course he would win it, and would begin to question if he had one more title fight in him sorta deal... Where does Umaga go? Maybe over to SD! to feud with Batista at WM. I want Benoit vs Undertaker at Mania anyways. HBK vs Cena for Title Umaga vs Batista for Title Benoit vs Undertaker Who wants to bet Dan Rodimer is brought in as HBK's bodyguard now - Stephanie compared him to Deisel afterall...
  12. Thanks for the Fish

    HHH tore his quad tonight

    I believe HBK has health issues that he needs to look after. Best case senario would have Edge and Orton take out HBK and then have Edge/Orton vs Cena be the program heading to WM23, possibly with a Triple Threat for the title with Edge and Orton turning on each other, with the question being the legitimacy of their split leading up to the show.
  13. Thanks for the Fish

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Rosie vs Trump reeks of a Cryme Tyme segment. Of course this will lead to Trump really appearing, probably the week later and leading to the Mcmahon vs Trump program that was rumored.
  14. Thanks for the Fish

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I'd much rather see the CW title retired and leave Kendrick and London in the tag scene for another six months. Being in the CW division is an albatross for it's workers. Helms could easily work with the rest of the heavyweights, Chavo and Mysterio already made that "jump", why can't Noble, Yang, London and Kendrick? Who wouldn't kill to see a Benoit vs Noble feud? Or a Finlay vs London program? The SD! tag division is down to two teams right now with Idol and KC James put on the shelf while Michelle McCool recovers, though even with the lack of tag teams, I think they should be kept apart. Joey Mercury is scheduled to join Scotty 2 Hotty and Funaki on the job squad when he comes back from having his face mangled, I say pair him with Idol Stevens and make another tag team. Give Jamie Noble something to do by partnering him up with KC James and presto one mismatched tag team becomes two pretty solid tag teams if I do say so myself. You cold also go for a comedy team of sorts by having KC James team with Jimmy Yang in a "Good Ol' Boys" southern/cowboy gimmick. Before Amy was fired, she sould have been written as James sister, might as well bring back Michelle McCool as the southern belle and sister to KC James, as the role is 100x better than the "hot for teacher" gimmick. Bring back Jake and Jesse Gymini and maybe add one more, say OVW's Untouchables or DSW's High Impact and you have yourself a decent enough division. London and Kendrick Regal and Taylor James and Noble or James and Yang Merc and Idol Gymini Untouchables/High Impact
  15. Thanks for the Fish

    OAO ECW Thread for 1/2/07

    The mistake that doomed ECW was Big Show as champion wrestling in every damn main event. He's just not that compelling in the ring, and shoudl have been used as a special attraction as opposed to the overexposed and limited weekly main event worker. If you had him defend his title once a month, you could have built up the contender to the point where the show could have been "mini-ppv" calibre. Also it would have freed up 20 minutes each of the other three weeks where Big Show was absent to better establish the under and midcard, maybe even opening the way for a midcard title or tag titles.
  16. Thanks for the Fish

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I believe that was on his other arm though...
  17. Thanks for the Fish

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    That has to be covering up something else, but I don't remember him having anything there before... That's not even a nautical star - which everybody and their uncle seem to have. The Nautical Star has become the new barbed wire arm band... Also not to completely digress, however Edge was much better when Lita was on his arm. He needs another slutty diva to play off of...
  18. Thanks for the Fish

    WON News + Notes, January 8th Issue

    I think Bret Hart is terribly overrated for his ring work.
  19. Thanks for the Fish

    WON News + Notes, January 8th Issue

    Didn't Trump and Carolyn Keptcher get caught busting on Federline when they were off camera but still mic'd and Brittney and Federline were being interviewed or something??
  20. Thanks for the Fish

    WON News + Notes, January 8th Issue

    Yeah, I don't think Murdoch was getting the call-up, he was just wrestling for the agents probably to see where he was at. It's strange that he was being moved since he is so green, I'm betting the wwe likes his size and he was thinking about quitting. Bill Demott is said to run a really physically demanding training schedule and G-Rilla didn't seem to want to go to UPW and was only enticed to train with a developmental deal - his hearts probably not completely in it. They probably gave him a house show match to show him the light at the end of the tunnel and moved him to OVW where Bill Demott and his crazy workouts are not. From what I understand he wasn't even wrestling in Deep South, but was the outside muscle for Siaki and Perez(Urban Assault aka the LAX rip-off). Oleg Prudius(Vladimir Kozlov), Jake Hager and Dan Rodimer along with George "G-Rilla" Murdoch were all scheduled to move to OVW from Deep South. Supposedly with a few OVW wrestlers scheduled to head to DSW, with the idea of exposing some of the talent to the "territory feel", as well as living on the road.
  21. Thanks for the Fish

    WON News + Notes, January 8th Issue

    It would be funny if he was looking for his Wrestling "Apprentice" to fight Vince. It would even be better if he was using developmentals. Maybe this is how they could introduce Rodimer?
  22. Thanks for the Fish

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Deep South Wrestlings new website is up and running at dswrestling.com. While not as slick as the new OVW site and seemingly takes for ever to load(maybe my computer) it's still a lot better than previous attempts. I basically use these websites for their superstar sections, though I follow along with live reports and such. Afa Jr., yes of the legendary family, is a relatively new arrival, though has recently joined up with Urban Assault when G-Rilla was jumped out(heading to OVW). Afa is said to be green as hell. Actually DSW is more of the starter training school, with OVW being for the more advanced developmentals. It is said ECW is going to transform to be a further step in the developmental ladder. Basically Deep South is A-Ball, OVW will be AA and ECW will be AAA, or Rookie Ball(DSW), Single A(OVW), Double A(ECW) and Triple A(Smackdown) to the Major Leagues of Raw for those Baseball fans here. So Deep South is chock full of green wrestlers, though they do have some that jump right from Deep South to wwe programming (Montel Vontavious Porter for one, ECW's Mike Knox for another). the other two members of Urban Assault are Sonny Siaki(the one in the same) and Eric Perez. Perez was scheduled be part of ECW though never debuted though worked on their house show circuit befotre it was canceled. The Freakin' Deacon played Fake Kane in that go nowhere storyline. WWE wasn't impressed with Deacon at all, in what was supposed to be a big angle and his break into the wwe. Derrick Neikirk is a long time indie worker, I believe worked in Cali and PHX. He's was one of Heymans' Security (replaced Danny Basham when he was injured) and it is said that he might debut in ECW teaming with Mike Knox(Knox and Neikirk teamed in UPW and in DSW so they have certain chemistry). Robert Anthony is the newly signed develomental Egotistico Fantastico (sans mask). Ray Gordy is the son of the late Terry Gordy. Up until recently he was teaming with Damina Steele(not the Cali wrestler) in a gimmick where Gordy was the "Urban/black/hiphop" component and the african american Steele played the "whitey/polo shirt/country club" role reversal gimmick. I think this is the angle Haas and Benjamin might be playing out as Haas recently got corn rows put in and has been "talkin' jive" and giving hand signals and such while entering the arena. Back to Gordy, he's not teaming with Henry Godwinn(yep) in a pig farmer tag team. Roughhouse O'Reilly was the developmental who failed a Wellness Test while touring with the ECW House Show Circuit. Tony Santorelli teams with Micah Taylor as "High Impact", with Santarelli being an adrenelin junkie and Micah being a Hawaiian Surfer Dude. David Heath is Gangrel. Gangrel was hired to be part of the Vampire faction in ECW, but showed out terribly out of shape and that idea was dropped. Suede is very intereting. Until a few months ago he wrestled as Tommy Suede, without the mask, and while he's pretty good in the ring, was very vanilla/bland. However he seems like a completely different wrestler since he put the mask on. Jake Hager is a University of Oklahoma wrestler who's trying his hand in the sports entertainment world. He's supposed to be rapidly improving. I thought he would have been a good tag partner for Haas if they wanted to keep Benjamin a singles worker. Bradley Jay is the current champion, from what I can understand is that he has all the basics down, but lacks any flash in the ring. Daniel Rodimer is no where to be found on the website - I wonder if that was done at the behest of WWE creative?? Again, I don't actually watch the territory so some where will probably have a lot more to add. I'm just regurgitating what I've read about the wrestlers while trying to follow along though the internet.
  23. Thanks for the Fish

    WON News + Notes, January 8th Issue

    I wonder if Trump will bring Miiss America with him to battle a Diva as well... While it's not really a terrible idea, wrestling has certainly seen worse, I don't know why Trump wants any part of it. Then again his grade school tirade of insults against Rosie shows he's low class, even if he does have money. McMahon and Trump are probably kindred spirits. This would be better leading up to WM, however Trump has The Apprentice to push now. It will be interesting to see who Mcmahon and Trump will pick - Trump could pick DX, and McMahon Edge and Orton however we don't need another McMahon vs DX feud. Cena is an obvious candidate to get the rub here, but what heel would VKM back- Umaga? This could easily be a cross-brand deal. What about Trump picking Ric Flair? Or even Shane McMahon?? What is Hogan doing these days? Could we see Flair w Trump vs Hogan w Vince? Hogan vs Shane?? The rumored WM match is supposed to be Hogan and VKM vs Bischoff and Big Show with the big drama being will Hogan turn on Vince. This storyline could start with the McMahon/Trump angle with Vince and Hogan being victorious leading Big Show and Bischoff to jump into the angle when Trump/Flair(or Shane) leave vanquished. Yeah, whatever. I wouldn't be surprised if Federline looked to become a full time wrestler. His rap career is going nowhere, and his meal ticket is getting divorced from him. Of course one JBL ass soaping and he'll be long gone.
  24. Thanks for the Fish

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Lashley vs Khali at WM23? It looks like WWE has found their Andre vs Hogan homage they've been looking for...
  25. Thanks for the Fish

    SmackDown Spoilers

    Kennedy beat Chris Benoit is five minutes? Hopefully there was some outside interference not reported...