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Everything posted by JPopStarKami

  1. JPopStarKami

    WWE Raw (7/14/2008)

    Oh c'mon, is it any worse than when Austin dropped HHH from a forklift? EDIT: What I don't get...did he hit him? Did he move at the last second? (in kayfabe anyway)
  2. JPopStarKami

    WWE Raw (7/14/2008)

    Having Batista stand tall makes me think Punk is going over this Sunday. Standard rule.
  3. JPopStarKami

    WWE Raw (7/14/2008)

    Yes. It was Kane's idea supposedly.
  4. JPopStarKami

    WWE Raw (7/14/2008)

    If Kane is carrying a mask around, it'd probably be a new one...Glen Jacobs once said it was hard to work in the mask, so they'd have to have had designed one that made it easier for him to breathe and such.
  5. JPopStarKami

    WWE Raw (7/14/2008)

    Anybody know where I can get a stream for my friend? He doesn't have USA...
  6. JPopStarKami

    ECW on Sci-Fi (7/8/2008)

    Benjamin was drafted, though he can still wrestle on here due to talent exchange I think.
  7. JPopStarKami

    Random Thoughts

    Hey I got tickets to another house show this August the 8th. How can I tell what they're promoting on the card? I want to know the tentative lineup (though it's of course subject to change). I hope Punk is still champion then. <.<
  8. JPopStarKami

    WWE Raw (7/7/2008)

    It would be a waste if they put Batista over Punk at the PPV. It makes Punk look bad for losing his first real title defense against the guy who helped him earn it in the first place.
  9. JPopStarKami

    WWE Raw (7/7/2008)

    What have they had to cheer? This is the 4th match, and a ton of promos. Punk got a huge pop at the beginning of the night. And they're also giving Kofi a chant now...
  10. JPopStarKami

    WWE Raw (6/30/2008)

    Punk won cleanly?
  11. JPopStarKami

    WWE Raw (6/30/2008)

    I chickened out and turned it off. How's the match?
  12. JPopStarKami

    WWE Raw (6/30/2008)

    Man, I don't think I can watch the main event tonight. I'm scared to watch.
  13. JPopStarKami

    WWE Raw (6/30/2008)

    They better not job it off him at the Bash, I have tickets to a RAW house show at the beginning of August and I wanna see him in person with that belt.
  14. JPopStarKami

    WWE Draft 2008

    ECW has been BERRIED.
  15. JPopStarKami

    WWE Draft 2008

    Well this accomplishes nothing but turning both members into jobbers.
  16. JPopStarKami

    WWE Draft 2008

    I like how reader comments are showing up in the blog but it says on my end 'The host has disabled reader comments at this time.'.
  17. JPopStarKami

    OAO Raw Thread 6/23/08

    I liked those too. John Cena vs. Edge in the main event. Ugh. Hey, they had a nice feud, and it's been a while since they faced each other. Why ugh?
  18. JPopStarKami

    WWE Draft 2008

    Of course, technically, they don't need to move Punk to Smackdown to have him challenge Edge, he can challenge for any title at any time regardless of what brand. It's how Edge switched the Smackdown...as a Raw superstar, he used his second MITB to win the belt and switch shows automatically. Still though, he probably should swap already, ECW is hurting him more than helping now.
  19. JPopStarKami

    Random Thoughts

    Well, Jeff is supposedly an artist.
  20. JPopStarKami

    News You Can (barely) Use

    Wow. That's bad.
  21. JPopStarKami

    Smackdown and ECW Spoilers for June 10TH AND 13TH 2008

    Estrada seriously jobbed 3 times in one night? That's gotta be a new record...
  22. JPopStarKami

    Smackdown and ECW Spoilers for June 10TH AND 13TH 2008

    What's the point of having Punk team with Kane to job out to the tag team champions? We already had this match at Judgment Day. I understand they have to elevate the champions and keep them strong, but Punk and Kane are MITB winner and ECW champion respectively., and you risk hurting them too. Punk especially needs to be kept strong as he hasn't won much lately and has a title shot. I know this has been said before, but it's true. I don't know what WWE bookers are thinking.
  23. JPopStarKami

    ECW on Sci-Fi (6/3/2008)

    Hey, Punk won the first match, a surprise alone to me. Kane himself also surprised me in this match...he wrestled a pretty damn good main event with Punk.
  24. JPopStarKami

    ECW on Sci-Fi (6/3/2008)

    Anyone catch the Vince: Raw is Boring sign?