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Everything posted by JPopStarKami

  1. JPopStarKami

    Potential Big Problems for WWE Worker

    What about... John Cena?
  2. JPopStarKami

    The Dirt Sheet

    This is nice and all, but does a wide audience of people see it? It adds to their characters, but if the majority of the viewing audience doesn't look at the website, it's effect on their overness is unfortunately low.
  3. JPopStarKami

    Should Austin come back for one last match at Mania 25?

    I'd go for that if Punk can establish himself as a major player. He's not _quite_ yet there yet...also, he'd have to be heel for the feud, and I don't think WWE is going to turn him if they're pushing him for the kids.
  4. JPopStarKami

    ECW (4/1/2008)

    I think they're just teasing it, since Punk _is_ on the brand.
  5. JPopStarKami

    ECW (4/1/2008)

    Okay, that was a cool transition right there.
  6. JPopStarKami

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    That's good compared to what they usually get, actually.
  7. JPopStarKami

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    If they want to do a Punk vs. Jericho feud from this, they need to make Jericho a full-blown heel for the feud at least, or else they risk making Punk look bad, especially if they do a promo war. I mean, I don't doubt Punk's abilities on the mic, but it's 50/50 right now split as far as their fans, and since they're apparently going to be building him up with the briefcase, they have to make sure he goes up in popularity instead of down.
  8. JPopStarKami

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    Could always be the start of a feud, if they play it right...
  9. JPopStarKami

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    When did they get resigned? o.o
  10. JPopStarKami

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Anyone got a stream? Mine just went down.
  11. JPopStarKami

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

  12. JPopStarKami

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Shocked Austin/Hart isn't on there. Not shocked they didn't put WMXX's main event on there, but am shocked they left _any_ match with 'He Who Must Not Be Named' on the list.
  13. JPopStarKami

    Wrestlemania Predictions

    Pre-show: 24-man Interpromotional Battle Royal/ECW Championship No idea honestly, wouldn't mind Kofi winning it...unless he's not in it? I forget...I know Kane is in it, so if not Kofi, then him. Belfast Brawl: Finlay vs. John "Bradshaw" Layfield JBL. Playboy BunnyMania Lumberjack match: Maria and Ashley vs. Beth Phoenix and Melina I couldn't care less. Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels HBK wins here with an emotional ending. Umaga vs. Batista Umaga. Floyd Mayweather, Jr. vs. The Big Show Floyd KOs Show. Money in the Bank ladder match: Mr. Kennedy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Chris Jericho vs. Carlito vs. Montel Vontavious Porter vs. CM Punk vs. John Morrison Punk, MVP, or Kennedy. World Heavyweight Championship: Edge © vs. The Undertaker Taker. Triple Threat match for the WWE Championship: Randy Orton © vs. Triple H vs. John Cena HHH or Cena, though I can see Orton pulling a surprise victory.
  14. JPopStarKami

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Retarded mode?
  15. JPopStarKami

    OAO WWE is ECW Thread - 3/25/08

    Only thing I didn't like about that match is...why team up all the heels? Cuz they're assholes? They should hate each other too. They should team up the heels and faces and make them work together.
  16. JPopStarKami

    OAO 3/24 Raw Thread

    Wow, this is overbooked... Why isn't the ref calling for a DQ? Edit: N/m, it's no DQ.
  17. JPopStarKami

    OAO 3/24 Raw Thread

    Well, there goes my hope of Punk winning MITB. I hope you didn't take him seriously. >.> It's honestly hard to read that ending, especially cuz Punk went over Carlito the last week. I think it sucked myself, they should have had Jericho hit the Codebreaker by mistake or something...then again, that's kinda hard to do. I suppose they were trying to sell it that Jericho and Punk certainly wouldn't get along in MITB or something, but it didn't quite work...
  18. JPopStarKami

    OAO 3/24 Raw Thread

    Give Umaga more promo time, now.
  19. JPopStarKami

    OAO Raw Thread 3/17/08

    I'd put Kennedy, Jericho, and MVP ahead of Punk in odds of winning MITB. I only agree with you on Jericho. Kennedy won it last year, and MVP's probably going to feud with Matt post Mania. I think so, at least.
  20. JPopStarKami

    OAO Raw Thread 3/17/08

    Wow that was a nice match. There were at least two other spots I would have bought as the finisher.
  21. JPopStarKami

    OAO Raw Thread 3/17/08

    I really hope Punk doesn't job to Carlito here.
  22. JPopStarKami

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    Are you referring to ALL of Punk's promos, or just the ones he's done in WWE/ECW? Because he's done some really great ones outside of WWE/ECW, just saying, I've seen 'em. He can get pretty intense, I guess the scripted promos he's told to do are holding him back a bit.
  23. JPopStarKami

    ECW 3/11/2008

    Also I agree about the Anaconda Vice. If they ever want to push him seriously they're gonna have to give him a submission finisher so he can beat big guys and have a more variable way of ending the match.
  24. JPopStarKami

    ECW 3/11/2008

    Hey, I'll take it. They won't have an ECW guy beat BDV clean so this is the next best thing without a DQ finish. Punk is still standing tall.