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Everything posted by JHawk

  1. JHawk

    Worst Final Fantasy Villain?

    Agreed, and just one more reason why I LOATHE FFIX. I also concur. Hell, all that was missing was for Vince McMahon to unmask and go "It was ME Zidane! It was me all along!" And I actually liked XI up until halfway through the last disc too.
  2. JHawk

    The College Football Championship Week Thread

    No. I said this when the highly overrated Nebraska team went a couple of years ago, and it applies here: If you don't win your conference, you shouldn't play for the National Championship. Plain and simple. The system is flawed enough when you consider that any team outside of the six BCS conferences is basically out of contention before the season ever starts, even if they finish undefeated and win every game 175-0. The system is even more flawed when you consider that most years, one loss is enough to cost you your chance to play for the National Championship (which is the case for one of the top three). Any system that allows the number two team in a conference to be in the championship game against any team other than the first place team in the same conference is total bullshit and needs changed immediately. I like the general idea behind the BCS, but it should be used to seed a 16-team playoff. Still flawed? Yes. But at least then there'd be an outside chance in a team like Miami (OH) or TCU to actually have a real reason to play the entire season.
  3. JHawk

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    Tazz as a guest ring announcer on SmackDown: "Weighing in at over 6000 pounds from the waist down...RIKISHI! RIKISHI! RIKISHI!"
  4. JHawk

    Have any bold sports predictions....

    I don't think K-State beating Oklahoma is all that bold a prediction. Can somebody tell me who Oklahoma's beaten this year besides Texas?
  5. JHawk

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    technically they were both WCW It's supposed to be TV show or one of the people talking and/or mentioned though. Still waiting the next participant.
  6. JHawk

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    Remember, you need to link from the previous quote. From Raw: The Rock about Booker T and Shane McMahon: "The five time WCW Champion sucka, and the silver spoon motherf[bEEP]!"
  7. JHawk

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    Cactus in his last ECW appearance: "And i'd just like to thank the two people who made all this possible... ...STEVIE RICHARDS AND THE BLUE MEANIE!"
  8. JHawk

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    Clash of the Champions XVI Cactus Jack: "I'm going to give Abdullah (the Butcher) a great big Cactus Jack hug."
  9. JHawk

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    True. And Austin also lost to Bret Hart at WrestleMania 13 pretty much the same way. And look how that turned out.
  10. JHawk

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    Raw (6/4/2001), just prior to a Kane-Christian Intercontinental Title Match: Christian: "You know, I feel sorry for you Minnesotans...who have nothing to cheer for but freaks! I mean, when your greatest living sports hero is a fat, overrated weeble like Kirby Puckett...and your Intercontinental Champion has been burned more times than Kevin Garnett in the playoffs...well that can be pretty depressing."
  11. SmackDown from JHawk's Beak (11/27/2003) A day late due to the holiday and working a shitty retail job, but still the usual...um...stuff. If Dames could pin this so people actually realize I wrote it this week, I'd appreciate it. Feedback it.
  12. JHawk

    Kill Bill V.1

    DVDs usually come out about 6 months after the movie's theatrical release. At least this is better than the woman who came into Circuit City asking if we carried Brother Bear on DVD three days after it opened.
  13. JHawk

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    Shane does suck in TNA, but a lot of his ROH stuff is really good. This was the first TNA I ordered since the best of three with AJ and D'Lo (since it was the first Wednesday I didn't have to work until the show had already started since), and while the product certainly has gone downhill since its roll during the summer, I certainly didn't think it was that bad. But for the love of God, can we please get ONE World Title Match that doesn't end in some sort of interference or screwy finish? I mean, it's one thing for the heel to cheat to win, but when half the roster gets involved in the final five minutes of the match, it kind of takes the heat away from the two guys who are supposed be out there.
  14. JHawk

    Latest On HBK's WWE Schedule `

    Funny, I say something similar damn near every SmackDown about VKM about who to push. U mean how he is currently pushing IWC god Benoit right now? I said "damn near every SmackDown", not just "every SmackDown". It was a much bigger problem when I was doing Raw every week.
  15. JHawk

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    Raw (5/21/2001). Shane McMahon interrupts Kurt Angle and discusses what "WCW" stands for. "Kurt, before I was so rudely interrupted, I just wanna make sure that you understand, again, what WCW means. Now we're onto the letter C. C stands for championship, which obviously you do not have any currently at the moment. C has many other meanings, too. C can stand for crayon, coyote, and C also stands for cookie, which is good enough for me."
  16. JHawk

    Latest On HBK's WWE Schedule `

    Funny, I say something similar damn near every SmackDown about VKM about who to push.
  17. JHawk

    Latest On HBK's WWE Schedule `

    Depends on the transition move and the story behind the match. I've always liked things like small packages as moves to end a match due to the element of surprise the move holds (and the fact it takes some technique to get the pin off it and thus makes it seem like wrestling). I get annoyed when someone's been on the offense for five minutes and gets pinned by walking to a dropkick or something that hasn't gotten a pin since 1978. Playing up something like that would make things like Booker's elimination seem more plausible. But no mention is ever made of the Dudleys being used to a tag team environment when {insert partner or opponent here} isn't.
  18. JHawk

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    From Survivor Series 1999 Kurt Angle: "You do NOT boo an Olympic gold medalist!"
  19. JHawk

    Squeenix Greatest Hits re-releases.

    FFX and Kingdom Hearts are already available at my Circuit City.
  20. JHawk

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    The January 1996 Clash of the Champions. Brian Pillman goes behind the broadcast table and grabs Bobby Heenan's jacket, which is followed by: "What the fuck are you doing?"
  21. JHawk

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    WWF Monday Night Raw (9/23/1996) Jim Ross: "I'd like to just beg your indulgence for just a minute of so and tell you something that I got on my mind, somehting I've been waiting to say for a long, long time. When I'm done, many of you are going to question my loyalty to the World Wrestling Federation. So let's clear that up right now: I *have* no loyalty to the World Wrestling Federation! I've only got loyalty to Good Ol' JR! And let me tell you why. "In 1993, I left a very good job in Atlanta, Georgia. And I left the Atlanta Falcons of the NFL to go to the Recognized Leader in Sports-Entertainment, the WWF, and I came here to be the primary play-by-play man in the WWF. And I don't think anyone here can disagree that I'm the best play-by-play man in the whole damn wrestling business! So I show up for work the first day at WrestleMania IX in Las Vegas, Nevada, and they give me a sheet to wear! A toga! They said, "Oh, you'll look good in a toga, JR!" I left the National Football League for a toga! It's crap! "And then, ladies and gentlemen, I go to the first King of the Ring, in Dayton, Ohio, and you listen to the broadcast. If you listen to the broadcast, I carried the broadcast from ringside. And then, did you ever wonder where ol' JR went to? Why isn't JR doing play-by-play anymore? Because the egotistical owner of the World Wrestling Federation--- and you know who I'm talking about, Vince McMahon-- couldn't handle the competition! [Jerry Lawler: Why is he doing this? Kevin Kelly: This is... rather unfortunate...] "So JR disappeared! "Then on Super Bowl Sunday in 1994, I woke up with an affliction called Bell's Palsy. My entire left side of my face looks like I had a stroke. You think I like that -- you think I like that my left can't get all the way open because I got sick? Let me tell you how warm-hearted Mr. McMahon is. Mr. McMahon called me into my office on February 11, 1994, and he fired my ass. "So I get back in my car, and I'm driving to my home in that overpriced hellhole, Connecticut, and I'm figuring out how to tell my wife, and my two little girls, that their daddy just got fired. "And so, then, remember when McMahon got indicted, and they needed someone to come back and do Raw? They called ol' JR. And then they let me go again! So finally, they call me back. Hire me for fifty cents on the dollar to work in the WWF in the front office. Do you think that all these guys leaving the WWF was an accident? Hell no, it's not! You think all these guys coming in here was an accident? Absolutely not, I've been very busy." And with that, the fake Diesel and Razor Ramon were introduced.
  22. JHawk

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    From SmackDown: Edge: "Well, I suppose I could take the Triple H road to success--marry the boss' daughter and sleep my way to the top."
  23. JHawk

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    From Raw two weeks ago: Jerry Lawler: ""Matt Hardy actually did Lita a favor. Marriage is an institution, and who wants to be in an institution?"
  24. JHawk

    SmackDown from JHawk's Beak

    I think he was referring to me when he said "good review".
  25. JHawk

    The South Park 12/3 thread

    The summary makes me think of one of CRZ's old recaps. "These anti-smoking ads make me want to take up smoking. It just seems SO COOL!"