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Everything posted by JHawk
Ric Flair about Baby Doll: "She can his clothes, she can wear her clothes, she can wear Haystacks Calhoun's clothes, and she has the gall to call herself a beautiful woman."
I'm going to try pinning this and see what sort of responses we get out of it. I'll pin it as long as people keep posting in it every day or two. My only request is that we try to follow the five year rule if at all possible.
Didn't Schiavone try to pass it off "This is Uncensored, there are no rules" or something? It was almost like he even knew how silly the whole thing was and tried to play it off anyway.
Austin: "Bret Hart, you've been out here talking about how 'this guy screwed me' and 'that guy screwed me'. Well, I ain't bringing a condom to the ring, son! I'm bringing a can of whoop ass!" Cornette (12/29/97): "Wrestling fans watching a wrestling program want to see wrestlers wrestle!"
Remember that some markets aired Superstars on Sunday, so by the time those markets aired that video package, Backlund had already lost the title. Sad, isn't it?
I don't think so.
Also remember that after the wrestlecrap that was Uncensored 1995, everybody pretty much assumed that logic was going to be thrown out the window. That's why Uncensored never did a decent buyrate...or even had a decent lineup to make people care to buy the show.
Lawler: "Helen Hart is the only person I know who has an autographed copy of the Bible. When Cain killed Abel, she was on the jury!" Bobby Heenan, during a Mexican minis tag team match: "When he found out he was going to be on Nitro tonight, he said 'I'm so excited, I feel like I'm four feet tall.'"
The match took place in East Rutherford, NJ, as previously mentioned, at a house show. They showed the finish on the Saturday Night show that weekend, so there was at least one camera present, but I have no idea if there's a copy floating around or not.
Joey Styles: "Al Snow got a little head and finally got some respect. Yeah, I said it. I think it's funny. And if my mom's watching? Sorry Mom."
Vince actually wouldnt let him use his actual finisher which was the iron claw... I thought he did use that in the WWF as well. Didn't he use to beat Dino Bravo at Wrestlemania VII or another match? He used as a setup move for the discus punch, of all damn things. I mean, guys used to juice for Kerry's clawhold, but he comes to the WWF and it's used to make sure the guy stands there to take an illegal punch to the face.
Yes, Christy's the redhead, although I've got a thing for Maria myself. And even the other diva search contestants want Carmella off because she doesn't give a shit. She didn't even show for the diva dodgeball crapfest at SummerSlam, which in my eyes should have disqualified her, fan voting be damned. If she doesn't want to commit to it before she's even got the contract, why give it to her? Then again, why hold a contest for a contract with a wrestling company and not bring in people who, you know, might actually wrestle?
Bah, she's still sexy as hell. Have we been watching the same shitty segments every week? The only redeeming quality to Tracie is that she's not the cookie cutter diva we already have too many of them. But if we're going against the norm, Christy owns Tracie as she actually looks like she's having fun out there.
Who the hell keeps track of that type of stat? Does some random broadcaster go "I wonder how he does on his birthday" and send an intern out look for it?
They actually showed this one on Superstars the next day, and I remember it not sucking. They might have used the Superstars broadcast team in a voiceover though, because I don't remember Phinneas' commentary. Which is probably a good thing.
Two from the X-Pac vs. TAKA Michinoku match on the 8/30/99 Raw: Lawler: "I understand that X-Pac wants to take on the heavyweights, but did he have to ruin Kane while he was it?" JR: "He didn't ruin Kane!" Lawler: "Yes he did! He became a human being. He has feeling now. He won't even read a book that doesn't have Chicken Soup in the title!" And later... JR: "X-Pac might only be 222 pounds, but his heart weighs 300." Lawler: "And if you could hit somebody with your heart, maybe he'd win once in a while."
Mankind: "So Chyna, you bring your ovaries, and I'll bring my...guys..."
I think they were forced to dedicate a segment of Superstars to it since they hyped the hell out of that show and the fact it was live every week, but most of the markets that did pick it up only put it on smaller stations or at insane time frames instead of live. I remembered being pissed at the time because I couldn't get the show. Doesn't look like I missed much from a wrestling standpoint. Reading some of the non-wrestling stuff they included, does anybody else think Russo was booking at least part of the show?
You mean people watched that? Outside of Funk's tirade, I'm not sure I'd ever want to see those shows.
Reading Hogan's fucked up WrestleMania IV promo reminded me of this gem. Not the entire thing, but this was about as much as I could transcribe before my head wanted to explode. Ultimate Warrior at WrestleMania VI: "For it is written, Hulk Hogan, that the Warrior would come, and you have stood in the pathway. The deeper I went into the darkness, the closer I came to the light. And in that light, Hulk Hogan, there was a shadow. A man that had walls -- walls in himself -- not willing to give it all. Hulk Hogan, I am reality. I am the frustration that your mankind has swept under the carpet for years."
Roddy Piper after a win over Cowboy Bob Orton: "What's the matter, Acey Baby, did you lose? Oh, I'm sorry. It was my fault."
Didn't they tell us flat out that anybody who was on TV in August would be in the game? Then why aren't half of the current champions listed in the "final" roster? No London and Kidman. No Spike. No La Resistance. Christ, they kept guys like Garrison Cade and Mark Jindrak, who haven't been on TV in at least a month, and left those guys off.
The only one I've definitely seen is Hogan-Flair, which is OK but doesn't nearly have the historic feel that it should have. I've seen so many Flair-Steamboat matches that I'll need an exact date for it, but it's likely really good.
Chris Jericho at SummerSlam 99: "You think you're so smart by spelling your name 'R-O-A-D-D-O-double G.' You want to impress me? Spell lugubrious!" Buddy Rogers after winning the NWA World Title: "To a nicer guy, it couldn't happen." And probably my favorite spiel that few have ever heard. Johnny Valentine has just defeated The Crusher by DQ before the match ever started, as Crusher attacked before the bell. Valentine disposes of Bad Boy Joe in 22 seconds, and here comes Crusher to the ring. Please note I have no idea who the interviewer is, so he's acknowledge by a simple I. C = Crusher, obviously.
But it was a boring beatdown. I had one guy who swore Brian Pillman's death was an angle because he didn't get to the guy's house until after the first match and was told, "All you missed was this match and some dumb angle with Pillman."