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Everything posted by JHawk
Eddy hadn't been cheating during the latest comeback, but he had been cheating pretty much the entire match before the commercial (particularly hiding that choke from Angle after complaining of the hair pull). But Chavo was cheating too so it's still kind of a stretch.
I could swear I taped that show and I don't remember the angle. Did they ever do a one-on-one Austin-Bulldog match before the reformation of the Hart Foundation? They spent a long time building that up and I don't remember it.
TNA being run by jackasses? Well, you asked.
SmackDown from JHawk's Beak (2/19/2004) Eddy! Eddy! Eddy! Sorry, but I'm addicted to that chant.
February 5, 1996 (with a "rematch" on the 2/10 WCW Saturday Night that had been taped a few weeks prior). Good matches but nothing spectacular, IIRC
Thanks man. And a "thank you" from me too.
Hogan and Piper never had a one-on-one match at WrestleMania, and I've always contended that had Piper been in the cage at WrestleMania 2 instead of Bundy they'd have made incredible money.
Actually, if you've ever seen some of these guys work in OVW before their WWE callups, most of them look decent or better. Then Vince decides to use them and they get neutered by the WWE style. The question is whether these two guys actually remember how to work outside of the current WWE style.
Raw from JHawk's Beak (2/16/2004) I'm glad I got this week's main event, because if I'd have started covering for Dames next week I might have shot myself rather than covering this show again, even briefly.
Kane's Tombstone of Linda McMahon where her head clearly missed the stage by about three feet. Ken Shamrock audibly asking Ryan Shamrock to slap him at St. Valentine's Day Massacre 1999.
still here But this report makes it official that they're on life support. I hope they last, but without a major turnaround (and fast) they're hurting.
My hope is that since most of the WrestleMania tickets were sold via the internet before the official WrestleMania onsale, that would mean a predominantly smark crowd. A predominantly smark crowd that chants "bullshit" at any finish other than HHH tapping out to Benoit's Crippler Crossface. Eh, I suppose I can let them accept HBK tapping out, because chanting "bullshit" there might be misconstrued as Benoit's win being bullshit. But there BETTER ne a fucking tapout somewhere to end that match.
All I have to say is that I hope Eddie vs. Chavo is getting the HBK-Benoit treatment or this is going to be a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng show.
I hope she doesn't reschedule, as I never saw the purpose of her existence in the WWF either. Maybe if TNA was pushing these people because they were getting pops, I might bother to order a show sometime soon.
Since the Rangers were told before the trade what Soriano's real age is, I doubt this is going to nullify the deal at all. It would still be cool to actually see the Yankees get hosed for once though.
Just for the record, ebay pulled the auction for the phone number. The fact that it made it this long boggles my mind.
Makes me wonder if he was watching the same show. They DID show the line outside, didn't they? My guess they watched Heat, as for whatever reason that building was still about half empty during the six man tag. It was like they just stopped letting people in the building for half an hour and then made them all come in at once.
Funny how one match rating can stir so much debate. Who knows? I'll likely watch the match again before the week is over with, and maybe I'll watch it and think I overrated it. But I loved it on first viewing, which is what I had to base the rating on. I'm just glad that most of you are defending your opinions instead of flaming each other.
Shit. OK, changing that now. And RRR, I work at a Circuit City where pretty much everybody is a casual fan, and the ones that Eddy-Brock said nothing except great match, and the ones who hadn't said something along the lines of "Good, after everything he's been through he deserves it." I'd say they got it.
Actually, we're not getting any pussy. That's the problem.
I masturbated to cable porn. Well, you asked.
I'm sure a mod will move this to site feedback as soon as they notice this. And yes, there was a feedback thread. It was pinned for a while too.
We're going to need to bring this thread back from the dead after WrestleMania XX. Mostly because I refuse to post the list until I've seen them all again (and trust me, I will before WMXX comes around).
Yeppers. I'm doing both shows until Dames gets internet access again. I get to cover Benoit vs. HBK! Don't fuck it up WWE!
Because unlike Easter and Halloween, this one makes you feel like you're a worthless piece of shit if a significant other doesn't give you the chocolate. Just be happy that about 98% of you don't have to go through the Sweetest Day bullshit in October. They basically market that as Valentine's Day for people who were single in February...and if you're still single, then you really are a fuckwad who should have probably been killed as a child to thin out the herd.