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Everything posted by tpww7

  1. The crowd didnt care for one thing in Joe-Awesome, just that someone go through a table, and when no one did, they booed more.
  2. tpww7

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Sox-Cubs would draw the largest rating for Baseball.
  3. tpww7

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    The reason the Sox are losing is because of their lack of effort in that inning where the Yanks got 3 runs....plus Nomar sucking in every situation.
  4. tpww7

    So...I Saw the Jeff Hardy ROH match.

    Pretty much it's AIM or nothing, because I cant re-upload it to the server I have it on right now because the server is down....maybe Kazaa..but my things never show up when I put them up...
  5. tpww7

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    I'm still pulling for Boston...but this game has been pathetic.
  6. tpww7

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Yeah..I wouldnt mind if the Sox blow it in the WS...as long as they beat the Yanks and it's the Cubs who would win.
  7. tpww7

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Thats when Cubs/Marlins is.
  8. tpww7

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    I really hope Nomar gets traded after this season for someone who wont chpoke in the playoffs.
  9. tpww7

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Good, the bastard didnt swing and got lucky on 2 calls.
  10. tpww7

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Not Mr Clutch... *Hits head*
  11. tpww7

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Okay..Double Play, good job Nomar, your still useful for something.
  12. tpww7

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Now we end another inning by going for another pitch completely out of the strike zone...
  13. tpww7

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Double Play... WONDERFUL!
  14. Just picked up ROH Wrath of the Racket...definetly has a sorta different feel to it than other shows, but its good. Can't wait to pick up Bitter Friends, Stiffer Enemies next week, the show was great.
  15. tpww7

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Wow...this game is making me incresingly mad after each play. Mueller cant get the ball to him so he can make a decent tag.
  16. tpww7

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

  17. tpww7

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Here comes mr. clutch, Nomar, who couldnt hit for his life.
  18. tpww7

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    The complete lack of effort which led this to 3-0 just makes me mad.
  19. tpww7

    One and Only NFL Week 6 Thread

    I got Chiefs/Packers, Bills/Jets, Giants/Pats, good games.
  20. tpww7

    Test Breaks his Foot

    From 1wrestling. We got word that Test suffered a foot injury, believed to be a break, at the Friday house show in Louisville, KY. Test teamed up with Chris Jericho and Christian to take on Rob Van Dam, Lance Storm and Shane McMahon in a Louisville Streetfight. The finish saw Shane do a Van Terminator on Test and that is where the injury occurred, from the impact of Shane’s move. For those curious, WrestleMania tickets have not yet been printed by Ticketmaster. So, if you ordered yours and haven’t received it yet, that’s why. John Farrimond sent this one. … Here is a WWE job listing that your readers might be interested in. It's on the UTA job postings, an LA agency. I just love the note that the applicant should be ego-less. As we know, there is no room for anyone's ego except a McMahon.! Assistant needed at WWE Films, the film and television arm of World Wrestling Entertainment. Applicants should be self-starting, thorough, creative, ego-less, take pride in their work, and have a knowledge of the "who's" and "where's" of the movie and TV business. Salary commensurate with experience. Position open immediately. Fax resumes to: (310) 285-9914.
  21. This crowd for MLW fucking blows.
  22. tpww7

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Sox are gonna win this series in 7, at least thats the way I feel.
  23. tpww7

    The One & Only RAW Thread

    There's your Kill Bill reference..