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Guest Daredevil21

Smackdown thoughts

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Guest Daredevil21

Well people, you know what to do. Post all your thoughts on SD right here. I don't have many thoughts, since I was doing other stuff during it. It sounded pretty good though. I liked the whole contract signing. The King's comment about it kinda struck me as strange though. After Austin stunned Vince, King said "What kind of contract signing is this." Well King, I think it was like every other contract signing I have ever seen on wrestling. Table tipped over and at least one person on the ground after getting attacked. Looked like a normal wrestling contract signing to me.

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Guest Anglesault

Once again, Test killed the crowd. I was really enjoying myself the last two weeks, but the heat killer had to show.

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Guest Drury37

I was almost in tears during the Ric Flair thing when he first came out and was crying,that was very emotional.


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Guest TheHulkster

I liked the show, but why the #### did the wwf try to sell the fact that tazz was defending maven's honor. Wasnt he punking him out a few months ago?

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Guest x-LJSexay-x

continuity WHAT?


heh. Test rules, he's nice and he's just not getting the time to et heat. He's gonna get heat without mic time, a backstage vignette or anything? ha.


Oh, and I think we werent supposed to know Tazz punked Maven in the first place. :)

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I loved the Steff intervue......I'm going to start a topic about it soon.....she was lookin so fine.

Oh and arent those little guys to click awesome....I'm gona use them all to see what is most suited for my personality.

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Guest Gimli 1138

Like Raw, Flair saved the show. He truly is one of the best entertainers in wrestling, whether in or out of the ring. A true testament. DDP winning the European title was a big plus for me, even though I did like Christian as the champ.


However, the Rollerball crap was too much. At least they didn't get into the ring, but promoting the APA with Rollerball? Blech!


Otherwise, I am actually interested seeing the nWo returning, and if that's what they wanted me to feel, then mission accomplished.


Now, why the heck did Jericho open the card?

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Guest Anglesault

Point 1: Test is NOT nice, he is a jackass to fans on almost all accounts.


Point 2: He sucks monkey balls on the mic, one of his many, many, many, MANY faults.


Point 3: He was all over Tv in December, getting no heat, even against The Rock.


I realize Test has SOME fans (2? 3?) but so does Beefcake

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Guest RicFlairGlory

First off... god it takes a long time to load ANYTHING on this board... I Hope they can speed it up.


Now, with that out of the way


Test is a lost cause.  He's going to end up like Marty Janetty, except, he was never decent in a tag team.  Put a title on him... nobody cares... put him up against a star... nobody cares... I know Vince likes big guys... but.. c'mon Vince.. give it up

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Please don't soil the good name of Marty Janetty.  Janetty ruined a promising career with drugs.  He was far from heatless.


Test is more like Billy Gunn.  He sucks, gets no heat, and drags down everyone else with him, but gets pushed due to politics.

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Guest Redhawk

How have Billy Gunn and Test been pushed due to politics? I figured they were pushed because they have "the look."


Billy Gunn is good as a tag wrestler, so he's not totally useless. And Test was finding a niche as the enforcer-type guy until those storylines died.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

definitely a filler smackdown


flair, once again, the redeeming quality


####, im glad they still show arn, what a history


im hoping for a speech from flair to the wwf locker room on monday ala invasion

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Guest DawnBTVS

I didn't mind the Ric Flair promo though I don't think it was one of his best ever(Awaits the flaming). It was emotional yes, but being emotional doesn't always mean a great promo. I liked the matches such as Tazz/Jericho which was halfway decent, the DDP/Christian match which was solid and the Dudleys/Edge and RVD match which was fun. Gotta give mad props to the whole Stacy/Brass Knucks thing, heh. I haven't seen the contract signing yet cuz I'm too lazy to pop the tape back in and watch it. I'm just waiting for the Pats(Hometown Team) to beat the Rams and shut up the ESPN guys who say they'll crush 'em.

PS: Stacy + Brass Knucks in the back of her skirt = Yummy:)

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I don't know if I told you but I have a friend who's brother dated Stacy for years before she went to WCW.....I think I said this before.

Test is awesome....I wish him all the luck in the world. And how is he a jerkoff Anglesault??????? He was very cordal and kind to me when I met him. A matter of fact the biggest jerkoff was Benoit.

Ric Flair's promo was stupid I think....I never liked him that much and I respct him but really......that is a shitty promo he cut when I saw the tape. Hey to each there own .

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Guest Anglesault

Test has a Tendency to be a jackass to fans (obviously not you) and act like he is is big shit when in reality, he means jack shit to the WWF.

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How do you know???? What stories???? Maybe you have a grudge against teh big man so you insult him like so.

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Guest Anglesault

Check the old board for various "Who did you meet" posts, and many people talk about Test marching around like he is top shit in the WWF.


And why, oh why, would I have a grudge against Test?

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

This may seem like a stupid question, but anyway, who exactly is Test friends with backstage???


on smackdown, the show didnt really do a lot for me, though that may have had something to do with vince insisting on getting at least one vignette of himself into every scene.  On the plus side though, Flair's promo absolutely rocked!

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Guest Galactic Gigolo
Please don't soil the good name of Marty Janetty.  Janetty ruined a promising career with drugs.  He was far from heatless.


Test is more like Billy Gunn.  He sucks, gets no heat, and drags down everyone else with him, but gets pushed due to politics.

Is there any possible way for someone who was at the point where he was suffocating beneath the dirt like Chuck Palumbo to driven down any further?  Any further and he'd be to China.


And burrowing to the center of the Earth, surviving, and making it to China reminds of a commercial. Leggo my Eggo!

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Guest Anglesault
This may seem like a stupid question, but anyway, who exactly is Test friends with backstage???

Shane McMahon. Possibly why every single Test program involves Shane. Shane-o tried everything he could to get Test over, it just didn't work.

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Guest JAMES900

Don't forget test has the look the wwf likes (Big and strong looking) I don't mind test he not as bad as some people make out.  Still I think his program with the rock was stupid I mean did that thing ever get blown off?

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Guest TotalJim

you son of a bitch..


i read that thinking it was recent..


i was like:


"What THEEE HELL!?!?!"


But now it's over..


Get back to it..

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you son of a bitch..


i read that thinking it was recent..


The best way to tell that a topic was from a few years ago that gets bumped up to the first page is by noticing that the poster who created the topic has an unclickable name like they're "unregistered". I'm thinking that there was a board glitch a while back.

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