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Guest Muzz

Never Walk Away

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Guest Muzz

”I can feel you near, in control

You've taken my mind, please spare my soul

Left alone to cleanse the night

Forge what's right, sanctify


How can I be to blame?

It's been done now the wounds still remain.

Crucify and deny me.

Static, silent, just let me breathe


Stand alone where life is safe

Is it all a big mistake?

Somehow the hurting is over...”




The neon lights pass at lightning quick speed, and people seem like a blur as Andrew Loire speeds down the road, trying to leave everything behind him. He doesn’t have to speed, but right now, the further away he can get, the better it will be for his sanity.


The last few months have been a personal nightmare… I haven’t been able to think straight, my mind has gotten off the job. Staying around here wouldn’t do any good, I’d just be dead weight in the SWF, and I’d rather not embarrass myself further. It doesn’t matter if no one misses me, I knew they wouldn’t, after all, what have I done to deserve a good send off? Nothing, nothing at all. It’s just me now, working out everything alone, deciding my fate, alone.




”Hey you, see me, pictures crazy, all the world I've seen before me passing by. I've got, nothing, to gain, to lose,

All the world I've seen before me passing by


You don't care about how I feel

I don't feel it any more

You don't care about how I feel

I don't feel it any more

You don't care about how I feel

I don't feel it any more,

You don't care about how I feel


I don't feel it any more..."


System of a Down – Atwa




Screeching through corners, narrowly missing pedestrians on the sidewalk, Andrew has no regard for anyone else right now. He’s driven for an hour already, finally arriving at the airport in Las Vegas. Parking his car, he gets out and takes his belongings, before heading through the doors.


This time of night, there are few people around, which is to Andrew’s liking. Peace and quiet is just what he needs. Looking up the arrivals and departure’s, his finds the flight he’s looking for, and groans when he sees it’s been delayed. Looking around for somewhere to rest his weary legs, he spots the little airport café, completely empty except for the sound of the sweeping of a broom from the unlucky soul whom has to work late tonight. Andrew walks over and sits down, in the corner, looking through the window to the outside world. It’s raining again. It was raining the day he found out about Anna…




”This is how you remind me of what I really am…

This is how you remind me of what I really am…”


Nickelback – How you Remind Me




Thinking about her… I do every second of the day, I didn’t think I could care for someone as much as I cared for her. People still don’t understand that, but well, screw them, I don’t really care what they think, they’ll never know her how I did…


Now I’m going back to Australia, to see her grave. I haven’t been there yet, but I need to see her again. I guess I have ulterior motives as well… It’s much easier to pack up and leave my problems here, then stay and get no where, just made to feel like nothing. The people are ruthless here, sometimes I think they feel no emotion at all. I don’t need those people any more. I ‘m going back to someone who loved me…


I need to say one last goodbye.




In my dreams I can see you, I can tell you how I feel. In my dreams I can hold you, and it feels so real…


I still feel the pain…

I still feel your love…

I still feel the pain…

I still feel your love…”


Anathema – One Last Goodbye




Of course, I feel sorry for leaving some people when they actually needed me, like Jamie, but I know him well, he'll do fine. I don’t think I’ve really valued his friendship until now, I always thought other people were closer, but they turned out to be two faced, egotistical, liars…


I know everything’s going to be all right now, at least I hope so. I can go back to Anna, and tell how I really feel, even in her passing, and maybe… I can repair the strains of my relationship with my sister… that’s been something that’s always played on my mind, I never left without sorting it out with her, and I regretted that every day.


I’m going back there, tying up loose ends, and hopefully, I might finally find some peace. I hope to god that I do, and then I can finally come back, and prove my worth to all the people who doubted me. I’ll come back, with a new spirit, a new work ethic, a new life, and I know I’ll be happier for it.


The kitchen hand comes over and asks Andrew if he wants anything, but looking up at the clock, Andrew realises his plane is nearly ready to leave. He smiles and says “No thanks,” before getting to his feet, picking up his bag and walking down the airport to the departure gates.


He sighs as he watches his plane being attendant to by these little figures on the ground. Ah, an Australian plane, already reminding him of home. It’s been so long since he’s been back there, he feels excited right now. He still has friends over there, so many memories… He hears the final call for people boarding the plane, and he walks over and shows his ticket, before heading down the ramp onto the tarmac, as the rain continues to pelt down. He rushes onto the place and climbs aboard, finding not many people on the plane. He smiles and stashes his bag into the overhead compartment, before jumping into his seat.


He looks out the window at the bright lights of the city and sighs once more.


I’m sure you won’t miss me in the SWF, but once I come back, I’ll make sure you’ll remember my name forever…”


“I’ll never forget Anna’s name, for she is my angel, always watching over me. She’s with me always, and I still love her with all my heart…”


“Good bye…”




“Can't stand the pain, walk away

Leave me virtue for another day

Trapped inside there's no way out of here

Scared, am I dead? I just want to be free


Stand the test of time, don't walk away

Once its happened it's here to stay

Is it worth the waiting?

I know healing takes time,

But I'll never walk away

Never walk away…”


Vanishing Point – Never Walk Away.

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Guest Crowe



Sweet promo, bro.


Bet you're glad that I demanded you to download Never Walk Away.





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Guest Beingz0wningj00

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:


Deep dude...




But so Crowe doesn't have to. (N) @ SOAD!!



But seriously... it is really tough to see you go.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Shit, yo. Sacred departs with the mix-disc of eternal suffering playing in the background.


Seriously though, you and Bo write and always have written the most genuine, emotional promos. Now you're gone. Hurry on back.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Well, since you haven't written an Outcast promo in about 8 months (at least that I've seen, cause I don't follow your FWF and IWF mayhem), I don't count you. Jobber.


The blowing of raspberries commence. I'll take this opportunity to once again say that Sacred's promo kicked.

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Guest HVilleThugg

Wait...so, do Austrailian planes fly on the left??


Seriously though...damn man. I have to agree with Edwin, you and Bo have always written the best emotional/deep promos. I love how you, throught your career, have always put your mood/feelings/heart into your promos. The only sad thing about it is, I think you're leaving right as you're on the verge of something big for yourself. But hey man, when he calls, he calls, and you gotta answer and do what you gotta do.


I hope I'm not one of those 2-faced people you talked about in the promo, as I've always had the utmost respect and, dare I say it, idolation(sp?) for you. This fed will not be the same without you...


...so do come back!


Damn man...we've lost some of the most influential people in the history of this fed's second generation over the past few months....me, Stevens, King, Bo, X, and now Sacred. What next...we gonna lose Edwin and Fallout too? I think it's time for generation 3....Taylor, Stryke, Ash, Flesher, and company...


Isn't this around the time last year when generation 2 started to really make major moves. Anyway, I've gone off topic...


Come back now Muzz...or you'll lose your shares of the lawn.


Da "marks out for Sacred in the FWF or IWF" H

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Guest Tyler McClelland

Brand New Low #1 - First one back, it's decent I guess...


Brand New Low #2 - Very good, actually. Narration is weak, but story is good.


Blurry #2 - My first FWF/IWF RP, damn good. Narration kicks and story is pretty decent too.


Blurry #3 - Latest RP, really good narration, filler-type story... but the story is pretty decent.


I skipped two RPs because one was rushing before a deadline and the other I just threw something up because my opponent no-showed. I also am going to write part of a promo for this fed this week, so...


Read them or shut up, Edwin :) :)

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Guest Tyler McClelland

Then shut up about me not writing anything for the last 8 months or something.


But read them, by all means.

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Guest HVilleThugg

...and don't forget to get off the lawn when you're done!


Da "watching you" H

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Boo @ Muzz leaving. Come back soon. Or else I'll do.....something more horrible than you can imagine, or I can think of right now.

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Guest Thoth

You'll be back soon... I sense a great warrior's spirit in your bones.


In other words, (Y). (Y) with all my heart.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);



...that anti-Australian glass ceiling I had installed is still working fine.


Mothernature says, that's a some fine quality workmanship on the glass..."

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Guest midnight_burn

Anti-Australian glass ceiling eh? Doesn't bode to well for me.


And as always a very nice promo, hopefully you'll be back sooner rather than later.

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Guest crusen86

The ceiling is still highish though Stryke. It's just under the world title to be precise.

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