Guest DJ Jeff Report post Posted August 2, 2002 Hulk Hogan grabs the mic.... You know what, AICC. Take all the time you need. The nWo will be busy destroying WCW while you're waiting, and we have an nWo t-shirt all ready for you if you want to join. Now, as for Villiano VII and his LWO, let me just say this, brotha. The nWo have always been the greatest faction this sport has ever seen. If AICC join the LWO, that's fine with us, since the LWO will be going down along with the rest of WCW. Scott Hall grabs the mic from Hogan.... Yeah, and you know, I don't appreciate other superstars stealing my lines, Chico. Kevin Nash grabs the mic from Hall.... Back to AICC.....If you join us, you'll be apart of the greatest faction this sport has ever seen. So, what do you say? Like Hogan said, it's your decision. nWo or LWO The nWo walk to the back to await AICC's decision. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick Report post Posted August 2, 2002 ::JINGUS walks out, mic in hand, and says:: "You wanna do some wrestling role-playing? Then come on over to The Vanilla Midgets, we're the biggest baddest e-Fed around, populated entirely by SmartMark board posters. And, uh, we're all guys, so we're lonely. Yah.: I would be the only woman? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest VillanoVII Report post Posted August 2, 2002 well you have lonely guys *points at vanilla midgets* you have lame guys *points at nWo* then you have guys with more energy than a barrel full of monkeys on speed baby. We can go a 30 min match and still have enough left over for tha chicas! With you by our side we can't go wrong. Would you rather join a group of washed up men or a group that don't stop tha party till the sun comes up? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest VillanoVII Report post Posted August 2, 2002 aw crap........well I'll make this easy.....I've got stuff to take care of so I won't be able to devote enough time to this folder to continue.......sorry guys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DJ Jeff Report post Posted August 2, 2002 The nWo music hits and Hulk Hogan walks out to the ring: Brothas, I have a huge announcement to make. The nWo have gained another member. With that being said, allow me to introduce Big Poppa Pump, Scott Steiner as the newest nWo member. The nWo music hits again, and Scott Steiner walks out to the ring to a chorus of boos: Firstly, it's great to be in the nWo, the best faction this sport has ever seen. Secondly, AICC, I've been watching what's been going on, and let me tell you, I've only been an nWo member for a few minutes, and it feels great to be one. So, what do you say? Scott Steiner hands the mic back to Hulk Hogan: AICC, take all the time you need. There is no rush. However, would you rather be apart of the best faction in WCW, and this sport has ever seen. Or would you rather be apart of the LWO? You decide. The nWo music hits, and Scott Steiner and Hulk Hogan walk back to the nWo dressing room. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick Report post Posted August 2, 2002 *Camera shows AICC in back in a robe combing out her The Coach comes running in, AICC did you just hear what the nWo and LWO said to your reply? Turns around and grabs the mic from Coach's hand..looks at the camera* AICC: Ok first off coach you dont just come running in here with a camera without knocking.....hell I could of been naked for all you know. *Coach grabs mic* Coach: Sorry about that. *has smile on his face* AICC: Whats so funny? Anyways....yeah I heard both actually all three replys. And I still have not decided. Its either nWo or LWO. This shall be decided after I get ready to go back down to the ring tonight. Now get out!! I have someone coming! *Points to the door and yells more* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest J*ingus Report post Posted August 2, 2002 I would be the only woman? ::hangs head:: Uh, yeah, that's right, but there's only like 15 of us that post regularly, so the statistics work out right. Sandman9000, Big Poppa Popick, and Superstar are all regulars there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick Report post Posted August 2, 2002 *Gives up on waiting for that guy. Walks down to the ring wearing a black leather mini skirt and a black low V shirt with a long black coat over it. Climbs in and grabs a mic* AICC: Ok well to the LWO I do like guys who can party all night long, but I dont like guys who tend to party alot. And to the choice has well come down to almost this. I will join the nWo at this cost. I can be part leader? How does that sound? *Waits in ring for a response* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Amazing Rando Report post Posted August 2, 2002 *"Unbelievable" by Thousand Foot Krutch plays softly as the lights dim down and The Amazing Rando comes out into the entrance way....a beaming white light catches him and follows him to the ring. He climbs in and throws his hands in the air as the arena is showered in light before the lights completely die and return to normal* Rando: You I sit and I look out over this crowd...I see many things that seem to stick out. There are signs on every subject, fans of every wrestler...but you all have one thing in common... came here to be entertained and you are gonna get some entertainment! *Crowd Cheers* ....I have walked through the lockerrooms...seeing the various groups that haunt this place...and I grow restless thinking about how much pain and suffering they cause each HATE runs through thier courses and burns like a fire through the night...but they are not alone. Just as much as one fan enjoys the nWo...another fan loathes it... ......what I say to you...the to be yourself...don't be what they tell you to isn't worth it... and remember....if all else fails...chant your name.... *Fans cheer again as Rando throws down the mic and climbs the gaurdrail...walking into the crowd and shaking hands as his music plays* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest VillanoVII Report post Posted August 2, 2002 *seen in dressing room talking with La Parka, Villano IV & V, and Ultimo Dragon* Listen up guys regardless of who she picks we have a job to do. We cannot stand by and let the nWo run us over. We have wrestling pride in our blood! Encouraged by generations past we have forged out our niche in wrestling, but now it's time to show what we truly can do. They may have size and strength, but we have heart, vast wrestling knowledge, and speed! Never have we let someone run over us and never will it happen. To honor, glory, and tradition.........let's do what we do best......are you with me?! *everyone shouts yes* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DJ Jeff Report post Posted August 2, 2002 The Titantron fades to black and the nWo lockerroom is shown: Hulk Hogan: You know what, brothas. AICC would be a great addition to the nWo. Not to mention, she'd like me as the leader Kevin Nash:What are you talking about? I'm the leader of the nWo Hulk Hogan:That's what you think. Anyways, once she joins, the nWo will be.... Kevin Nash:Wait, what makes you think you're the leader of the nWo? I've always been the leader of the nWo. You've just been a regular member. Me and Scott are the true members of the nWo Hulk Hogan:Well, if you aren't happy in the nWo, then leave. Kevin Nash:Alright, we'll do that. However, this is a big mistake for the nWo. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall then walk out of the nWo dressing room and to the ring. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick Report post Posted August 2, 2002 *Watches Nash and Hall come down to the ring...climbs out of the ring and watches on....some crazy male fan comes over the beracade and grabs me from behind...*screams, security takes the crazy guy away* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest VillanoVII Report post Posted August 2, 2002 the Lucha World Order watches a monitor backstage wondering what is happening Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Flyboy Report post Posted August 2, 2002 This is well... interesting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick Report post Posted August 2, 2002 *Gives up on waiting for that guy. Walks down to the ring wearing a black leather mini skirt and a black low V shirt with a long black coat over it. Climbs in and grabs a mic* AICC: Ok well to the LWO I do like guys who can party all night long, but I dont like guys who tend to party alot. And to the choice has well come down to almost this. I will join the nWo at this cost. I can be part leader? How does that sound? *Waits in ring for a response* that is my answer ppl....... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Flyboy Report post Posted August 2, 2002 I've stepped into WCW! AHHHHH!! American Idol was holding Ryan Starr down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest VillanoVII Report post Posted August 2, 2002 yeah we got bored Flyboy so we started role playing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DJ Jeff Report post Posted August 2, 2002 The nWo music hits as Kevin Nash and Scott Hall make their way to the stage: Kevin Nash:Despite us being through with the nWo, we still came out to nWo. You know why? It's because we're still in the nWo....The nWo Wolfpac that is. You see, me and Scott, we are the nWo. Hulk Hogan and Scott Steiner are a bunch of nobodies. So, that's why we took it upon ourselves to create another nWo faction....The nWo Wolfpac. Scott Hall:Hey, yo. It also looks as if AICC has chosen to join the nWo. However, what will it be? The nWo Black & White, or the nWo Wolfpac? If you join the nWo Wolfpac, you'll be Co-Leader. Kevin Nash:That's right, AICC. If you want to be be Co-Leader of the nWo Wolfpac, that's what we'll give you. However, you can also choose to join the nWo Black & White, along with Hulk Hasbeen, and Scott Frankensteiner. What will it be? The nWo Wolfpac wait on the ramp for AICC's reply. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Flyboy Report post Posted August 2, 2002 yeah we got bored Flyboy so we started role playing Ahhh... I use to roleplay.. man.. those were the good days. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LesnarLunatic Report post Posted August 2, 2002 *yawns* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick Report post Posted August 2, 2002 The nWo music hits as Kevin Nash and Scott Hall make their way to the stage: Kevin Nash:Despite us being through with the nWo, we still came out to nWo. You know why? It's because we're still in the nWo....The nWo Wolfpac that is. You see, me and Scott, we are the nWo. Hulk Hogan and Scott Steiner are a bunch of nobodies. So, that's why we took it upon ourselves to create another nWo faction....The nWo Wolfpac. Scott Hall:Hey, yo. It also looks as if AICC has chosen to join the nWo. However, what will it be? The nWo Black & White, or the nWo Wolfpac? If you join the nWo Wolfpac, you'll be Co-Leader. Kevin Nash:That's right, AICC. If you want to be be Co-Leader of the nWo Wolfpac, that's what we'll give you. However, you can also choose to join the nWo Black & White, along with Hulk Hasbeen, and Scott Frankensteiner. What will it be? The nWo Wolfpac wait on the ramp for AICC's reply. *Looks up in horror after being attacked* AICC: Well since I um well never mind that.....Ill take part in thw nWo Wolfpac. *Sets mic down and climbs back into the ring, looking up at Hall and Nash* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest VillanoVII Report post Posted August 2, 2002 the Lucha world order accepts their loss and goes back to their dressing room to discuss upcoming house shows Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest VillanoVII Report post Posted August 2, 2002 the arena goes dark............and...........(commerical break) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DJ Jeff Report post Posted August 2, 2002 The nWo music starts playing as Hulk Hogan and Scott Steiner make their way to the ramp, staring at Kevin Nash and Scott Hall: Hulk Hogan:Isn't this something? Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, the Outsiders, now claiming the rights to the nWo Wolfpac....HAHAHAHAHA thats makes me laugh. Anyways, back to business. If you guys want a war, you've got one. Now, on to you, AICC. What's it going to be? The nWo Black & White, or the nWo Wolfpac? You won't get to be Co-Leader in the nWo Black & White, but just being in a faction that the Hulkster is in should be good enough for you. Scott Steiner:AICC, making the right decision will benefit you in WCW. Hell, we'll make sure you win the WCW Title. Hulk Hogan:Yeah, that's what will do. Anyways, what's your decision? nWo Black & White, or the nWo Wolfpac? Both nWo factions wait for AICC's decision. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheBlurricane Report post Posted August 2, 2002 the lights come back on to reveal The Blurricane standing in mid ring Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheBlurricane Report post Posted August 2, 2002 *Blurricane looks at Hogan and Steiner realizes he's in the wrong place at the wrong time and heads to the back* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DJ Jeff Report post Posted August 2, 2002 Kevin Nash:Well, it looks as if AICC has made her decision. Good day, fellas. Hulk Hogan:This isn't over, Kevin. This is far from over. The nWo Wolfpac music plays as the nWo Wolfpac well, do what they do best, and that's ummmmm....have fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick Report post Posted August 2, 2002 the lights come back on to reveal The Blurricane standing in mid ring *Looks at Blurr, standing next to me* AICC: Hi for the nWo Wolfpac and nWo black and white. I want to be a leader and a champ.....this is tough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick Report post Posted August 2, 2002 Kevin Nash:Well, it looks as if AICC has made her decision. Good day, fellas. Hulk Hogan:This isn't over, Kevin. This is far from over. The nWo Wolfpac music plays as the nWo Wolfpac well, do what they do best, and that's ummmmm....have fun. AICC: Im going with the Wolfpac... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheBlurricane Report post Posted August 2, 2002 *Blurricane stops at the top of the ramp to survey the happenings in the ring* damn someone must have cued my lights at the wrong time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites