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Guest The Superstar

Cole and Kelly would certainly be the best...of course Cole being the worker of the team.

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Guest The Superstar

I like how his finisher is the Stone Cole Stunner...that's hilarious. That should be his finisher in videogames

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Cole will never be fired. I'm a bit dissapointed though, since he hasn't been recieveing much of a push. It would of been great if Steve Austin beating him up led to a long feud between the two, with Cole eventually winning the title at Summerslam.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

You have a very wise Grandmother then, and I thought everyone said priceless. Just a normal thing.

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Guest DJ Jeff

Micheal Cole actually said that Angle was the future of the WWE. :o Finally, he said something intelligent. B)

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

He's always saying intelligent things, you're probably not paying attention though, since he commentates on the show with Test/Rikishi classics.

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Guest DJ Jeff
He's always saying intelligent things, you're probably not paying attention though, since he commentates on the show with Test/Rikishi classics.

You hit the nail right on the head when you said that I don't pay attention to Cole. :P I don't usually pay attention to 12 year olds. ;) Now, Ross. There's a commentator.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor
He's always saying intelligent things, you're probably not paying attention though, since he commentates on the show with Test/Rikishi classics.

You hit the nail right on the head when you said that I don't pay attention to Cole. :P I don't usually pay attention to 12 year olds. ;) Now, Ross. There's a commentator.

Ross has sucked ever since he became "Good Ol JR".

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Guest VillanoVII

I used to like Ross, but he's losing his edge.......I just miss Bobby Heenan

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Guest DJ Jeff
Ross has sucked ever since he became "Good Ol JR".

At least Ross doesn't have a fake smile like Cole.




Hey, he kind of looks like my dad.



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Guest VillanoVII

whoa......I was on a Lucha site and La Parka has a cousin named Super Parka.......same costume except the bones are yellow and he has a superman symbol on it


here's the pic

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Cole does not have a fake smile. He is just generally enthusiastic and happy to be commentating the shows.

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Guest DJ Jeff

It sounds like Cole is screaming like a 12 year old girl at times. :lol:


Cole(while screaming like a 12 year old girl):Lesnar hit the F5 on Hogan!!!!!!!

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Well of course he was going to be suprised that Brock lifted up that old cripple and managed to execute a move on him, and when he screeches he's just showing off his vocal range, it is important when you want to sell things that are surprising. It's much better than "Bah god, what a trainwreck! I've never seen such an intense sloberknocker in all mah years of wrestling!"

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Guest DJ Jeff

Also, what's with Cole's haircut? It looks like he only paid 2 cents for it. It also makes him look like a prep. B) :lol:

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

It just retains Cole's youthful image, since the WWE is all about appealing to young fans and all.

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Guest DJ Jeff

YAY....This is my 300th post. :)


Anyways, back to the Cole bashing....


What's with that little goatee? Does that actually impress anyone? :lol:

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

What's with Scot Hall's stubble, and greasy hair? That impresses nobody but you.

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Guest DJ Jeff
What's with Scot Hall's stubble, and greasy hair? That impresses nobody but you.

We're talking about goatees not hair. :P


Yes, Hall's hair is better than Cole's. B)

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