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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
*Blurricane stops at the top of the ramp to survey the happenings in the ring*


damn someone must have cued my lights at the wrong time

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :o :lol: :lol:

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Guest DJ Jeff

Kevin Nash:What the hell, TheBlurricane can join the nWo Wolfpac also. You know what, everyone can join the nWo Wolfpac.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick

*Showen in the back making the nWo Wolfpac shirt into a tank top tie up shirt....until someone comes up from behind me.....looks back to see no one other than.....The Coach again*

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Guest VillanoVII

*the lwo high fives each other........it seems they were the ones that cued Blurricane's lights at the wrong time making Blurricane come out while the Wolfpac was in the ring*

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
*the lwo high fives each other........it seems they were the ones that cued Blurricane's lights at the wrong time making Blurricane come out while the Wolfpac was in the ring*

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Guest TheBlurricane

*Blurricane is in the back looking for the lwo*


Has anyone seen those little rat bastards?

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Guest TheBlurricane

*Blurricane opens up a locker room and looks inside*


What the hell??? How did Mike Sander's pony get here?

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick

AICC: What the Fuck do you want now?


Coach: What are you doing?


AICC: What does it look like? *Shows him the shirt* Making it into a tank top. Let me guess lil girlie coach wants one for his cow bessy?


Coach: *Blushing* How did you know about bessy?


AICC: I just have my ways....


Coach: Well you better be mooving right along hot stuff. *slaps my ass*


*Turns around and bitch slaps Coach, grabs shirt and walks away discusted to my locker room*

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Guest DJ Jeff

The Coach is seen in front of the nWo locker room:


Coach:In just a few minutes, I hope to get a word with Hulk Hogan, since he has breaking news for us


Coach walks into the locker room:


Coach:So, what do you think of what the nWo Wolfpac said when they said everyone can join the nWo Wolfpac


Hulk Hogan:What do I think? You know something, I don't really know what to think. I thought I knew Kevin and Scott but I was wrong. All they want to do is have fun, well, they can have all the fun they want. When it comes right down to it, though, the nWo isn't about fun. The nWo Wolfpac might be all about fun, but not the nWo Black & White. As far as AICC joining the nWo, well, that's her choice, and I respect it. However, I have it on good word that Rando is interested in joining the nWo Black & White. If that's the case, then Rando will be the newest member of the nWo Black & White. AICC, if you want to be in the same faction as Rando, then it's not too late to pick us.

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
*Blurricane opens up a locker room and looks inside*


What the hell??? How did Mike Sander's pony get here?


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Guest TheBlurricane

*Blurricane finally finds the lwo. He walks in and stares down the lwo*


*the lwo busts out laughing*


Blurricane: It's not funny!!!

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick

*Camera shows AICC laughing her fucking ass off at what the lwo did to Blurr*


AICC: I'm sorry Blurr I find it way to funny.

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Guest DJ Jeff

The Coach is shown in the nWo Wolfpac locker room standing next to Kevin Nash:


Coach:Kevin Nash, can we get your....


Kevin Nash:Shutup, a-hole. Hulk Hogan, I see what you're game is. You're trying to steal WCW superstars and having them join the nWo Black & White. Well, that won't be happening now that the nWo Wolfpac is in town. You see, I know for a fact that a superstar by the name of DJ Jeff is going to be joining the nWo Wolfpac very soon. In fact, that could be tonight. So, AICC, if you want to join the nWo Black & White and leave us behind, that's cool. However, myself, Scott Hall, and DJ Jeff will be having a blast destroying WCW, while you and the nWo Black & White will be doing absolutely nothing. So, what's your choice? Are you Wolfpac 4 Life, or nWo 4 Life? As far as Rando joining the nWo Black & White, we'll see about that.

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Guest VillanoVII

Believe it or not Blurricane we like you. We've watched you for awhile, and while you're not exactly a luchadore we want you to join us. You exibit all the qualities of the lwo.......honor, respect, and heart. So will you join us?

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Guest LesnarLunatic

[Double L, LesnarLunatic, is seen in the back.]


LL: Blurricane? More like Bore-a-cane, after watching him, I need Novacaine to dull the pain! Man.. he's just another Vanilla Midget, for it is proven that the Next Big Thing shows up in my pants whenever AICC walks by! Blurricane! She was mine before she wasn't yours. Choke on that Sucka!


[Double L walks off]

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick

*Walks into the locker room of Nash and Hall*


AICC: I am gonna stay with the wolfpac. But as for now this Fallen Angel needs her beauty rest. Night Hall and Nash.


*Hugs both and kicks coach in the knee, goes back to locker room and sleeps*

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Guest TheBlurricane

lwo huh? Well...........just call me El Blurricano............*shakes hands with the lwo* oh and.......could we cut out the practical jokes?


*Blurricane leaves and sees LesnarLunatic*


Lesnar....you rhyme pretty well, but your facts are all wrong. AICC is with Rando, not me.

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Guest LesnarLunatic

[LesnarLunatic is in the back buying popcorn]


LL: Damnit! stop following me!


[Double L throws popcorn at the cameraman]


LL: Migraine.. Snore-a-cane.. brutha.. Rando will fold faster than Superman on Laundry Day if he comes up against me. I will hit you and him with the F-6!


[Lesnar walks off and a fan comes to him]


Fan: What's the F-6?


Lesnar: It's the F-5 off the top rope!


[Lesnar walks off.]


Fan: can I have your popcorn?


[Lesnar kicks the fan in the gut and gives him a stunner, and walks off]

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
[Double L, LesnarLunatic, is seen in the back.]


LL: Blurricane? More like Bore-a-cane, after watching him, I need Novacaine to dull the pain! Man.. he's just another Vanilla Midget, for it is proven that the Next Big Thing shows up in my pants whenever AICC walks by! Blurricane! She was mine before she wasn't yours. Choke on that Sucka!


[Double L walks off]

*Before I go....I walk down to the ring with Rando*


AICC: LL see him...*points to Rando* I am his not Blurr's so leave him alone. I was not with you....always with Rando and still with him even if I am in the nWo Wolfpac. You can look at me all you want but I am Rando's woman only!


*Walks off to the back arm in arm with Rando*

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Guest DJ Jeff

The nWo Wolfpac are in the locker room for the arrival of DJ Jeff:


Kevin Nash:Any minute now, the newest member to the nWo Wolfpac will walk through that door


Scott Hall:Uhhhhh....He'd have to turn the knob and open the door. He can't just walk right through it....HAHAHAHAHAHA


Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and AICC laugh at Scott's dumb joke....LOL.


DJ Jeff then enters the locker room:


DJ Jeff:Wassssssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuupppppppppp my peeps?


Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and AICC:WTF?


Kevin Nash:Uhhhhhh....Welcome to the nWo Wolfpac. Just don't do that ever again.


DJ Jeff:Whatever you say, dude.

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick

Well I am off for tonight......this was fun!! Maybe tommorow again lol....night everyone.

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Guest LesnarLunatic

[Lesnar is in the back]


LL: AICC, iiiiiiiaaaaaammmmm thhhhhheeeeee mmmmmmaaannn iiiinnn thhhhheeee boooooxxxxxx! no.. wait, i'm not. Rando is. He is in the box, and I am holding him down because he is a vanilla midget. I challenge anybody to an F-6 match, the first to execute an F-6 gets a coke!


[Lesnar walks off]

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Guest J*ingus

::JINGUS stomps onto the scene menacingly, but then realizes that nobody outside of The Vanilla Midgets actually finds him to be, uh, menacing, so his shoulders slump and he goes to bed.::





















::But not before giving Coach a kick in the 'nads. Dude, don't you know that you could be convicted as a felon in some states for slapping AICC's oh-so-fine do-not-touch ass?!::

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Guest VillanoVII

*for some reason Villano VII has been absent since before the light cue incident.......he finally returns*


La Parka: Hey VII Blurricane has joined us........where have you been?


VII: I was in the can........sheesh

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
[Lesnar is in the back]


LL: AICC, iiiiiiiaaaaaammmmm thhhhhheeeeee mmmmmmaaannn iiiinnn thhhhheeee boooooxxxxxx! no.. wait, i'm not. Rando is. He is in the box, and I am holding him down because he is a vanilla midget. I challenge anybody to an F-6 match, the first to execute an F-6 gets a coke!


[Lesnar walks off]

*Looks back at Lesnar....and walks over to him*


AICC: What in the world does that mean....your not holding my man down. Layne was the man in the box.....with his drug problems. I dont like using Layne in any example. But Rando is not being held down....unless it is by me. *grins evil like Stephanie McMahon used to do* Lesnar keep try and keep that big boy under control ok....bye. *Walks off laughing and leaves in her limo to her hotel to sleep*

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Guest VillanoVII

*the lwo members seem suspicious of VII's absence........where was he really?*

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Guest VillanoVII

well those questions and more will have to be answered tomorrow......I'm off to bed

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick

Ok seriousley I am off now...night everyone. *looks at door odd....it seriousley just flung open by itself. My friend is back *smiles* bye.

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Guest DJ Jeff

The nWo Wolfpac music hits and the nWo Wolfpac(Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, AICC, and DJ Jeff) make their way to the ring:


Kevin Nash:This right here is the soon to be greatest faction WCW has ever seen. Sure, AICC and DJ Jeff may be new to WCW, but they are still great superstars, and will be great additions to the nWo Wolfpac. Now, we have one other announcement to make, and that's one more WCW superstar will be joining the nWo Wolfpac. Hell, here he is right now


The nWo Wolfpac music hits, and Rando makes his way to the ring:


Kevin Nash:That's right, Rando has joined the nWo Wolfpac. Now, how does that make you feel Hulk Hogan for being wrong? Anyways, AICC, Rando, and DJ Jeff, you three are the future of the nWo Wolfpac. After me and Scott retire, you three will take over the nWo Wolfpac name. The only thing I ask is that you three don't turn on the nWo Wolfpac just because you're all great friends.


DJ Jeff:Don't worry, I won't, and they won't either. Now, group hug


DJ Jeff, AICC, and Rando all hug.


Scott Hall:Hey, what about me and Kevin? :(


DJ Jeff:Sorry, dude.


The nWo Wolfpac embrace in a group hug, as the nWo Wolfpac music starts playing.

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