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My mission to 1000

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Guest Shaved Bear

alot of people are overrated, just about everyone thats famous when you think about it

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Guest LexLugerRules
I'm in no way overrated

You cant be overrated if everyone thinks you suck! :P

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Guest LexLugerRules

Flyboy, just to let you know, i saved all the Ryan Star pictures you have in you signature, on my computer.

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Guest Flyboy
ryan starr dresses like crap

FUCK YOU!!!!! >_< :angry:


She dressed better than anyone on American Idol. Period.

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Guest Flyboy

I don't watch boxing so my feelings are unchanged.

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Guest Marshall

Is it the amount of replys on a page that changes it?







































































Or is it the lenth?

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Guest The Camel

Hmmmm... Post 500. A lofty goal.


I've attained this height by perfecting the art of post-whoring and proving myself as the one and only smark that is beter looking then Dames (whether I am a chump or not :angry: ). I have made no "good" points or brought up anything interesting, made very few people laugh, and defined myself as only another face in the crowd. My one and only alliance has broken up faster than a Scott Hall AA meeting (goodbye Team BlurCamStance). Hmmm... this really doesn't look that great for me. I may need to throw out the computer, return to my trusty slide rule (yes, I have one and I'm not afraid to use it) and abacus, and find myself. Kind of a self discovery trip. On that note, I bid you all good bye.










Hell with it, I'll just put another burito in the microwave and drown my problems in chocolate milk.




Oh yeah, Little Bow Wow gave me crabs.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

today has been a good day.


I got my DVDs that I ordered (Memento SE and Simpsons Season 2)...


I don't know why they can't make a DVD thats easy to get to what you wanna see. For instance the Memento DVD makes you take a freakin test to get to the cool special features.

(seeing it in Chronological order made my day) And the Simpsons discs..uh...spin the heads around until they match, click like 3 more times..bah!

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

But of course I digress..


This thread is moving too slow!

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