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Guest BA_Baracus

Official SWF Rankings!

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Hey...we haven't had any rankings lately (partly because there's not much point in ranking 12 guys) but now that we have a few more members...why not? I had an free hour or so.


By the way...the top 10 analysis is supposed to be like something you'd read on any of the popular smark websites. In other words it's supposed to read like what someone on 411 or 1Wrestling might have to say about the SWF wrestlers.




Overall Rankings:


1) Edwin MacPhisto (SWF Heavyweight champion) & (1/2 SWF Tag Team champions)

2) Chris Wilson

3) Erek Taylor (SWF ICTV champion)

4) Fallout

5) Thoth

6) El Luchadore Magnifico (SWF Light-Heavyweight champion)

7) Stryke

8) Jay Dawg (SWF Hardcore champion)

9) Longdogger Pete

10) Tom Flesher (SWF US champion)

11) The Boston Strangler

12) Ash Ketchum

13) Chris Raynor (1/2 SWF Tag Team champions)

14) "TNT" Taylor Nicholas Thompson

15) Tod DeKindes

16) Z

17) Frost

18) Mercury

19) Danny Williams

20) Ced Odornez

21) Xero

22) Johnny Rotten


Top 10 analysis:


1) Edwin MacPhisto - The current SWF champ. Has managed to survive several serious threats to his title and is currently leader of the most powerful face stable in the league. Gets consistently huge pops and has been putting on excellent 4 star plus matches left and right.


2) Chris Wilson -1/2 of the SWF Tag team champions. Currently the focus of the league's main storyline along with Edwin. The leader of the largest and most powerful stable currently in the SWF. Has been putting on good matches lately and has scored some convincing victories, but it's his strong promo skills and entertaining current storyline (which according to inside sources, he's had a strong hand in writing himself) that have earned him his spot.


3) Erek Taylor - The current SWF ICTV champion. A very talented and fresh competitor in the ring, Taylor has become hugely over with the crowd mostly through his exciting ring work. A short absence didn't seem to hurt his popularity at all as he came back even more over and won the ICTV title from the well-regarded Sacred. A new feud with Longdogger Pete is creating interest in him as a character as well and showing off his fairly impressive mic skills, which have yet to be fully tested thus far in his SWF career.


4) Fallout - A long standing member of the SWF and a staple of the main event. Fallout can always be depended on for a good to excellent match even if his mic skills leave a lot to be desired. Has the ability to drop the occassional match to new talent thus putting them over while still retaining his own heat and momentum. The most dominating small man in the league.


5) Thoth - Leader of the Clan, and instrumental in the current Magnificent 7 vs. Carnival and Clan storyline. Thoth's quest against Wilson has given the once directionless Thoth a purpose again and he's slowly becoming a face based on his natural charisma and highly under-rated speaking skills. While not as dependable as some of the other top players in the league, with the right opponent/incentive Thoth is perfectly capable of putting on a 4 star plus match.


6) El Luchadore Magnifico - One of the best performers in the league. Magnifico combines solid mat work with flashy high-flying to make him the Shawn Micheals of the SWF. Has pulled great matches out of countless undercard wrestlers and lesser talent. Has always been rather over-shadowed within the Carnival by the more charismatic Chris Raynor and Edwin Macphisto. He seemed to be more comfortable as a heel and hasn't quite managed to become a top teir face...


7) Stryke - A solid worker with realistic brutal style. An average speaker when called upon to do so. Has attached himself to the soaring Chris Wilson and has proved to perfect foil for the evil genius. Has become a hated heel based on association and his own talents.


8) Jay Dawg - He has shaken off his reputation as a jobber by recently becoming a 3-time US champion. A somewhat under-rated but not excellent techinal wrestler, Dawg works an entertaining straight ahead style. While his mic skills aren't great he has a good sense of humor and reportedly is behind the writing of many of his rather off-kilter backstage skits. Currently the only active wrestler serving the commissioner, he is in a unique place in the storylines.


9) Longdogger Pete - Has recently gone through a very succesful return to the SWF. This above average talker and worker has become involved in an interesting feud with one of the hottest wrestlers in the league today, Erek Taylor. Pete's heel turn has been well recieved by the audience.


10) Tom Flesher - The current SWF US champion. Flesher has recently changed his name from the odd sounding "Durandal" to something more marketable and online polls show the fans prefer the new handle. A talented wrestler and talker, Flesher doesn't quite have the charisma or presence of some of the other top stars, but the potential is definitely there.




Mothernature says...wooga booga..."

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Guest Rabbi_wilson13

Hey, I like these!


How about that Erek Taylor kid? Nice work, my man.

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Guest Ace309

Wow, extremely insightful and well written.


Mothernature says... Stubby's excellent.

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Guest ErekT2k

Hmmm, numero 3? That's kinda surprising. Good thing is that I'm starting to develop my promos further.


As for the entire rankings, bravo for Flesher and encore for Stryke, my bumpee partner.

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Guest midnight_burn

Some very cool rankings there.


And i'm number 7 eh? I guess i'm doing something right.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

Cool, awesome rankings Stubby... I really like the idea of the analysis section!


And number 9 is cool too, not bad for someone who hasn't won a match since returning. ;)

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Guest HVilleThugg

Fuck you Stubby!!


You never did this when me, Stevens, and King were here!! Lazy bitch!


Ok....just kidding...:)


Cool...I like this rankings. Very accurate to what's going on in the fed.


I'd have liked to see Ash a bit higher though....but I suppose he's lacking that serious storyline.


By the way...has anyone noticed that this is probably the first successful attempt (thus far at least) of a fed wide angle. I know it's not really the whole fed, but 14 out of 22 people is pretty much the whole fed. Nice work everyone...keep it up and you might start getting rankings more regularly....



...well, probably not, but it's still a nice incentive to get out there and keep doin' what you're doin'.


Da "still #1" H

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

Nifty. Good to see that my game hasn't completely deteriorated yet. ^_^


Nice work, Stubbster...

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Okay Thugg...


1) Hville Thugg - He's big and fat and sits on his opponents, thus he's #1.


Mothernature says that's Thugg for ya'..."

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Guest HVilleThugg

Now that's better dammit!




Da "buuuuurrrrnnnnn" H

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Great job, Stubby. This is one of those little touches that just makes it cool to keep coming back here.


Pretty solid rankings. I am proud to lead a stable that houses number 22, the mysterious, enigmatic, never-here Johnny Rotten!

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Guest Tod deKindes

I'm not one to bitch...


But it's a little 'd' in 'deKindes' ...



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Guest TheBostonStrangler

We all know that Stubby put me at #11 so he wouldn't have to write anything about me. It's just another case of "The Man" trying to hold me down! Or it's that I've had one match since coming back. It's one or the other.

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

I agree with Wilson, this is one of the small things that truly make this fed enjoyable.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

...this and bringing threads off topic.


Get off my lawn, everyone.

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