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Guest Mindless_Aggression

Das some scary shit mang

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

I think we can all safely say this topic has probably been done at least a dozen times before. But I haven't seen it before, so i'm doing it now. You will LIKE it too. Or not.


Anyways, basically, what movie has legit made you look over your shoulder with fear? Made you afraid to go outside after the sun went down? In my case, it made me afraid to bathe, as a 7 year old boy was subjected to Jaws. I demanded they hose me off in the backyard, but no, I had to sit in the bathtub. With all that damn mister bubble. I knew the shark was just below the suddy surface. I should be in Guiness for shortest bath time ever, I was out in like 2 1/2 seconds.


So please do share your experiences. Or just call me "Pussy bath boy" whichever you prefer.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Okay, Pussy Bath Boy... ;)


Honestly, the first movie that ever really unnerved me was the original Alien, which I saw for the very first time at the age of 5. I didn't sleep for like 3 weeks because everytime my mom turned off the lights and left, I would stare at my open closet(I don't know why I didn't just get up and close them) for maybe 20 minutes, see something move, and then run like hell.


That movie fucked me up so bad that I avoided all space-related movies/comics/TV shows for like 4 years.



Also, this didn't happen to me, but a friend of mine from high school told me that when he was 7, he saw Child's Play for the first time. After the movie was over with, he was getting ready to go to bed and while he was taking a piss, he swore that he heard Chucky run by the bathroom door.


His dad got up later in the night, went into the kitchen to get some water, and when he turned on the light, he found my friend sitting Indian-style with two butchers' knives in his hands waiting for Chucky to come get him.


I got some fucked up friends, eh?

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Guest razazteca

I never really like the Hellrazor series, especially seeing Frank walking around with no skin.

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Guest What?

I would have to say....




Any of the Chucky movies...that damned doll made me hate ALL dolls.



Although it did give me a really good idea for a skateboard graphic....

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Guest BottleRocket

The first time I saw both "The Omen" and "The Exorcist" I was scared out of my mind. The religious horror films always frightened me more than those of the slasher/monster nature when I was a youngster.


Although, honestly, I still won't go near those steps in Georgetown.

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Guest y2jailbait

I dont know about all of you, but that Male Prostitute Movie Star Maps always has me cringing in fear. I mean come on! A movie about a MALE PROSTITUTE, how obscure is that? That and american gigalo, of yeah Duece Bigalow as well, but those were somewhat comedies, Star Maps was a full on dramatic look into the life of a male prostitute, man i just cant get this movie outta my head.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Poltergeist scared the shit out of me when I saw it the 1st time. The scene where the guy's face came off in the sink was the worst. Of course, I saw it when I was young (less than 10 years old, what were my parents thinking? LOL! ).

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Guest the 1inch punch

Theres a really creepy Japanese movie called Ring


laugh if u want, but the ending to Blair Witch scared the shit out of me

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

There was a movie that I think was called Parents about a boy slowly coming to the realization that his parents were cannibals. I believe Randy Quaid was the father. Anyway, there was a dream sequence where he was walking around at night and sees a hand reaching out of the garbage disposal in the sink. That scared me pretty bad. I'd like to see that movie again now that I'm older, but I can never find it anywhere.

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Guest Human Fly

Yeah when I was a kid Chucky freaked me out. Whenever a preview for the movie came on I would always get this crawling feeling in the pit of my stomach until I changed the channel, or left the room.


laugh if u want, but the ending to Blair Witch scared the shit out of me


I know people who refuse to ever watch that movie again because it freaked them out so much. It didn't freak me out, but if someone would've suggested to go camping right after we watched it I doubt I would've taken them up on it.

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Guest evenflowDDT

When I was younger, I was freaked for years to high holy hell by E.T.. After that, there was the "Alien Autopsy" special that FOX aired, the "Alien Abduction" special that UPN aired (hmmm... is there a trend here?).


Although they didn't really freak me out, I was a bit disturbed by Basket Case and the ending to Freaks when I first saw them. The Baby and Arlington Road's endings also disturbed me, but not in the "scary" context of the topic.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Chucky scared the fuck outta me when I was 6, and it didn't help that my sister's friends would always go "Andrew, Chucky's gonna get you!" whenever they saw me.


Hmmm...what else...


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre creeped me out...the last 20 minutes, anyways. Most intense 20 minutes I've ever seen on film, and you can quote me on that. Speaking of quotes...


From Spaceman Spiff

Poltergeist scared the shit out of me when I saw it the 1st time. The scene where the guy's face came off in the sink was the worst. Of course, I saw it when I was young (less than 10 years old, what were my parents thinking? LOL! ).

Maybe the fact that Poltergeist is only PG...

Hey, I was creeped out by that movie too, but only the scene where the demon-thingy's head came out of the gateway in the closet.

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Guest Ravenbomb

I saw Halloween when I was five, because my dad had the tape and thought it would be a good idea if me and my sister (who was 8) watched it. I should've known something was wrong when he wouldn't watch it either....

anyways, it scared the living beJebus out of me



more recently, I think a couple years ago, Evil Dead scared me so much I wouldn't even go outside at night (we have a hill with so much weeds and trees and other plantlife it looks like woods, and it's a couple yards from the back door... eeeeh)

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Guest Mattdotcom

OK, my mom saw Halloween in theatres when she was my age, and when she got home that night, she was so scared she wouldn't close her eyes to wash her face. Well, the movie also warped her, so throughout my childhood, I was forced to endure:


"Matthew, come watch the end of halloween with me! She stabbed him in the throat, it's over!"


Of course, it isn't...


I'm in my room when the door slams and lights go out. What do I hear?


"Matthew! Freddy's gonna get you!"


Or the Jason sound thing...


Once, my neighbor dressed up as Michael Myers for Halloween. At about nine (my bedtime years ago) the doorbell rings. My mom looks outside and sees nothing. She opens the door, and he steps into view with that costume, scaring the hell out of her. Of course, later that night, he pulled it at a convienence store and almost got shot...


As for Chucky, he's scarred me for life.

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Guest Black Lushus

my extreme fear of spiders didn't help me when i went to see Arachnophobia when it first came out, i think i was 13 at the time...

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre's final 30 or so is indeed just wretchedly fucked up. Most movies focus on a "pop up" scare of sorts, but not there, Leatherface is on your ass every step of the way. Then he has the audacity to eat it.

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Guest MaxPower27

I don't know if it was made to be a horror movie, but se7en had me going the first time I saw it. I usually didn't like those movies (I was a little young), but Morgan Freeman was in it, I really liked him in "Glory", so I checked it out.


Maybe not "scared" per say, but disturbed, mildly disturbed.


I was too young to see Chucky, I saw it when I was 15 (4 years ago) and was too afraid to tell anyone. Then my lovely (sarcasm) girlfriend snuck up on me with the "John, Chucky's gonna get you!" and made my scream like a little bitch. I dumped her the next day. Bitch.

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Guest Vyce

As a little kid, The Shining scared the shit out of me. Those little dead girls gave me nightmares.


Blair Witch is a GOOD movie, IMO. Most people didn't get it because it's so totally different than the crap we've been forcefed as "horror" for the past couple decades. BWP was pure psychological horror.

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Guest bob_barron

Whomever said Arlington Road.. god damn that movie just scared the shit out of me and had me so depressed and sad that for a week I was fucked up

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Guest C.H.U.D.

Movies that scared me the first time I saw them?


The Evil Dead (watched it alone in the basement when I was like 12)

The Exorcist (had to turn the lights on)

Pet Sematary (the part the mothers handicapped sister)

Poltergiest (different parts)

Xtro (can't remember why)


Movies that I have seen recently that scared me?


Blair Witch Project

The Changeling

Black Christmas

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Guest MrRant

Night of the living dead when I was like 8 and CHUD probably know this one.. but there was a movie about space slugs that got into your brain and controlled you.

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Guest goodhelmet

When I first saw American Werewolf In London I was scared legit. Then again I was 7 years old.


I think 7 didn't scare me so much as it made me concerned about the fucked up people in this world.

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Guest godthedog

you know the drill...i see a 'disturbing/scary movies' thread and i pimp 'repulsion'.


so: 'repulsion'.

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Guest Vyce
Night of the living dead when I was like 8 and CHUD probably know this one.. but there was a movie about space slugs that got into your brain and controlled you.

There have been a few of those type movies (slugs that control you). I think the one you're thinking of is "Night of the Creeps", which is a really fun b-movie. :)

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Guest SupaTaft

I always dug zombie movies. It's just the idea behind them. Instead of being mysterious monsters with a weakness, they are just reanimated dead people who want nothing but to eat you (prefferably brains). Plus they are more or less unstoppable. There are just so many of them that they will eventually destroy you no matter how many you kill. They just keep coming and coming...


But if you anylize it a bit more, you will realize that the zombies would eventually run themselves out. They would come to a point where they have no food to survive so they would simply decay beyond movement and die... again...



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Guest CoreyLazarus416
From MrRant

but there was a movie about space slugs that got into your brain and controlled you.


Sounds like Night Of The Creeps...

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Guest dreamer420
the "Alien Abduction" special that UPN aired (hmmm... is there a trend here?).

this was a scary show. they played it off as being real and i believed it the first time i seen it. i actually still have it on tape somewhere.





here is my list:


leaving las vegas - i don't know why but when elisabeth shue is raped i really have a hard time watching the film from there on. i really have no idea why this hits me so hard but i won't watch it.


the exorcist - i had seen this movie but it was one time a couple of years ago that freaked me out. my buddy lived in this big old, really cool, but scary house. one night we ate some mushrooms and watched the exorcist. it was my first time doing shrooms and it scared the shit out of me because his house was constantly creeking and cracking.

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Guest evenflowDDT
But if you anylize it a bit more, you will realize that the zombies would eventually run themselves out. They would come to a point where they have no food to survive so they would simply decay beyond movement and die... again...



I think that as "live" food ran out, that eventually zombies would turn cannibalistic, kinda like the "new strain" of vampires that fed off vampires in Blade II. What comes to my mind as running themselves out really fast though, are in the promos for that new dragon movie where they go from "one to a million in less than a year"... talk about overpopulation, within another year they'd all die out at that rate, there'd be no space or food left.


Anyway, back to scary stuff... it wasn't until recently that I learned the "Alien Abduction" video wasn't real, and that was when I was compulsed to look it up on IMDb, and see the actor's credits.

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Guest Zack Malibu

I'm with the majority on the board who was totally fucked up by that little bastard Chucky.


Of course, having a cousin who a) Taped horror movies and watched them with me (I was used to Freddy and Jason at an early age)


and B) had access to a My Buddy doll would be a bad combination for a 7 year old kid. But alas, he was able to scare the crap out of me.


My mom tried to get me to watch it on regular TV once when I was 10 to show me there was nothing to be afraid of, but I locked myself in the other room so I couldn't watch it. I swear, I wouldn't watch any Chucky movies, commercials...shit, I was afraid to walk down the horror aisle at the video store, all because of that evil lump of plastic.


Even when the Bride Of Chucky trailer came on in the theater, I was like "Oh fuck, another Chucky movie", and that was when I was 17!


Of course, I'm now cured, I own all 4 Child's Play movies, as well as the McFarlane Chucky figure. But when I was a kid, I wouldn't go near him.

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