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Guest TheSmarkzone

To everyone laughing about Nash...

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I hope he does too.


I hope Angle and Jericho go next.


None of them should have to suffer through the current state of hoss pushing and alleged political goingson.

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Guest Thoth

15 seconds. Come on. That was hilarious.


"Oop, here I go into the ring! Whoops! There I go off into the back!"

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Guest Rob Edwards

Anything that can keep that bag of crap off my tv set is good news to me. First Sid now Nash God really likes me!

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Guest genius1591

That was the funnest thing I have ever seen in the longest time. I don't feel bad for him because he's getting money he doesen't deserve and also because he can't wrestle. That's a classic WWE moment. What a piece of trash. Pure classic! I hope he gets released.

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Guest Incandenza
"Oop, here I go into the ring! Whoops! There I go off into the back!"


That was pretty fucking funny.

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Guest goodhelmet

for anyone who thinks we should feel sorry for nash, ask yourself this question:


did he feel sorry for the thousands of viewers who watched his shitty matches over the years?


did he ever feel sorry for the few ignorant kevin nash fans when he no-showed countless wcw shows?


did he feel sorry for his opponents after they had to carry his sloth-like carcass around the ring?


did he feel sorry for booking wcw into an even bigger fucking joke than it already was?


i would almost bet the answer is no on all accounts so....




--now if vince would wisen up and dump hbk and x-punk then 4/5 of the clique would be gone from my sight!

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Guest Some Guy

While I disn't wish injury on Nash, i don't really care that he got hurt. It's not our fault that "Big Clumsy" can't jog across the ring. Maybe if he worked out a little harder, he wouldn't get injured so much. I noticed in Nash's matches before the arm injury that he looked unsteady on his feat and he looked the same when he came back and hurt himself last night. Maybe if he out forth the effort that his salary would dictate, then more more people would feel bad, but he doesn't so we don't.

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Guest Flyboy
I hope he does too.


I hope Angle and Jericho go next.


None of them should have to suffer through the current state of hoss pushing and alleged political goingson.

But.... then, who could the WWE blame? :o

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Guest RetroRob215

What happened to Nash is so fucking funny because he injured his arm doing NOTHING and now he tears his quad WALKING. How can you not laugh at that? Then again I laugh everytime someone gets hurt.

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Guest dreamer420

i actually felt bad for kevin nash watching raw last night. it was his return after 3 months and he had to get injured the way he did and all he could do was lay there in pain. say what you want about the guy but even he didn't deserve that one.

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Guest goodhelmet
i actually felt bad for kevin nash watching raw last night. it was his return after 3 months and he had to get injured the way he did and all he could do was lay there in pain. say what you want about the guy but even he didn't deserve that one.

he deserved it. he's been milking ted turner and vince mcmahon for millions for doing nothing. the least he could do is suffer a little public humiliation.

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Guest genius1591
i actually felt bad for kevin nash watching raw last night. it was his return after 3 months and he had to get injured the way he did and all he could do was lay there in pain.  say what you want about the guy but even he didn't deserve that one.

he deserved it. he's been milking ted turner and vince mcmahon for millions for doing nothing. the least he could do is suffer a little public humiliation.


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I've said it before and I'll say it again....


Fuck Kevin Nash.


Do I find it funny when people get hurt? Not really.

Do I find it funny when Kevin Trash gets hurt? YES!!!!


Nash is a one legged peice of shit. Always has been, always will be.

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Guest Syxx

Oh well, this thread and the other Nash threads are the reason why internet smarks are not given a shit about by anyone basically.


Yeah maybe Nash is an asshole (like any of us know him or what really happens at the back), maybe he makes more money than some of you will ever see in your life, but the man must be in incredible pain, and unless this is Hitler or a rapist we are talking about, it is really childish to show pleasure in anothers suffering.


It is never nice to see someone seriously injured, and if u can find delight in that, than (a) it is either time to stop watching wrestling because u are taking the shit too seriously, wishing pain on someone because of poor workrate, or backstage politics, and it is adding unneeded stress to your life (B) time for a psychiatric evalutation, because u have some sick demonic feelings to deal with or © to back up your laughter by confronting Mr. Nash in person in about six months when he isnt on crutches. Judging by the fact that some of you are so pathetic to wish hurt upon a wrestler just because he isnt a workrate God, I would assume you dont have many friends, and this is your one true outlet for aggression in your life, which would then lead me to assume (judging by your repressed aggression and hatred) that you have received many beatings from other more popular kids, who could lay out much less of an ass whooping than the one Kevin Nash could serve to you.

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Guest Mattdotcom

Ah, but one must learn to enjoy life's little ironies. So says the bad guy in an alternate ending to Die Hard with a Vengeance.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker

ALLLLLLLLLL - Righty then....


First up, the MAJORITY of YOU need to start talking for YOURSELVES and not the entire community of smarks, like all you genius' that state Nash is a guy we all hate and that most of us are not laughing at his injury. WE ARE ALL INDIVIDUALS AND WE ALL HAVE HANDS...well...most of us, and therefore we can make a stand ON OUR OWN, i gave up depending on others to do that for me when i was about 4 years old.


Secondly, I did not find anything humourous about what transpired on RAW. Nash's injury made me squirm in my seat just due to the scream the poor guy let out as his quad ripped from his knee. One of my friends had this exact injury a few years ago and i've seen the amount of pain the thing can cause, a pain i wouldnt wish upon anyone, espically someone i DONT EVEN FUCKING KNOW.


Most of you seem to be discussing Karma hitting Nash in his ass? I personally believe karma would work another way, by letting him wrestle and show everyone that he cannot live up to the hype that is attached to his name when it comes to in-ring work. However im not karma.


I do not think anyone is to blame for this, espically Booker T. The guy was flat on the floor and had nothing to do with the injury. Nash tripped, it was an accident and accidents happen. However, knowing Nash, i predict that Nash won't retire just yet...he has said it numourous ( speeeling? what dis dat? ) times that he is in the business for the money, not the recognition. He'll work ...( gulp ) hard, and overcome his injury so he can deshame himself AGAIN by 'wrestling'..or at least attempting to.


In any event, Nash is a human being and he has feelings. Watching a guy the most of us im sure have all been surrounded by the majority of our smark lives be hurt that badly right in front of us HAS to strike a compassionate bone SOMEWHERE...oh i can just hear the 'BUT HE HELD DOWN MY FAVOURITE WRESTLER' post rumbling in the distance...


I'll cut it short, fuck you all to hell....cept for the small few who share my opinion. Lol, Taker Mark, Lord of Hypocricy


This has been the Taker Mark

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Guest thefrenchargel

I watched the glorious explosion of Nash's leg TWICE. As far as confronting him in real life, get a load of this: At Pillman 2000, a buddy of mine saw him signing an autograph for someone, and my friend says to him "Nash, you're not the real big sexy, Viscera is." Nash looked up, got this completely dumbfounded look in his eye, and said. "Well...why don't ya go suck his big fat black dick then?" Cracked my shit up.

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Guest alfdogg
I'll cut it short, fuck you all to hell....cept for the small few who share my opinion. Lol, Taker Mark, Lord of Hypocricy


This has been the Taker Mark™

lol. That kind of reminds me of Cubano imitating DDP in one of his columns. I forget what it was about, but he said:


"Bro, bro, bro, this was all my idea. Oh, unless it doesn't work, then I didn't have nothin' to do with it."


That wasn't it word for word, but that's what that reminded me of for some reason.

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Guest Daredevil21

Ah, you Nash defenders; so blind, so uneducated, so naive. I'd really wish you'd all accept the fact that Nash has basically been a crook for the better part of a decade now. Despite being a backstabber, liar, con artist, and an all around lazy "wrestler," there are people who still defend the guy. Just admit he's a shady guy. I don't find pleasure in another man's suffering, but face it; Nash had something coming to him. He has cheated Turner and Vince out of millions and millions of dollars, all to do next to nothing (whether he was active or not), done damage to several careers, and basically been one of the laziest most over-paid men in the history of wrestling.


It is never nice to see someone seriously injured, and if u can find delight in that, than (a) it is either time to stop watching wrestling because u are taking the shit too seriously, wishing pain on someone because of poor workrate, or backstage politics, and it is adding unneeded stress to your life ( time for a psychiatric evalutation, because u have some sick demonic feelings to deal with or © to back up your laughter by confronting Mr. Nash in person in about six months when he isnt on crutches.


Like I've said, I don't take delight in another man's suffering, but I do take delight in justice and karma. We saw both come into play last night as Nash went down. He has crippled several young and promising careers, so perhaps it's only right that he be a cripple himself for a few months. And boy, I cannot tell you how fuckin' sick I am of you people spewing out the line "Let's see you go and tell him that to his face." Did we ever say we could take Nash? No. Did we ever deny that he's probably a pretty dangerous guy when he isn't pulling a groin after a sneeze, or getting a backache from picking up that deadly carton of orange juice? I think not. So please, enough of that BS. Quit defending him, cause he certainly doesn't give two fucks about any of you.


Judging by the fact that some of you are so pathetic to wish hurt upon a wrestler just because he isnt a workrate God, I would assume you dont have many friends, and this is your one true outlet for aggression in your life, which would then lead me to assume (judging by your repressed aggression and hatred) that you have received many beatings from other more popular kids, who could lay out much less of an ass whooping than the one Kevin Nash could serve to you.


I don't think many of us are wishing pain upon Nash just because he isn't a Chris Benoit. That is one of the reasons that many hate Nash, but it certainly isn't the main reason. Do you see anyone planning the assassination of Albert. Nope. People despise Nash because of that reason and the fact that he was/is a major backstage politician, is only in the business for the money, yet feels he doesn't have to do anything in order to get it, and despite milking millions of dollars for doing nothing in recent years, he feels no wrong for any of it. The man thinks he should be main eventing shows, and making millions to blow ass wrestling-wise in the ring. Fuck that. He had his moment in the sun, and IMO, he milked all he could long ago, and needs to give it a rest.


Kinda odd how suddenly, if you think Nash got he just deserves, you are a friendless loser who got beatup all the time as a kid. God forbid someone have a clear understanding of the whole concept that what goes around comes around. Yet another poor defense in Nash's favor.


First up, the MAJORITY of YOU need to start talking for YOURSELVES and not the entire community of smarks, like all you genius' that state Nash is a guy we all hate and that most of us are not laughing at his injury. WE ARE ALL INDIVIDUALS AND WE ALL HAVE HANDS...well...most of us, and therefore we can make a stand ON OUR OWN, i gave up depending on others to do that for me when i was about 4 years old.


I'm not going to speak for everyone else, since I do believe that many of the people on this board simply go with the crowd, whether they feel that way or not. I will however say that just because someone says they hate Nash, doesn't mean that they are conforming with the rest of the Smark community. I don't conform, and I hate Nash simply for all of the things that he's done in the past, and I feel that what happened to him was a small bit of payback for all the wrong he has done in the past.


And what the hell is up with the line, "WE ARE ALL INDIVIDUALS AND WE ALL HAVE HANDS...well...most of us, and therefore we can make a stand ON OUR OWN, i gave up depending on others to do that for me when i was about 4 years old."? If we're at a keyboard supposedly going along with the masses, I think we have a pair of hands. How the hell is saying that you don't like Nash going along with what others say? I mean, just because it's the popular opinion, doesn't mean that you're a conformist for thinking it. Maybe it's a popular opinion because they have good reason to feel so.


Most of you seem to be discussing Karma hitting Nash in his ass? I personally believe karma would work another way, by letting him wrestle and show everyone that he cannot live up to the hype that is attached to his name when it comes to in-ring work. However im not karma.


What in the holy fuck are you talking about??? Are you even remotely familiar with the concept of karma? It's getting back what you put in, whether it be good or bad. You make it sound like he's some great worker, and that karma for him would be getting in the ring and not being able to live up to those expectations. That's not karma. If you meant that he would get into the ring and do better than people thought he would, then that still wouldn't be karma. That'd just being him proving the critics wrong. Nash has got plenty of bad karma for all of his past deeds, and well, just look at what happened Monday night.


However, knowing Nash, i predict that Nash won't retire just yet...he has said it numourous ( speeeling? what dis dat? ) times that he is in the business for the money, not the recognition.


The guy is nearing his mid-40's, and his body just can't take it anymore. I'd be surprised if Vince didn't try to cut him loose. If he's in the biz for the bucks, then he's in it for all the wrong reasons. You don't get into it cause you want money. You get into it cause you love the damn business, which Nash clearly does not.


He'll work ...( gulp ) hard, and overcome his injury so he can deshame himself AGAIN by 'wrestling'..or at least attempting to


Work hard, eh? Well, looks like you just answered the question of Nash's future. The guy has never worked hard, why would he start now? Oh I know...he won't. Attempting to wrestle would be pretty hard for Nash as well, seeing as how he hasn't made a real attempt to wrestle since 1994. If you want to disagree, then fine. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. He did attempt to wrestle on Monday, right? Well, that last all the 10 seconds before he got hurt doing the deadly walk to the corner. Attempt isn't in Nash's vocabulary, folks. Sit, collect, lazy, shady, backstab, political, con. Those are some words that Big K is familiar with.


In any event, Nash is a human being and he has feelings. Watching a guy the most of us im sure have all been surrounded by the majority of our smark lives be hurt that badly right in front of us HAS to strike a compassionate bone SOMEWHERE...oh i can just hear the 'BUT HE HELD DOWN MY FAVOURITE WRESTLER' post rumbling in the distance...


I'm aware that he's human and hell he has feelings. Those feelings are most likely in the greed area, but I'll say that he's not a bad guy...on the outside. That's why he's able to wrap anyone around his finger. The inner-workings of Nash are not a pretty sight, however.


And yeah, you're right. You got your "he held down my favorite wrestler" post, but you got a lot more with it, as well. I didn't watch much WCW, and I wasn't some huge Benoit mark, so I can look at this without biast eyes. Nash was in the wrong there, and like I said, he didn't deserve the injury because he was a bad worker or held people down. It were those things, an accumulation of other things, and the fact that he does not care that he's done any of it.


I'll cut it short, fuck you all to hell....cept for the small few who share my opinion. Lol, Taker Mark, Lord of Hypocricy


Fuck us all to hell for not sharing your opinion. My, what a wise one you are. We don't have your opinion, so we should all go straight to hell. Jackass.


Quit sticking up for Nash, you glorified marks. He cares not for what he's done, and he doesn't give a shit about any of you, so quit kissing the man's ass like he's done any good in recent years, or that he'd care that you are siding with him. You don't have big fat paychecks to give him, or a couch for him to sit on while he waits to recieve them, so you are of zero use to him.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker



My post was not to be taken 100% seriously in its entirity, maybe YOU have issues when it comes to taking things for what they are meaning your either American or a New Yorker.


I COULD sit here and argue everything you said but eh...i have more important issues to address.


Thank you for your opinion


This has been the Taker Mark

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Guest Daredevil21
My post was not to be taken 100% seriously in its entirity, maybe YOU have issues when it comes to taking things for what they are meaning your either American or a New Yorker.


Um ok. I'm an American, but I don't see what a New Yorker has to do with it, but whatever. Maybe a New Yorker will know what you're talking about.


I COULD sit here and argue everything you said but eh...i have more important issues to address.


AKA "I can't counter any of the points you made, so I won't try."


Look, when you post your opinions on a message board, you won't always get someone who just agrees with every little thing you say. That would suck. I hope that you wish that someone with a different opinion would reply to what you post, because that can usually lead to some fairly good discussion. Clearly you only want people to agree with what you say, which is a bit hypocritical of you since you bashed everyone for saying that they just went along with the crowd. Make up your mind as to what is the way to go.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker
My post was not to be taken 100% seriously in its entirity, maybe YOU have issues when it comes to taking things for what they are meaning your either American or a New Yorker.


Um ok. I'm an American, but I don't see what a New Yorker has to do with it, but whatever. Maybe a New Yorker will know what you're talking about.


I COULD sit here and argue everything you said but eh...i have more important issues to address.


AKA "I can't counter any of the points you made, so I won't try."


Look, when you post your opinions on a message board, you won't always get someone who just agrees with every little thing you say. That would suck. I hope that you wish that someone with a different opinion would reply to what you post, because that can usually lead to some fairly good discussion. Clearly you only want people to agree with what you say, which is a bit hypocritical of you since you bashed everyone for saying that they just went along with the crowd. Make up your mind as to what is the way to go.

Hahaha, point taken my friend, i'll kill the argument right here and now.


Anyone got any used toilet paper? I wanna send Nash a get well card


This has been the Taker Mark

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Guest bob_barron

If you're a New Yorker then aren't you an American??


I'm a New Yorker and I think its fantastic Nash got hurt. Good riddance to poor trash

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Guest MaxPower27

I laughed just knowing the fact that it was indeed karma catching up to him, and he derserved what he got.


Know what'd be great? If he rehabbed his injury, actually worked hard in getting back, then in his first match back, tore his right quad.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker
Know what'd be great? If he rehabbed his injury, actually worked hard in getting back, then in his first match back, tore his right quad.

That would be 'great'.


How compassionate of you....i really do hate you all...cept the Aussies & my sig fans


This has been the Taker Mark

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly
"Well...why don't ya go suck his big fat black dick then?"



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Guest MaxPower27

Hey Taker Mark, I'm using the same passion in ripping Nash (maybe that's the wrong verb) that he used in having those horrible, unwatchable matches. So someone's opinion differs from yours, oh fucking well.

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