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Guest BA_Baracus

SWF Storm card (July 12/2002)

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);





Show: SWF Storm

Date: July 12, 2002

Arena: The Mile One Arena in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada!

Due date: July 12, 2002 at 12PM (noon) central time.



Danny Williams vs. Johnny Rotten

- Danny Williams didn’t show up for his Smarkdown and the commish wasn’t happy. Seeing as no-showing a match is a clear violation of William’s contract Stubby has decided to book this match. If Williams does not pin Johnny Rotten he will be fired from the SWF, and Stubby will have eliminated one of those pesky Magnificent 7 guys.

Match Description – Regular DQ and count-out rules are in effect. If Danny Williams does not defeat Rotten by pinfall, he will be fired.

Word Limit: 3000 words

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El Luchadore Magnifico vs. “TNT” Taylor Nicholas Thompson

- Magnifico will try to make a dent in the Magnificent 7 when he battles with TNT this Friday.

Word Limit: 4000 words

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Ash Ketchum & Erek Taylor vs. Tom Flesher & Fallout

- The X-Force 9 trio of Ash Ketchum, Erek Taylor and Longdogger Pete managed to reconcile their differences on Smarkdown. Ash and Erek will see if they can truly co-exist as a team when they take on Flesher and Fallout from the Clan…

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Tod deKindes vs. Longdogger Pete

- Longdogger Pete is a veteran who lives and breathes this business and attempts to give back to it whenever he can. He was impressed when he saw Tod deKindes defeat Fallout about a week ago and decided to challenge him to this match to test his metal.

Match Description – Regular DQ and count-out rules are not in effect. Submissions, pinfalls and knockouts only count within the ring.

Word Limit: 4000 words

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Jay Dawg © vs. Frost

- Frost feels he’s being held down in the SWF and demanded a match against the hardcore champion on Smarkdown. Stubby was fine with signing this match against the new hardcore champ Jay Dawg…but the wily commish has once again added a few stipulations to the match.

Match Description – Regular DQ and count-out rules are not in effect. The ring will be surrounded on all sides by an approximately 20 foot tall cage. Frost can only win the match by climbing over the top and touching both feet to the arena floor, while on the other hand Jay Dawg can win by climbing out of the cage, exiting via the cage door or by pinfall within the cage.

Word Limit: 5000 words

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Spider Nekura & Thoth vs. The Boston Strangler & Stryke

- Spider Nekura made his return to action on Smarkdown and this Friday he will team with fellow Clan member Thoth against the Magnificent 7 team of the Boston Strangler and Stryke.

Word Limit: 6000 words

Send to: HVilleThugg




Mothernature's heard that one before..."

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Guest Beingz0wningj00



Win the title, yet I get to defend it on the next show!?


Don't I have some clause that allows me to chicken shit out?







*refuses to acknowledge the cushy advantage he's been given* BLARG!!!



*realizes it's a cage match*



Oh... heh heh heh heh :ph34r:

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Guest HVilleThugg

Wow....7 matches...


...with no Edwin...no Z...2 tag matches...howza! Awsome! I think we're still a little way away from being ideal, but we're making mucho progress towards having a solid roster to book with. Now, we just need to get some asses in the JL so we can bump more people to the WF!


Wilson/Raynor should be fun.


Da "knows no one who would join" H

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Guest chirs3

Good lord, this looks like a JL card - 7 matches with people to spare!


And I am so getting my ass kicked by Wilson. :(

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Guest midnight_burn

Looks like Strangler gets to be the next to be dragged down into my pit of despair and general crapness.

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Guest Ash Ketchum


Win the title, yet I get to defend it on the next show!?


Don't I have some clause that allows me to chicken shit out?







*refuses to acknowledge the cushy advantage he's been given* BLARG!!!



*realizes it's a cage match*



Oh... heh heh heh heh :ph34r:

Heh. Don't feel bad. Stryke and I still have Hardcore Title rematches coming up. :D


And trust me... I have a great idea for a stip for my re-match.... mwahahahahahaaaaaa...

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Sweet card. Fallout's booked in two tag matches, which I think might have been a mistake. Wilson/Raynor is something I haven't seen in a long time that should be pretty remarkable, and I myself will enjoy the break.


FYI, to anyone who thought I was going on vacation for the next two weeks: my trip got cancelled. So feel free to book me, consult me, whatever you need. And...that's all I got.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

So where are Mr. Rotten's stats. I've scrolled up and down the stat sheet until I'am sick from eye strain, and I can't find them. I would like to start to match. Should I just make up stats?


BTW, If you continue to give me two days to write for Smarkdown with those two days being Saturday and Sunday. Days that I almost always work long hours during the day on. Than I will have to choice but to continue to no show, and there isn't a damn thing I can do about it. It's out of my hands.

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Stubby, I believe that Wilson is in Washington DC right now, so I wouldn't be expecting anything from him.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom



I'm dead!


Heheheheheheheheehehheheehe.........I'm serious. :(


Great card over all, and the last two matches are sure to be spectastic.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

O.K. I'am starting my match. I"ll assume he is the long lost brother of Ian and Axel Rotten. Which means he's a fat guy that doesn't know how to wrestle, and bleeds alot.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom
Stubby, I believe that Wilson is in Washington DC right now, so I wouldn't be expecting anything from him.

Yes, yes he did.


(N) at automatic ME wins for Raynor. :P

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Actually Danny, Rotten's stats should be on the thread, about 2/3 of the way down the first page. If you can't find them, here's a brief overview. I bet you'd actually like writing a match against him, considering his style...


If I remember correctly, Rotten stands 6'8", hails from Naptown, and weighs in at 260. He is a member of the Midnight Carnival, even though he's like, never around. Rotten is a very old-school grappler/brawler, who mostly uses fundamentals mixed with a few big power moves. Hip tosses, arm drags, rough clotheslines, brawling, stomps, powerslams, vertical suplexes, all those standard maneuvers are pretty common for him. Some of his signatures:


The Shattered Dreams: Just what it sounds like - Rotten lines the guy up for the kick to the crotch in the corner.


Pyramid Driver: cross-armed powerbomb, I think. He does these a lot, sometimes 4 in a row on rare occasions.


Rotten Spike: Nasty thumb-to-throat submission hold.


Rotten Uranage: Powerful sleeper choke drop--sleeper from behind, lift the opponent, and drop him down on his tailbone while choking him out.


That's all I can remember, except for his finisher:


Rotten Day: Basically, an elevated reverse underhook DDT (aka Christian's Unprettier). It's elevated so much that it's basically a reverse underhook piledriver.


And...hopefully that'll get you going.


And damn, Strangler, you're right. Stubby, if you want to scrap that match and edit me in onto the card somewhere, you can.

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Guest midnight_burn

If Wilson can't write one possible solution would be for him to swap places on the card with either myself or Strangler. That way the main event wouldn't be a default and Wilson's partner in the tag match could write it all themself. That's one idea, anyway.

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Stryke makes a good point. I'm have lots of time for writing this week, so if you put Wilson in the tag match, and Stryke or me in the ME, that should work.

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Guest HVilleThugg

I will definitely confirm that Wilson is now roaming the streets of my hood, Washington, DC. If I knew what he looked like, I'd find him and egg him...and then kick him off both mine and Outcast's lawns (since my lawn and 'Cast's lawns are so close to one another).


Either way...I like the tag idea...although, Fallout is booked twice, so maybe we could do something with that.


If I had the power, I'd fix it....but I don't....so yall punks is just gonna have to wait till Stubby gets on later tonight.


Rotten's stats are on the stats sheet...like Edwin said. I haven't checked, but if Edwin says they're there, then they're there.


As far as Smarkdown is concerned Danny, there really isn't a whole lot we can do about that, unless we go to the JL format of 3 shows over 2 weeks. But Stubby doesn't like that, so it's probably not going to happen. The only other thing we can do is have you only write for Storms...Bo used to do it...however, that's the shoe everyone asks for off...so, we'd really not want to do that. But if you PM Stubby or me or King about your availability to write for Smarkdown, we can work something out.


Da "which way did he go?" H

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Guest HVilleThugg

Changed my mind....not going to do that. Those who spoke with me on AIM know why.


Da "trying to help" H

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Guest Coffin Surfer
Actually Danny, Rotten's stats should be on the thread, about 2/3 of the way down the first page. If you can't find them, here's a brief overview. I bet you'd actually like writing a match against him, considering his style...


If I remember correctly, Rotten stands 6'8", hails from Naptown, and weighs in at 260. He is a member of the Midnight Carnival, even though he's like, never around. Rotten is a very old-school grappler/brawler, who mostly uses fundamentals mixed with a few big power moves. Hip tosses, arm drags, rough clotheslines, brawling, stomps, powerslams, vertical suplexes, all those standard maneuvers are pretty common for him. Some of his signatures:


The Shattered Dreams: Just what it sounds like - Rotten lines the guy up for the kick to the crotch in the corner.


Pyramid Driver: cross-armed powerbomb, I think. He does these a lot, sometimes 4 in a row on rare occasions.


Rotten Spike: Nasty thumb-to-throat submission hold.


Rotten Uranage: Powerful sleeper choke drop--sleeper from behind, lift the opponent, and drop him down on his tailbone while choking him out.


That's all I can remember, except for his finisher:


Rotten Day: Basically, an elevated reverse underhook DDT (aka Christian's Unprettier). It's elevated so much that it's basically a reverse underhook piledriver.


And...hopefully that'll get you going.


And damn, Strangler, you're right. Stubby, if you want to scrap that match and edit me in onto the card somewhere, you can.

Thanks, but his stats are not on the thread. Oh well, I've done wrote over half of the match. I basically got him wrote as Axel Rotten, just alot sloppier. The match will also be much more different than my usual matches. Not that it's a new direction, but since this guy doesn't seem to be around, I figure I could experiment a little.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

He doesn't HAVE AIM...you putz. But I'm on! Horray!









Fine, so nobody likes me. B)

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Guest ErekT2k

Great card!


I just can't believe HVT can be so calm when as of today, ELM will be only 6 days from tying his record for Most Days w/ Title.


That means, let's see, Sunday: ELM ties w/ HVT.... and since Smarkdown is on Monday.... wooo!! Broken record!! :D


*marks for ELM*

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Guest HVilleThugg



*quickly books ELM in a guantlet match for the LHW title where at the end, he has to face HVT in a special stip where anyone of any size can fight for the little person's belt.


Fuck you ELM!! DIE DIE DIE!!!


Or, congrats...one or the other!


Da "thinks records are made to be broken" H

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom
Rotten Day: Basically, an elevated reverse underhook DDT (aka Christian's Unprettier). It's elevated so much that it's basically a reverse underhook piledriver.



You know, you could have just said: "A Vertebreaker." :P

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Okay...crap. I obviously wasn't paying enough attention booking this card.




...the Wilson vs. Raynor match has been removed and Thoth will now be teaming with Spider instead of Fallout (which was the original intention, but I typed in the wrong name). Plus that match has been moved into the main event and the world limit has been bumped up from 4500 to 6000.


Mothernature says...blah..."

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Sheesh. The booker actually edits me DOWN the card.



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