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Guest Tyler McClelland

Now this is something that pisses me off...

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Guest Tyler McClelland

I've been reading through my promo thread on the SWF main board... I have 13 replies right now.


Good, right?


Wrong. ZERO REPLIES ACTUALLY FOR MY PROMO. Jesus, all of them... ALL OF THEM... simply bitch about RP feds or reply to Stubby's crap.


Not one says "That sucked", "That was good!", "It was confusing", or even "It was too long."


I doubt anyone on these boards even read the fucking thing.


Maybe this is why there are so many no-shows... maybe this is why we don't have that many new recruits. People around here simply don't care... and don't give me this "I read it, I just didn't feel I needed to reply" crap. If you want to have a fed that works... a fed where people know their writing and whatnot is appreciated, then give people some fucking feedback... Those comments I made above about "That sucked" or "That was good" or something don't cut it.


Tell them WHAT you like about it, what you DON'T, and how you think they can fix it. I can guarantee you that even if you tear apart the person's promo and say everything that is wrong with it, they'll appreciate it... because you know that they read the fucking thing.


At this point, with what I'm seeing, I wonder why anyone even writes anything for this fed. It's obvious that most people don't give a flying fuck about anyone but themselves.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

My confusion with it was that I just didn't understand how it related to the WF Tyler McClelland. I thought we were just seeing some more FWF/IWF stuff. I'll go put my comments on it now that I know it applies.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

Same character.


If you had read the original post, I said the bottom story affects Tyler in SWF as well. That's why I posted it.


And also, I'm not just talking about mine... I'm talking about all of them. This is a theme, everyone says "Good job." and moves on. That's a pile of crap.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Because it didn't seem to have anything to do with this fed and thus I had nothing to say about it.


I read enough promos and matches every week thanks very much.


But yeah...comments = good. Go comment on Outcast's thing before he loses it and kills us all.


Mothernature says..."

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Guest Tyler McClelland

Stubby, it did. You'll see with the next one that it's bringing my character into a different state of mind.


And if you read them....


WHY DON'T YOU GIVE FEEDBACK? NOBODY in this fed does that.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto
Same character.


If you had read the original post, I said the bottom story affects Tyler in SWF as well. That's why I posted it.


And also, I'm not just talking about mine... I'm talking about all of them. This is a theme, everyone says "Good job." and moves on. That's a pile of crap.

I guess I just didn't make the connection. A "Danny Williams" here or a "prostitute for Danny Williams" might have helped me make the connection, I guess.


It is unfortunate that we sometimes don't comment as much as we could, or offer thoughts or constructive criticism. I'll start making double-sure I do.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Sure they do.


Or have you missed the several promos with 20 or so replies on the SWF board?


My comment...it's well written, but I don't find whatever storyline you're writing particularly compelling and seems totally out of place within the confines of a wrestling angle. Part of the reason I probably didn't find it compelling because I was just dropped straight into the middle of it and haven't been following it.


Oh...and I don't know if it's required or something, but the songs at the beginning and end of all your RPs is starting to come of pretty cliched. Espeically when they're always just some top 40 hit that doesn't seem to have much to do with what you're talking about.


Mothernature says..."

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Guest Tyler McClelland

Most of those 20 reply promos have comments like "Oooh, interesting!" or completely off topic. The type that Edwin made was what I'm talking about... people should do things like that for other people to make them know that, in fact, you DID read the damn thing.


You're right, this isn't a wrestling angle... but it will be effecting Tyler's persona and I need to get that in there. I, and I wish everyone else would too, can't just do something without a reason. I can't write Tyler the way I do if I don't have a reason for the way he acts. This is the beginning of the reason why.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

And, for the record, this topic was not made to shill my promo... it was something I've been observing for a long time and I finally thought it needed to be said when it happened to me, too.


EVERYONE needs to do this for EVERYONE ELSE. It would make this fed a lot more enjoyable.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Yeah well, most people just don't have any in-depth criticisms in mind when they read a promo.


I'm not about to launch into a 500 word appraisal of every promo where a guy gets out of his car and gets it with a chair.


People make a comment showing they read the promo and that's all that really matters. Most people aren't really asking for their stuff to be critiqued and pulled apart, they just put a promo up to tell a part of a story.


Mothernature says..."

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Guest Tyler McClelland

I guess. Maybe it's just me, then.


I didn't mean a 500 word critique, but I did mean something meaningful that might help the person. Telling them "Oh, it's good." isn't going to make them any better, and, if they're smart, they probably won't even think you read it.


What I do to show people I did read it is bring up ONE thing in the promo I liked... or if I didn't like it, that's when I go with the good criticism.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Well...comments are good. I've complained about the lack of comments in the past (but it was much worse back then).


But personally I don't care about the actual content of the comment. A comment is just that, a comment and people can say whatever they want.


Advice is good, but a lot of time people just don't have any advice to give. Better they make at least some type of reply instead of keeping quiet because they have no advice.


Mothernature says..."

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Guest HVilleThugg

Well 'Cast...normally, I would have read and commented on the promo. However, this has been a rather busy week for me, so i really didn't have the 15 minutes it takes to read through it and post something meaningful. I know that I post little crap on other threads, but that hakes no thought and goes up in under a minute. Reading and critiqueing a promo takes time.


However, I do agree with most of what outcast is saying. People need to follow and read stuff that doesn't involve them. We are our own audience here...there's no outside people reading our stuff...it's us, and only us! When i was active, i noticed and complained about the same thing. However, Stubby has a point that it's tough to come out with a nice in depth analysis when a) edwin or someone else has already done it; or b)you just don't have anything interesting to say. that's why most people just acknowledge that they read it, and let it go. i think that's the best you can expect.


i also have to agree with stubby and say that i read tons of matches and promos all week long, so i do tend to skip commenting on some just because it gets tiresome and when you read so many things related to this fed, you start skimming....and then you can't comment. i will honestly say that sometimes i skim just so i know what's going on...but it's tough when you read so much stuff to get up and analyze every single promo.


but still....we should all start commenting on people's stuff or why else do we write it?


da "has given up on using the shift key" h

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Guest Muzz

I seem to remember Outcast replying to my promo... then immediately after, advertising his Role play's for his fed on my thread with another post, and then Ash had the gaul to say nothing about my promo.


It happens man, can't do anything about it.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

I also replied directly to you through AIM, if I recall correctly. Big difference :)

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Guest BigTim2002

See, I told Outcast on AOL how good it wuz...and it was. It's SUCH A compelling story...it made me shiver reading it.

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