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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Ever Have a Weird Dream?

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I had a dream the other night that I was doind the Spinaroonie in a parking lot.


The other night, I fell asleep watching Spider-Man. I was watching it on Windows Media Player with Terminator 2 on repeat. Somehow, I started out the dream as Peter Parker's roommate. He was telling me about his problems with J Jonah Jameson and I was thinking, "Shut the fuck up!" Later on in the dream, I was using Spider-Man's webs to steal ice cream from an ice cream parlor. I ended up finding myself having to go back to NY on emergency business. I don't know wha the emergency was, but I was on a bus to NY and got stranded halfway there. I went inside of a building (to use the bathroom I think) and heard screams. I went to see what was wrong, and there was someone throwing Molotov Cocktails into the windows. I looked out of a window just in time to see some psycho looking bitch (I think it was Sarah Conner) looking right at me and getting ready to throw one directly at me. I jumped my ass out the window and got the hell out of there. There were people hopping into vans and driving away, and I saw a van full of people who didn't have room for a kid, so I picked the kid up and ran with him to safety. Things changed again and this time I found myself in a grey trenchcoat and fedora with a mask on. I was fighting the Green Goblin, who was flying around on his glider. I know good and damn well that must have been happening in the movie while I was asleep because he was laughing and spitting out shity traash talk. I was bobbing and weaving so that he would crash into stuff, while trying to avoid his bombs. Spider-Man swung in behind the Green Goblin and I slipped away. In the next part of my dream, I met the Justic League. We weren't in any extravagant superhero base, we were some little shitty building. There was Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, the old school Green Lantern and the old school Flash. Superman was crying and I was trying to pretend that I didn't notice. I struck up a conversation with the GReen Lantern as Superman walked past me crying. Wonder Woman ended up giving him a hug and trying to console him. At that point I woke up thinking what the fuck!?

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Guest swan

I use to suffer from night terrors. If you don't know what they are do an internet search. It got so bad at one point I was afraid to fall asleep. Kind of like Nightmare on Elm Street but you don't get killed.

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Guest dreamer420

i had one about 5 nights ago that i am still thinking about to this day. awhile back when i was hanging out in a different group of people there was girl named alexis that was so unbelivably beautiful but at the same time so mind nummingly annoying too. lex and i were still good friends for months and months and after having to leave the people i was hanging out with i stopped seeing alexis. well the other night i had a dream that was so fucking odd that it is still troubling me. i don't know how long this dream went for but all of a sudden I was standing in a hotel lobby with lex. i was wondering around while she was at the desk. finally she walks over to me, hugs and kisses me and then tells me that our room was ready. I remember myself in the dream going "our room" and off we went. we rode the elevator and got to the room door and I woke up. it seemed so real I had to check if she was laying in my bed beside me. anyway it left me feeling very strange for the rest of the day.

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Guest Flyboy

I've so many weird dreams it's not even funny...


When Tales of the Crypt was on... like every month I would have a dream about it. I was like.... battling the Cypter or something. It began to be a fucking series. The 'show' would open up list the credits, and I would be in them. The last dream I remember there was a battle between me and the Cypter in the backyard of his mansion. It was really weird and freaky.


Another one would be... my great-grandmother was taking me over a bridge/overpass in a car. In the middle, it suddenly crumbles in the middle and we start falling... screaming our lungs out, and seconds before we crashed, I woke up.



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Guest The Man in Blak

I've had an abundance of fucked-up dreams, but here's two that stick out at the moment:




I'm running through the grass, part of some advanced weapons penetration team or something. We get up to a chain link fence and my teammate, KEVIN NASH, cut a hole through it and says "Go on, kid - plant it and go." I'm running in and evading searchlights like some idiot who's played Metal Gear Solid all of his life until I get up to the wall. I instinctively throw down my backpack, grab the plastique and seal it onto the wall...but the timer's already been set. I do my double-take and it explodes...


"I'd like an G, Pat."

"Two G's for our celebrity star, Kevin Nash."


I open my eyes and I'm on Wheel of Fortune. Vanna's hobbling (no kneecaps) along the puzzle and uncovering two G's for the guy next to me...KEVIN NASH. (Disturbing, I know). Ed McMahon, the other contestant, is trying to hit on Pat Sajak and then, when Nash spins the wheel, I get dizzy...and wake up.


I didn't realize it...but it turns out I fell asleep during the only episode of nWo Nitro.




The other one's not as elaborate, but I still remember it quite vividly.


It's one of those "outside of yourself" dreams - I only have perspective - I can't really move around or feel anything.


It's a totally white room with no apparent walls or corners (Think the Matrix room where Neo finds out "the truth"). Seven people in dark blue hooded robes walk into the center of the room and form a circle, all simultaneously. Then they all pull out a Beretta M92F (which, for some reason, I could see in excruciating detail) from a shoulder holster and point it at the head of the guy to the right of them. They're all still facing the circle, with their right arms still holding the gun to the side of guy to their right.


Then they all pull off their mask...and it's me.


The second I realize it, they all fire their guns and there's a loud ringing in my ears as they all fall to the ground simultaneously and I wake up.


I've got a throbbing pain in my left ear - you know, when you sleep on it crooked for a long time and it's just extra tender - and I'm in a total cold sweat. I wasn't able to sleep again for almost another 24 hours.

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Guest CanadianChris

I have weird dreams all the time...I'm actually worried when I DON'T have a weird dream.


Last night was kind of mild...I dreamt I flew to Las Vegas on a hoverboard (like in Back to the Future II), wandered arround for a half-hour, then remembered I had an appointment and flew back home. And home is in Canada.

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Guest RetroRob215

I don't have dreams anymore, but years back I had a weird dream about a giant spider. Basically the spider killed me and ate me, but I was still able to talk. So the spider said something like, "Are you Sid?" and I said "No" and the spider was like "Oh. I'm sorry." and left. Now THAT is weird.

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Guest J*ingus

Hearing about other people's dreams always makes me angry, not that it's any of your fault. Thing is, I pretty much NEVER remember my dreams. Even as I wake up, I find myself clawing at the remnants of them, only to have the last fuzzy memories dry up and vanish like raindrops on a hot sidewalk. I vaguely recall strong emotions, feelings of great love and sorrow, but when I awake... nothing. Gone.

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Guest Flyboy

Yeah... that's how most of my dreams are now. It really sucks, but oh well..

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

I had a dream one time that I went to Raw, and Triple-H & Kevin Nash jobbed clean to Chris Benoit & Eddy Guerrero in a tag team match.


Actually, I didn't have that dream... but if I ever saw it happen, I'm sure it'd be in a dream.

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Guest areacode212

I had a weird dream the other night. It was in scratchy black & white (like an old movie), and everything had been taken over by some evil Nazi-like army. And I hooked up with this girl, so we were able to survive together. I was pissed when I woke up, because I wanted to hang with the girl some more. :(

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Guest treble charged

I am like Jingus, as I can never remember my dreams. They are always gone within a few hours after I wake up.


I can remember having some weird dreams, but for the life of me I cannot remember any details.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Too often. Not going to say, but just that they happen too often.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I don't remember alot of my dreams, it seems like the ones I remember the best are the ones where I wake up immediately.


I had a dream that I was in a pyramid with a group of people, and we had to destroy the mummies inside before they woke up. We went down there and went to work with sledge hammers on them. I don't remember what happened next, but the dream ened up with the mummies waking up and us running our asses off while the pyramid was burning down.


I had one dream where I was fighting Mum-Ra alongside the Planeteers.


I have a lot of dreams about end of the world kind of stuff. There have been dreams where I have outrun nuclear missiles and stuff and in one such dream, I kept a secret identity at a homeless shelter.


There was one dream where I was running like the fugitive. I started out running from the cops at a beach. I swam a long distance and ended up at one of those beachside bars and saw a wanted poster with my face on it. I ended up jumping down to the sand from about 30 feet up and ran into a civil war re-enactment. At the end of the dream, I got shot by someone in the head and there was blood flying everywhere. I woke up right at that point.


I had a dream at the movies one time. My dream was going better than the movie (Panic Room) and I was pissed off when my friend woke me up. I was dreaming about being at a club and getting into a fight with midgets. I was doing double and triple power bombs to them right before I woke up.

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Guest evenflowDDT

I rarely remember my dreams, but when I do, I can only remember the really weird ones, most of which are Freudian in nature (e.g. me having anal sex with Goldberg, me having sex with aliens, etc.). The last non-sexual dreams that I can remember are me being eaten by a giant lizard, and me going to college already, except all the people from my high school were already there and I was lost and they wouldn't tell me where my classes were.

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Guest Kinetic

I had one about a field full of broken GI Joes. Women were hysterically crying and Everclear was playing somewhere in the distance, for whatever reason. This was long past my prime GI Joe-owning years and I never liked Everclear, so I don't have any explanation for it.


There was also one that I had in mid 97 where I was in a video store and Vince McMahon was quizzing me on what wrestlers I liked most. Bret Hart and Steve Austin were there, too. Austin seemed pretty excited that I was a big fan.


This thread is fucking hilarious, by the way. Dreams are just so ridiculously random. The Onion had this thing about Martin Luther King's "I had a dream" speech where his dream consisted of him and Jackie Gleason being chased by a roll of paper towels. I giggle like a schoolgirl whenever I think of that.

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Guest Kinetic
I rarely remember my dreams, but when I do, I can only remember the really weird ones, most of which are Freudian in nature (e.g. me having anal sex with Goldberg, me having sex with aliens, etc.). The last non-sexual dreams that I can remember are me being eaten by a giant lizard, and me going to college already, except all the people from my high school were already there and I was lost and they wouldn't tell me where my classes were.


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Guest Ravenbomb

Once I had the dreaded TV Double dream...I think...


I snuck out of my room really late at night and went into the backyard by the far back fence and played mario brothers (You know, like, pretend or something). I turn around and some statue thing (think Gnome king from Return to oz, only with a bigger more muppet like head) picks me up by my ankle and does something. The next morning I'm in the bathroom and look out the mirror into the backyard and there's the statue thing walking or dancing or something.



it was all one blur, so it might've been a TV Double Dream or it might not've been. Who knows.

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Guest J*ingus
me having anal sex with Goldberg

'flow, you've just beat Dames for the Most Disgustingly Personal Confession Made on a Messageboard. We're never going to let you live that one down, heh heh heh.

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Guest Kinetic

So many questions.


What's the Freudian explanation for dreams about anal sex with Goldberg, anyway? Were you giving or receiving? Does it make a difference? Why Goldberg?

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Guest bob_barron

I once dreamed Dick Cheney and Lorne Michaels worked at my local grocery store and I hung out one day while they did the cash register and bagged groceries

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Guest The Camel

I had a very vivid dream when I was around the age of 5 years old. I started out in the local grocery store in the cake mix section. And all of a sudden, a 15 foot tall monster whose body is consistent with that of a very syrupy rainbow snowcone starts chasing me. I wind up knocking out the cake mix boxes I start to crawl into the shelves to get away. And suddenly I am at my house, which was out in the middle of nowhere at the time. As I look out the front door, the monster is charging up the drive for me. It picks up this large silver van (even though we never owned a van), tears it in half, and proceeds to eat both halves of the van. It then kicks my father's truck aside and comes charging for the door. I only had that dream once, but I can still see the monster as clear as day, I can still see the spaces between the individual granules of ice, the syrup flowing around his body, and I can almost feel the cold breeze that comes off of it's body. Freaking strange.


On a side note... I have never had sex in a dream. I have been in the situation where I was about to have hot wild sex with the typical squad of cheerleaders or women's soccer team (mmmmmm... soccer chicks), but I never remember having sex in the dreams. It kind of sucks. Anybody else have that problem?

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Guest Kinetic
On a side note... I have never had sex in a dream. I have been in the situation where I was about to have hot wild sex with the typical squad of cheerleaders or women's soccer team (mmmmmm... soccer chicks), but I never remember having sex in the dreams. It kind of sucks. Anybody else have that problem?

::Raises hand::


I always get close and then either wake up or have it stolen from me in some nonsensical way.

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Guest evenflowDDT
me having anal sex with Goldberg

'flow, you've just beat Dames for the Most Disgustingly Personal Confession Made on a Messageboard. We're never going to let you live that one down, heh heh heh.

The funny thing is I mentioned it in an earlier thread and nobody even noticed, except dreamer420 and maybe Nyland. Guess that's what happens when you post in the "General Wrestling Folder" ::bad comedian drumroll::


Anyway, I'm going to bed (no! wait... NOOOOO!), but for the record I was giving, then when I was done he flipped me down and sat on me (!) then I woke up... and I was umm... never mind, let's just say that I couldn't believe it either!


I bet the people who thought the pregnancy fetish was bad are really loving this ;)

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Guest J*ingus

::collapses with laughter::


Hey, be careful with Goldberg, he's known to be pretty stiff in the heat of things.


::laughs more, cries from laughing, points at efDDT while laughing::


A guy once tried to shoplift a copy of Universal Soldier 2 from a Blockbuster near here (true story)... now I wonder, what the hell were you doing so far from home?


::starts turning red from incessant laughter, then blue::


I mean, I know your screen name is the finishing move of a wrestler widely rumored to be a homo, but come on!


::laughs until he stops typing::

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Guest ArkhamGlobe

I have weird dreams all the time, though I usually forget them after a day or two. They are all nonsensical and bizarre and just down right confusing most of the time. One I do remember was one I had when I was about 10-11. It was about this gigantic pyramid that suddenly appeared in my school yard, and me and some other kid climbed inside and were attacked by robots, we then had to find laser guns and destroy the robots. Then the dream suddenly changed and me and my family were walking down a road surrounded by an ocean of flowers. I think I had this dream around the time Spaceballs was shown on tv here in Sweden, it must have been, because I seem to remember the alien robots looking exactly like Dot Matrix.


And along those lines my weird dreams usually go. I vaguely remember something about being stalked by a huge talking fish in an underwater city because I had taken it's candybar or something like that. I do however remember the fish swimming in thru the chimney in some cottage to attack me.


I've had loads more dreams like them, it's too bad I can't remember most of them...

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Guest EQ

Sometimes I have these really awesome dreams... like I'm finally going out with the girl I've had a crush on... or I'm beating the shit out of someone I really dislike... I win the lotto... basically, something really good is happening... and all of the sudden, my alarm goes off.... FUCK!

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