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Guest Anglesault

Is Kurt fucked? (SPOILER)

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Guest Anglesault

Now that Kurt Angle is shoved into a program with Kane at Mania, which logic states Kane will win, is Kurt Angle's career fucked? Should he just start training for the Olympics now?

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Guest Kinetic

How does logic dictate that Kane will win?  Other than the nonsense JR was spewing about him in last week's Ross Report, there's been no indication of a Kane push on the horizon for a long time.  Why they would saddle Angle with a useless hoss like Kane is beyond me, but I don't see Kurt losing the match.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Judging from the spoilers...



Kane will be out for revenge on Angle...that usually means Angle will lose.

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Guest Kinetic

Bah.  They're not going to job Angle out to Kane at WrestleMania.  They must realize that Angle is the most over heel in the company, while no one gives a damn about Kane.  Right?  Right?

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Guest The Shockmaster!

I'd rather see Angle inserted into the title match with Jericho and HHH than to have to suffer through watching him carry Kane's useless ass.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

Okay, as a huge Angle fan, I actually want to see an Angle/Kane feud.  Flame me if you must, but they have had some good matches, and I think that they could have an even better one at WM18.  And at least it's a feud with some backstory.  Angle has beaten Kane every time, so Kane wants revenge.  What could be simpler?  I'm not a Kane fan, and he's midcard 4 lyfe, but if they are going to do token Kane push #847, who better to feud him with than Angle?  And if Angle isn't going to feud with Kane, who will he feud with?  The Big Show?  I'd much rather see Angle v. Kane than Angle v. Big Show.  Kane's not a great wrestler, but he can put on a good match (Kane v. Angle 1 & 2 , Kane v. Test at No Mercy, Kane v. Albert for the IC Title on Raw).  Plus Angle v. Kane saves us from seeing Kane v. Nash at Wrestlemania.

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Guest J Boutier

Aw, fuckit. Angle and SCSA basically WERE the WWF in 2001, and now they stick him against the Big Red Pool Of Dogshit as his reward?


At least put him up against an up'n coming face like RVD or Edge. That way, there'll be a match above **, and the booking won't be able to go wrong. If Angle won, he'd be more over as Mr. Sneeky Heel, if he lost, he'd just have elevated a new hope-for-the-future. But no, they have to place him one-on-one with Kane, a man whose most watchable singles match was probably against HHH in WM XV.

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Guest Tony149

Kurt should stop wrestling after the year is over to train for the Olympics. He's done so much in the WWF in so little time, a break away from the WWF for a year would probably be a good thing.

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Guest Anglesault
Okay, as a huge Angle fan, I actually want to see an Angle/Kane feud.  Flame me if you must, but they have had some good matches, and I think that they could have an even better one at WM18.  And at least it's a feud with some backstory.  Angle has beaten Kane every time, so Kane wants revenge.  What could be simpler?  I'm not a Kane fan, and he's midcard 4 lyfe, but if they are going to do token Kane push #847, who better to feud him with than Angle?  And if Angle isn't going to feud with Kane, who will he feud with?  The Big Show?  I'd much rather see Angle v. Kane than Angle v. Big Show.  Kane's not a great wrestler, but he can put on a good match (Kane v. Angle 1 & 2 , Kane v. Test at No Mercy, Kane v. Albert for the IC Title on Raw).  Plus Angle v. Kane saves us from seeing Kane v. Nash at Wrestlemania.

Kane vs. Test was embarassing.


Anyway, Who better for Kane to feud with? Big show anyone? Why drag Kurt down into the Big Red Suck?

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Guest Rabies

Damn, it would be so sweet if it was Angle/Flair instead of Angle/Kane and Flair/UT. Angle/Flair makes so much sense since Flair was the one who made Angle defend his WM World title show on Raw and losed it. I can't believe the Fed dropped the fuck-ing ball on that! It is still too late for them to scrap plans? Plus, if they were serious about The Great Edge Experiment, what better way than for him to go over UT in Toronto?

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Guest Tony149

Yeah, Flair/Angle would of been a lot better than Kane/Angle. If Flair wrestled Angle, Flair would probably be willing to job.

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Guest Sakura

Why don't you wait until they actually annnouce it before starting to whine about it? They had one incident, it could easily be blown off on free TV. That happens all the time.

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Guest Rabies

Hopefully the Angle/Kane and Flair/UT "fueds" will be blown off soon on free TV. After tomorrow night, there will the 3 Raws and 3 SD!s until WM to build Angle/Flair ***keeping fingers crossed***.

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Guest WWF4Life

I wouldn't mind seeing Angle-Kane. These two have had some good matches in the past. Besides, they may not even face each other at 'Mania. You're probably jumping the gun here. =)

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Guest Choken One

Boo fucking Hoo. Baby. Grow Up, your life revolves around a Guy you don't even know...It's a persona, Not a real life character, He is not really the Gold Medal Egotistic ass clown he is protrayed on TV.

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Guest dreamer420

I hope Angle feuds with Kane.  Those two have had two pretty decent matches on free TV so put them on a PPV with 15 minutes and I think a pretty good match will be seen.

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Guest mastermind

Okay, some don't see WHY Angle is not put into matches with RVD or Flair? You do know who is headline WrestleMania right? The wwf aint going to book to make the upper card look inferior at the biggest show of the year. I dont agree with it, but Angle/Kane aint that bad. Now I got to read the spoilers damn I tried not to.

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Guest Anglesault

Angle/Kane is Horrible. Kane's suck will prevail and drag Kurt into Kane's black hole of suck. Kane is so far beneath Kurt it's not funny. Did Angle do something to get punished?

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Guest WWF4Life

I agree that Angle is better than Kane (duh!) but Kane doesn't suck. He's one of the best big men ever in the business. I've seen him dive off the top of a cage, land on thumbtacks, and he can even pull off an enzigiry. Kane is sooooo underrated.

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Guest Anglesault

I don't agree with one thing you said about Kane, but that's you opinion. But he's done nothing to earn a match with Kurt

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Guest WWF4Life

Hey, that's cool, that's your opinion. I just happen to think that this is an ideal way to elevate Kane, not drag down Angle. =)

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Guest Choken One

Hey, AS, Don't you realize that it does not matter here he Fights or who he fights, The fans will always have the same reaction to him. He is one of those guys that can keep his Heel heat no matter what.

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Guest Flair5000

The only plus side is, as someone said, it saves us from Nash/Kane. God knows what Big Lazy is going to do at WM now though. Probably step into face Austin when Hall gets fired, I guess...

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Guest JerryDrake

Angle is good at draging big men into decent and good matches.


Go watch Angle/Kane, on Smackdown, it was great. Stop whining anglesault, all you ever do is cry about angle being misused.

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Guest Army Eye

ok another thread about Angle's horrible misfortune.  I think you're going overboard with this.  The guy has gotten an incredible amount of exposure and push in his first 2 1/2 years.  I doubt he's losing any sleep about how he might not be main eventing Wrestlemania

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Guest Anglesault

Oh, I'm not saying it will be a bad match, just that off the top of my head, I can think of 365 things (One for every day!) I'd rather have Kurt do at Mania. On the list is have the Titantron fall and and land on Kurt. It's better than MIDCARD MADNESS~! with Kane.

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