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Guest Anglesault

Is Kurt fucked? (SPOILER)

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Guest Risk

I don't like Kane the character, but he could be better with a new gimmick IMO.  He isn't going anywhere being in the same crazy-ass gimmick.  I think he should get a new gimmick, then, if he sucks, flame away.  NOT until then.


Who made the Kane angle anyways?

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Guest Tony149
I don't like Kane the character, but he could be better with a new gimmick IMO.  He isn't going anywhere being in the same crazy-ass gimmick.  I think he should get a new gimmick, then, if he sucks, flame away.  NOT until then.


Who made the Kane angle anyways?

A new gimmick will kill Kane's career. He's already failed as Issac Yankem D.D.S, Fake Diesel. Only Kane has worked for him. Vince Russo came up with the "Kane" gimmick.

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Guest y2jailbait

Why does everyone hate big men in wrestling? I mean, kane IS teh best big man in the WWF, and he has had a great match with angle everytime they had a match, is that just because Angle is so good? No, its not!

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Guest Anglesault
Why does everyone hate big men in wrestling? I mean, kane IS teh best big man in the WWF, and he has had a great match with angle everytime they had a match, is that just because Angle is so good? No, its not!

Then why can't Kane have a good match with anyone else?

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Guest goodhelmet

"Then why can't Kane have a good match with anyone else?"


Exactly! It's true, It's Damn True!


the reason big men get a bad rap is because most of them move like sloths in the ring, get blown up after two minutes, don't know how to sell, and don't know how to ,you know, wrestle!

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Guest Anglesault

[Kane fan]


No, Kane is the bestest! Kurt is a pussies! Kurt sux0rs!



[/Kane fan]

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Guest Badd Company

For once I agree with Anglesault...Angle is getting screwed.

Angle is getting mistreated, but it's nothing new, and I wouldn't say he's being punished for something...this is just the regular mistreatment he gets....he's capable of being super over, and is therefore kept in his place by the guys on top.  With the current guys in power, he'll never get a clean win off anyone that will give him that permanent main event rub.  HHH got it from Foley, Austin from Michaels, but even Angle's win over Austin had Austin's hand under the rope.  Notice no current permanent main eventer will give a truly clean win to ANYBODY.   The glass ceiling still exists, and Jericho will be rejoining Angle beneath it after he dutifully jobs clean to HHH at Wrestlemania.  Gotta love the WWF.  BTW, I'd love to see Hennig/Angle at Mania, unless they continue to make Hennig jobber to the stars.  They just need to give up on Kane.  The gimmick could have been a great monster heel one, but too many turns and bad angles have killed any possibility of it, and Glen Jacobs cannot get over on his ring skills (or lack thereof) alone.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Hogan & Nash would be better opponents than Kane?  Yeah, they're main event guys, but facing them would severely limit Angle's move-set.  And I would see Kane jobbing to Angle as more likely than either Hogan or Nash.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Kane is a good big man.  (He's no Mike Awesome...) Kane has had good matches with Jericho & X-Pac too.  Angle has chemistry with Kane.


Angle deserves better...but Kane isn't that bad.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'd rather see Angle/Kane than Angle/Nash...


There may be another RVD program coming in the future...


Angle takes on RVD in house shows around the conunty starting soon...including the very important last house show before wrestlemania.


At the last show before the ppv's the matches at the show usually get a run through...


The one before WrestleMania features:  Jericho vs. HHH, Flair vs. Taker, Austin vs. Hall AND Angle/RVD...


Probably means nothing....but you never know.

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Guest Flair5000

i think...if Hall stays in the WWF, he faces Austin. Nash, who will have been on standby, faces Kane and we get RVD/Angle.


Otherwise, Nash steps in to face Austin, and Angle gets Kane, and RVD gets Regal, Edge, Goldust in four way I-C match.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"i think...if Hall stays in the WWF, he faces Austin. Nash, who will have been on standby, faces Kane and we get RVD/Angle.


Otherwise, Nash steps in to face Austin, and Angle gets Kane, and RVD gets Regal, Edge, Goldust in four way I-C match. "



I think you've got something here.

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Guest Tony149

From the stories that are coming out...it doesn't look good for Hall to last till WM. One can hope so we get RVD/Angle.

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Guest TheNewF'nShow

What is everyone's problem with Kane?  Granted he might not be the best person to feud with Angle, but he is still one of the better powerhouses of the WWF.  Personally, I would love to see another Taker Kane feud, or a Kane Nash match.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Course, I'm not too bothered. If Kurt carries Kane do a decent match I don't give a fuck which one jobs. I'd rather watch Kurt than The Gayme but jobbing to Kane really Is'nt the end of the world. If he does lose, just have him get pissed off and cripple him afterwards or whatever, utilising 'Intensity'.

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Guest Army Eye

Nash/Kane and RVD/Angle sounds better.  Nash won't have a good match anyway so why not have a giant vs. giant match, feed him Kane to lay down clean to him.  


Angle/RVD could be a hell of a match and it would actually be a fresh matchup with good heat.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Here's a guarantee:


If for some reason it does end up Angle/RVD (I don't beleive it will)


That match will absolutely steal the show at MAnia.


The match will be hot...and the crowd will go nuts.

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Guest Anglesault
What is everyone's problem with Kane?  Granted he might not be the best person to feud with Angle, but he is still one of the better powerhouses of the WWF.  


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Guest Brian

I think either Rock/Hogan or HH/Jericho is going to steal the show. Strange prediction, but with Patterson working with Rock and Hogan on that match, it could be very good compared to expectations and heat should be off the charts. HHH/Jericho should just be a really good match in theory, especially if HHH is looking good ahead of time.


I just don't think Angle has the ring general-like command that will allow him to pace RVD. It'll probably just look like RVD/Golddust, without the psychology and with the poor selling.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I don't know about that.


There's a reason that Angle has been "going olympic" during his matches lately.  He can move.  He had to slow it down for HHH and the match (at No Way Out) was crap.  I think that a crazy Angle vs. RVD would Easily be the MOTN.


HHH lumbers around the ring, and Steph will be there...so overbook city...


Hogan and Rock?  It will have the best crowd reaction...but I can't imagine anything higher than *** coming out of it.

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Guest Tony149

If Rock/Hogan have *** match...that would be luck working on their side. The heat should be off the charts.

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