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Guest -Cutthroat-

The Paranormal?

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Guest Retro Rob
Oh for heaven's sake... I was wondering when the farcical conspiracy theories would make their way into this discussion. I'm disappointed you're the one bringing them into it, Rob; I thought you had more sense than that.

Tom, there is too much evidence against the Moon landing for me to believe it. I actually have an uncle that claims to of worked on the rocket that went to the moon, but I'm still not sure. Plus, I usually tend to stray away from the majority's opinion on stuff like this.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
I used to be BIG into this stuff, but it took over my life, and because of that child obsession, every bump in the night still keeps me from getting to sleep because I'm afraid it's "them" come to get me. As such, I guess I still believe, but I don't look too deeply into that stuff anymore because I don't want to cause myself any more mental anguish.


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Guest -Cutthroat-

I posted this topic on the GameShark boards before and it turned into a talk about God. What?

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Guest DrTom

"Tom, there is too much evidence against the Moon landing for me to believe it."


A lot of the "evidence" in cases like this fails miserably under scrutiny. Why is it so hard to believe we were able to put men on the moon? I've never understood the appeal of wild conspiracy theories like this.


"I actually have an uncle that claims to of worked on the rocket that went to the moon, but I'm still not sure."


I know a couple of chaps who worked at NASA during the moon landings. I have no reason to believe they were lying when they talked about putting men on the moon. However, that's all anecdotal evidence, and really isn't good for much except chatting by the fireside.


"Plus, I usually tend to stray away from the majority's opinion on stuff like this."


That makes it sound like you do so because it's the majority's opinion. I hope that's not the case, since that really isn't much of a reason at all.

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Guest DrTom





Don't tell me that referring us to a second-rate TV show is your "evedence." Didn't Fox also do that ridiculous farce aka "Alien Autopsy?" Yeah, they're really a credible source on things like this...

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Guest HBK16

One thing I cam across in the fake moon landning was the flag was straight. But ho wcan that be if there is no air there to support it flying?


Oh and about all this alien stuff. It's all real. You forgot to mention that alien aircraft landing strip in some country that escapes me right now.

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Guest J*ingus

The flag was straight because it had wires or something inside it to keep it up.


Rob, why do you believe this? You've mentioned all this evidence, but haven't specified as to exactly what it is.

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Guest evenflowDDT
Didn't Fox also do that ridiculous farce aka "Alien Autopsy?" Yeah, they're really a credible source on things like this...

Man, that show freaked the hell out of me when I was younger. I just can't believe that Fox was allowed to show a video that graphic during prime time...


Oh, and for Spaceman Spiff, ha ha :P


Seriously though, it doesn't work in the day. In the day I could watch "Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction", "Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County", and E.T.: The Extraterrestrial on a neverending loop all day and be fine (well, once my heart dropped back down to a healthy rate). But at night, it's a totally different story... this thread actually had me thinking about that last night (THANKS A LOT THREAD!), and I can actually classify the three main "things" that are stuck in my head that I'm still afraid of:


* "The Shadow/The Presence" - this is the most common. I'll be trying to fall asleep, with my eyes closed, when suddenly it feels darker, as if something were passing over my eyes. The silly thing is I'll be afraid to open my eyes because I'm afraid I'll see "them" standing over me. The most extreme case of "the presence" I ever felt was one time I actually felt hands shaking me and touching my neck trying to get me to open my eyes and turn around.


* "The Footsteps" - this one's also fairly common, but I'll hear every bump in the night and assume it's "them" coming in my room to get me. Of course, this is absurd, because I barely have space to walk in my room, much less any little green men. If there really was anyone walking, there'd be a lot more noise than the scattered "footsteps" I hear.


* "The Earthquake" - this one is really weird, because I've lived in California all my life, and experienced several earthquakes firsthand, so I've never been afraid of them, but every so often I'll lie down and try to relax but it'll feel like my bed is shaking uncontrollably (no, not like that) and it makes me uncomfortable... weird stuff.


Anyway, even though those three things are absurd, and I know they're not real (I've known they're not real for years), the source of all these problems is because I was big into that paranormal b.s. when I was a child. Now, I try to let it slip my mind during the day, because it only magnifies my troubles getting to sleep at night. So, on behalf of my mental health and the possibility of getting a good night's sleep for once, THANKS A LOT FOR BRINGING IT UP AGAIN! Geez, can we please drop it now?

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Guest The Amazing Rando

Ladies and gentlemen....Evenflow has lost his mind...



just kidding...




....I don't exactly believe in the moon landing either...

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Guest Angle-plex
I'll lie down and try to relax but it'll feel like my bed is shaking uncontrollably (no, not like that)



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Guest NazMistry
I used to be BIG into this stuff, but it took over my life, and because of that child obsession, every bump in the night still keeps me from getting to sleep because I'm afraid it's "them" come to get me. As such, I guess I still believe, but I don't look too deeply into that stuff anymore because I don't want to cause myself any more mental anguish.

That is what I call 'The Fear'.

It's a term I coined at my one of my school's in an essay, and it caught on.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I find the stuff quite interesting, but I don't know if I believe much of it. I can't say that I doubt that there are other forms of life out there, but I don't know if they would come visit Earth and I doubt that there are any in Area 51 or in any other government facilities. The possiblity exists, but I just have a hard time believing that there are aliens in government facilities. I am more inclined to believe that there are a lot of super secret government projects that involve advanced technology that they don't tell us about. I don't believe in ghosts and I find it hard to believe in stuff like Bigfoot or the Lochness monster. I still find that stuff interesting to read though. Does anyone know of any sites where you can read up on this stuff?

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick

Now I can tell you Ghosts or Spirits whatever you wanna call them are real....I have so much proof with pictures and storys..I truley believe in Ghosts and the afterlife.....I am seriously obssesed with learning even more about Spirits and such even tho I know a lot already.....But defently there are certianly somthing out there.

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Guest evenflowDDT
I still find that stuff interesting to read though. Does anyone know of any sites where you can read up on this stuff?

Ummm.... WeeklyWorldNews.com ? Seriously, I'm sure just go for a search engine and you can find tons of that stuff. Back in the day I used to visit a site called Parascope.com somewhat religiously, but I don't even know if it's up anymore, or if it's been updated since 2000 ;)

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Guest The Amazing Rando

go to conspiracynet.net


those people are NUTS





and yes....Ghosts are real...my old house was haunted...it was scary in that basement...


and I have "earthqaukes" in my bed too, Flow....they kill Kittens...

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Guest fk teale
You forgot to mention that alien aircraft landing strip in some country that escapes me right now.

There's also one on the moon.

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Guest Retro Rob

Alright, I'll go over a few reasons. Keep in mind I haven't kept up with any of this stuff for over a year, so I'm probably a little shaky with the evidence.


1. The Flag was waving in the wind, but from what I understand there is no wind in space.


2. When the craft landed it didn't make an impact crater on the Moon. Judging by how hot the bottom of it must have been, there should have been a crater.


3. Reflections in the astronauts helmet's didn't look natural. Almost as if there was an artificial light source.


4. The Moon looked quite a bit like certain parts of the desert in the USA.


5. A bunch of men who were very influential in the moon "landing" died in horrible accidents. If only one or two of them died I would say coincidence, but IIRC this was like 5+.


6. Supposedly there is some barrier of sorts inbetween the Earth and the Moon. This barrier, whether it was some sort of force or meteor, I don't remember, would have caused serious problems for the people inside the craft.


That's all I remember right now and I doubt that it is all accurate. Someone should dig up a website on the topic. They would have all the pertinent information.

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Guest J*ingus

1. The flag wasn't waving, it was just drifting. It'll still move around if there's no air.


2. Why would it be hot? The usual reason for a spacecraft to be hot is that it went through re-entry, but the moon has no atmosphere.


3. Don't know anything about that one, but light on the moon would look different than it would on earth.


4. The surface of the moon DOES look quite a bit like a desert. That's a fact.


5. First time I've heard that one.


6. Ditto.

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Guest NazMistry

The reason I don't buy the Moon Landing conspiracy was because of something my dad told me.

This is not a quote but it is more or less what he said when he saw me reading about the moon landing conspiracy on the net:


"That moon stuff is rubbish. Before 'Capricorn One' came out, there was nothing like this shit in the news or in magazines about how they didn't land on the moon.

About a month after the film came out in America, 'Readers Digest' had an article about it, then it was in 'The Mirror*' and it was on the TV as well.

It's just a bunch of sad losers with nothing to do."


*(The Mirror is a newspaper tabloid here in Europe.)


Granted the source is my dad, so his opinion is worth very little. But he does have a good memory and is a straight forward person, so I'll agree with him and say the moon landing conspiracy is a figment of an over-active imagination.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly
The reason I don't buy the Moon Landing conspiracy was because of something my dad told me.


I thought you were going to say, "If you want some you can get some, but you better be big enough and bad enoug to take some. Now can you dig that?









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Guest Michael Joel Benoit

I believe in all of that. I believe because I think it is ridicolous to assume we are the only planet that has life on it. I believe in ghosts and spirits although I think that has to do with the fact that I believe in God. I think ghosts and spirits are just people who couldn't get to heaven for some reason.


I also have proof of that. My grandfather died last year and for a few months after that, I would feel a weird presence in my room at night. I would feel that someone was breathing on my back and moving things around. At first, I was scared than I relized that it was my grandfather. I wasn't scared anymore but he disappeared after 9/11.


Speaking of the paranormal, who believes that some people <b>can</b> actually see the future. I do. Because I can.

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Guest Retro Rob
Speaking of the paranormal, who believes that some people <b>can</b> actually see the future. I do. Because I can.

Really? I have to have a little chat with you sometime.

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Guest Michael Joel Benoit

Yep. I can see a vision of the near future. I saw a little bit of 9/11.

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Guest Michael Joel Benoit



That is a tricky but I'll see what I can do.

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Guest Michael Joel Benoit

Oh, I am sorry. I meant I could see a glimspe of my future. And wrestling is a part of my future.



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