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Guest Longdogger_Pete

SWF Stables Thread

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

I thought this might be a good way for people to keep up track of who is in what stable and the motivations of each stable, since our stables have had a history of coming and going, gaining and losing members rapidly. Each stable leader can post here and edit their post as changes to their stable occur. It's almost like a stats page for the stable.


I'll start with X Force 9 on the next post.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

Stable Name: X Force 9


Disposition: Aggressive face with tweener tendencies.




LONGDOGGER PETE (leader): Peter MacDougal is the only original member of X Force 9's original incarnation still active today. A thirteen-year veteran that has won four world championships for two different promotions, including one reign in the IGNJL, and also had an unprecedented three IGNJL European title reigns and an SWF Hardcore title reign. Pete cares passionately about the wrestling business and loves to see it thrive, often putting rising talent over for the good of the business.


ASH KETCHUM: One of Pete's early recruits in the SWF, and a Floridian like Pete, Ash has also been referred to as the Undercard King. Ash and Pete's egos clashed in the IGNJL, and they feuded for control of the original XF9, but their differences have since been worked out. Ash wrestles with a Pokemon-themed gimmick, though those references are more subdued than they were in the past. Ash has two SWF Hardcore title reigns to his credit, as well as an SJL World title reign, and the distinction of being the last IGNML Television champion before the title was retired.


TOD DEKINDES: Tod is fairly new to the SWF scene. The only title to his credit has been an SJL European title run, but his talent and incredible work ethic earned him a promotion to the SWF roster. In July 2002, Tod engaged in a friendly rivalry with Pete, who recognized the rookie's potential. A stipulation win over Pete earned Tod a spot in X Force 9, where he has quickly become a worthy addition to the team.


RENEGADE: Renegade is one of the more unlikely members to join XF9. Formerly the leader of Havoc in the SJL, and a two-time SJL World champion, Renegade opposed X Force 9 when both stables were operational in the SJL. Renegade made his SWF debut with an appearance at Ground Zero, interfering in a tag match pitting Longdogger Pete and Tod deKindes against Frost and "TNT" Taylor Nicholas Thompson.


SARAH LEAVENWORTH (manager, non-wrestler): Once known as Mistress Sarah, one of Longdogger Pete's greatest rivals, Sarah Leavenworth and Pete have apparently made their peace, and Sarah has come aboard as the new business manager of X Force 9 to help Pete out with the workload of having such a large and diverse group of talent to watch over. Sarah now dresses a little more businesslike (blouse and short skirt, with two-inch heels) but as a former SWF Hardcore and Tag Team champion, she is still perfectly capable of defending herself if necessary.


Using Sarah: Sarah Leavenworth may accompany any member of X Force 9 (including but not limited to Longdogger Pete), and as a former wrestler is capable of getting physically involved in a match if she has to.


MISTY (non-wrestler, NPC): Girlfriend and sometimes valet of Ash Ketchum. Ash is rarely seen without her presence somewhere nearby. Misty is also pregnant by Ash, a fact that brings additional happiness to the Undercard King.


Using Misty: Misty sometimes accompanies Ash Ketchum, but due to her pregnancy, her television time recently has been limited.


Entrance: "Figure 8" by Trust Company. This entrance is accompanied by green and white pyrotechnic blasts from the stage and a rotating green "X" on the Smarktron.


History: X Force 9 in its first incarnation was the most dominant face stable ever to grace the IGNJL. Founded by Apostle and carried on by leaders such as SoS and Munich, XF9 made stars out of a number of JL faces, and was made great in feuds with nearly every heel stable that rose to power. The Alliance. The Clan. Red Storm Rising. Destruction. Havoc. All had run-ins with XF9, and all came and went. In the end it was the sWo's dominant rise coupled with the promotions of Ced Ordonez and Z that led to the stable's disappearance in the SJL.


X Force 9, version 2.0, was started in the SWF by the sole original member of the first incarnation still active today, Longdogger Pete. At the time, numerous people in the SWF were being manipulated by Chris Wilson and his Magnificent Seven, in one instance causing an accidental feud between Pete and Erek Taylor. Pete formed XF9 to band together against this new threat and to further their own careers in the SWF.


Former members of the original stable include Apostle, SoS, Low Brass, Hammer, Munich, Sydney Sky, Ced Ordonez, Z, and Erek Taylor.


Goals: To work together as a team, to combat any threats to the team's existence (currently focusing on Creative Control), to help each other further their own career goals while furthering the team goals at the same time, and to have a little fun. Continued freedom and success is the team's primary goal.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

This looks fun.


Stable Name: Midnight Carnival


Disposition: fun-lovin' Faces.




EDWIN MACPHISTO (leader): Presently the SWF Heavyweight Champion, recently a tag champ with Chris Raynor. British, goofy, but becoming more and more prone to aggressive tendencies. Edwin formed the first version of the Midnight Carnival in the ML many moons ago, with Spark and the King of Hearts. A solid all-around wrestler, and probably the top face in the fed.


EL LUCHADORE MAGNIFICO: Four-time Light Heavyweight champion, former Heavyweight champion, AND former tag champion with Chris Raynor. Mag is one of the most experienced high-flyers in the fed, a capable technical wrestler, and can swing a meeeeean bottle of tequila. He joined the Carnival in December of 2001, and since then, all have feared his Mexican might.


Z: The newest Carnie, joining in June of 2002. No WF titles yet to his name, but a former JL European champion. Z is clumsy and somewhat absent-minded, but he makes up for it with good brawling skills, a heart of gold (or plutonium, your call), and an endless capacity for absorbing violence. Naive but eager, he's a perfect fit for the Carnival. He's also recently found a niche playing medic whenever the Carnival gets beaten down, if by 'playing medic' you mean 'pouring peroxide, band-aids, and gauze in a haphazard fashion and hoping for the best.'


Entrance: The flashiest and most overwritten in the business! The arena lights fade into blackness as a soft female voice whispers, “Midnight Carnival.” The SmarkTron flashes blazing white in time with the opening beats of the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ “Love Rollercoaster” as the Carnival’s anthem pumps through the arena, revealing with each flash thin black lettering that reads “Step Right Up.” As the guitar part drops in, three blue laser lights trace the arena, all stemming from the same point in the middle of the entrance ramp. As the words “rollercoaster of love” echo through the arena for the first time, the laser lights flare out into a blue haze across the entrance ramp as the members of the Midnight Carnival step out from behind the curtain. As the refrain arrives for the first time, the arena plunges back into darkness just as purple strobe lights tear through the house and the blue laser lights spiral wildly, illuminating the members of the Midnight Carnival in funky, staccato bursts. The SmarkTron video plays, flashing half-second clips of classic maneuvers from the Carnival’s members. They make their way to the ring, and get down to the business at hand.


History: The Midnight Carnival was first formed in the IGNML by the King of Hearts, Edwin MacPhisto, and Spark, as a group united to bring some fun and safety to the unending terrors and atrocities of the League. Quick promotions of these men to the WF necessitated bringing the Carnival with them, and since its WF inception in April of 2001, it has been a constant presence in the fed, surviving where many more short-lived stables have not. Members have rotated in and out, with injuries, retirements, and betrayals changing the roster now and then, but presently the Carnival is in one of its strongest, most unified forms. Membership of the past and present, in chronological order: King of Hearts, Spark, Edwin MacPhisto, Chris Raynor, "Grand Slam" Mark Stevens, Mistress Sarah, Kaimen Roja, El Luchadore Magnifico, Johnny Rotten, and Z.


Goals: to keep on truckin', bringing a blend of action and mirth in and out of the ring, and most importanly: to entertain the fans. Moreso than any other stable in WF history, the Carnival thrives on fan reaction. Goals also are occasionally extended to performing the most devilish of pranks on opponents, some harmless, some a bit more destructive, and all terrifically embarrassing.

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Stable Name: Creative Control


Disposition: We hate everybody. Everybody hates us...




STUBBY P. McWEED (leader, non-wrestler): Current SWF commissioner and former heavyweight champion. The ultimate authority in the SWF.


SUICIDE KING (non-wrestler): Current deputy commissioner and former heavyweight champion. In charge when Stubby is not around and definitely has his own agenda that doesn't always match McWeed's.


JAY DAWG (Wrestling Leader): Big ol' crazy drunken guy who's been in the SWF since forever (during which he's become a 3-time US champ and 1 time tag and hardcore champ). Been in a number of stables with Stubby and even served as his personal assistant at one time. Currently Stubby's right-hand man... Quite a few crazy stories about him... a little obsessed with rage. The most influential on the wrestlers, but answers to Stubby.


LERRIN BREGGAN (wrestler): A relatively new face in the SWF, this big beast was hired as Stubby to provide muscle for the stable. Recently came close to defeating Edwin in a heavyweight title match. Arrogant big guy, his inexperience and arrogance costs him.


SACRED(wrestler): Recently returning at the PPV, he helped JD get a win and Lerrin put on impressive performance. Jay Dawg's tag partner. He is a little on the crazy side, especially with his girlfriend dying. Noone can deny his ability, with the exception of the World title, he has captured every piece of WF gold.


Perfect Bo(wrestler): Founder of CC's original stable, being Da Pound. He returned and joined this stable over XF9. Well known as a brawler, can go toe to toe with anybody in the fed. Although everyone in the stable is intense, it is believed that Bo is the most intense, and emotionless when he causes pain.


Divefire(wrestler): Respected by all the wrestlers in the stable, however he really only has his own agendas. The stable loves his alliance, and are willing to help him out, however both sides understand, it is for their own agenda.


Entrance: Metallica's "Slither" hits the speakers, allowing many pyros to explode... the wrestlers come out giving their trademark poses.


History: Creative control is basically the stable da Pound evolved into once it's founding members (as well as the two men who brought it it's thuggish flavour) the Hville Thugg and Perfect Bo, left the SWF. Originally Stubby allied with da Pound in order to protect him and his wife from the combined menace of the Clan and Enlightenment. With the Thugg and Bo gone, those still loyal to the commissioner's office (Dawg and Sacred) remained in the group which was then given the more appropriate name, Creative Control. Sacred is back with the league and in order to bolster the stables ranks, the powerful Lerrin Breggan has been brought in. Perfect Bo joined this stable over XF9. In a match with Jay Dawg vs. the HVille Thugg... Divefire returned and helped JD put Thugg down once and for all.


Goals: To enforce the commissioner's will and use the powers of that office to get whatever they want... They all have a grown obsession of hurting people who piss them off... and pretty much everyone pisses them off.


Enemies: The X-Force-9... The Magnificent 7... The Midnight Carnival... The Clan... So yes... the whole fed.

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Guest Rabbi_wilson13

Stable name: The Magnificent Seven


Disposition: Nasty, nasty heel folk. Power hungry, intelligent. Think Four Horsemen, plus three.





Chris Wilson, leader One of the greatest heels in federation history and current numero uno baddy by far. Former World Champion, Tag Champion and Hardcore Gamer's champion. Wants to regain the heavyweight championship, and plans to destroy anyone on the way there. Extremely evil and intelligent, but won't do anything that gets his hide in trouble.


"The Dark Prophet" Tyler McClelland, non-wrestler Formerly known as Outcast, Tyler is a former US and ICTV champion who was cut short by injuries before he made his world title run. Fast and dangerous, Tyler will do anything to attempt to make everyone in his path feel the pain he experienced with the loss of his wife and child.


"Deathwish" Danny Williams Protege of Tyler, Danny is the premier puro wrestler in the federation with a masterful grip of pychology. JL Champion at the time of his bump, he's really yet to show off how dangerous he can be, leading with his stiff and deadly elbows and ending with variations of his vaunted Deathbomb.


Frost The Nordic monster himself, Frost is a former JL European champion and of the greatest ever, for that matter. He's formed the team of Chilly Chilly Bang Bang with TNT and had his breakout night at Ground Zero, winning a tag title shot and still being a complete monster in the Wargames match.


"TNT" Taylor Nicholas Thompson Cocky, brash and the other half of the newly established but already very respected Chilly Chilly Bang Bang tag team, TNT also showed what he was made of at Ground Zero winning two matches in one night and hanging with some of the best wrestlers in the fed.


Mercury Newest member of the M7. Former ICTV and US Champion, Mercury's had one of the most up and down careers in SWF history. His return fizzled, but he's found new motivation in the realm of evil and is prepared to make another run at greatness.


Annie Eclectic Annie debuted in the SJL as a member of X Force 9, but quickly defected to the heel stable Havoc, picking up an SJL World title reign along the way. In the SWF, Annie suffered a brief disappearance after being abducted by her twin sister Allison (better known as former Clan member Lady Red) but then returned to fight alongside XF9 once again, debuting at Ground Zero in a match against Jay Dawg. However, recently, Annie revealed herself to be a mole in the XF9 operation, and joined her new "lover?", Chris Wilson in M7.



Entrance: "Toxicity" by System of a Down. We have some pyro. And lights. And look..over there!...


History: Formed at the Snake Eyes pay per view by Chris Wilson in hopes of reasserting his iron grip onto the league. Has its root in the old IGNWO stable. Had an up and down first month, ending on an extreme high with the solidifying of itself as the greatest stable currently going with a violent and hard-fought win over the Clanival team at WarGames.[/b]


Goals: Complete and total control of the federation, domination over the other, weaker stables and a monopoly over all things good and/or golden.



If anybody wants their description edited, just tell me.

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Guest chirs3

That writeup is going in my sig. Thank you, Edwin!


XF9, Carnival, Clan, CC, M7... packed house, it seems.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

I'll give the whole post an update after Smarkdown, Annie, and I'll put Molly in then.


By the way, I still don't see a Clan post on here... if Spider isn't around maybe Thoth could do one.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

X Force 9 post is updated with the additions of Sarah Leavenworth and Molly. Plus the stable has new entrance music. Learn it. Use it. Enjoy it.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

I'm bumping this, since somebody unpinned it (damn you!). I've also edited the XF9 post to take out the Erek Taylor and Molly entries.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"The top of the page was getting a bit cluttered up with too many pinned topics.


I think most people can remember who's in what stable.


Mothernature says..."

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Guest HVilleThugg

I agree. I'm unpinning Storm now. I think we should keep the top exclusive to the Joining Thread and the current show(s) going on.


Da "doing his modly duties" H

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Just giving this thing a bump... XF9 and the M7 might want to edit their bits. I editted in Divefire and the stable's entrance theme.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

There'll be an XF9 update in the next few days... I've got to figure out exactly what's going on with the stable first.

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Guest AnnieEclectic

bump... people, fix this. and how come M7 has no headquarters? well, they do now be-hotch.



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Guest HVilleThugg

Page cleaned up. A few posts removed to keep the actual stable data at the top.


Annie was moved from XF9 to M7.


Raynor was removed from the Carnival.


Da "there ya go" H

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Guest chirs3

Aw nuts. I was hoping you wouldn't notice that I was still technically a member, so a cut of all Chris Raynor Midnight Carnival related merchandise sales would still go to me.


Guess I gotta actually EARN my money now... sheesh...

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