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Guest MrRant

Sequels Better Than The Originals?

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Guest MrRant

One movie I can think of is Rush Hour 2. While I like Rush Hour I thought the second one was much better. I also think Return Of The Jedi was the better then Star Wars (it counts dammit because it IS a sequel). Also Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn was WAYYYYYY better then Star Trek: The Motion Picture (which was good in its own right.)

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Guest Youth N Asia

Evil Dead 2


Even though it was more or less a remake or the first one.


They made 2 cause they wanted to make Army of Darkness and wanted to use footage from the first on...but they didn't have the rights to do so, so they made #2 and just added a lot more...basicaly it was suppose to be Evil Dead then Army of Darkness.


The 2nd Austin Powers was better the the first...the 3rd though is probably on par with the 1st, maybe slightly above

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Guest bob_barron

Ummmmmmmmm uhhhhhhhhhhh hmmmmmmmmmmm uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Rush Hour 2

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



The original Scream was a fresh, original, satirical look at teen slasher movies.


By the time the third (hell...the second) came along it was no more than a sad parody of itself.

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Guest The Man in Blak

I'll go with the Star Wars idea myself, but my choice is The Empire Strikes Back, easily one of the best sequels ever.

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Guest The Man in Blak


The original Scream was a fresh, original, satirical look at teen slasher movies.


By the time the third (hell...the second) came along it was no more than a sad parody of itself.

And yeah, I'll agree here. There should be absolutely no horror movie series on this list, as all, from Texas Chainsaw Massacre to Leprechaun, had absolutely hideous sequels...and the Scream series is absolutely not an exception.

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Guest El Satanico

Rush Hour 2? That was a fairly horrible movie so that's a bad sign if it's better then the original. The seqeul was nothing but a recycled movie from the original. It had all the same jokes just reversed. Honestly i didn't even finish the piece of shit. 40 minutes in i already saw the same scene set up 3 times. I was just plain sick of seeing a "i'm not from this country" joke setting up a fight scene that got bigger and bigger as the movie went. It was like watching Fred Flintstone run past the same background and tripping over Dino for a hour.

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Guest bob_barron

Well I thought it was hilairous and much better then RH1 which I also loved.


Scream 3 absolutely sucked

Scream and Scream 2 were both awesome movies

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

Actually, i'd disagree with the Texas Chainsaw Massacre thing. Part 2 was certainly not better than one, but it was sitll a fun movie. 3 had its moments. 4 was Satan's proverbial ass face.


Rush Hour 2 shocked me by being consistently entertaining. And Zhang is too cute. I think thats how you spell her name.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20
Well I thought it was hilairous and much better then RH1 which I also loved.


Scream 3 absolutely sucked

Scream and Scream 2 were both awesome movies




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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Scream 1 was not a teen slasher flick.


It was a satire.


Does everyone miss this?

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Guest Hitman Jebus

On imdb, I gave Rush Hour 1 a 6/10 and RH2 an 8/10...In other words, I liked the second much better


As far as Austin Powers goes, I find it absolutely appalling that people actually think the second one was better than the first. God, the Spy Who Shagged Me sucked! The first was a classic comedy...no doubt 9.5/10...the second I would give a 6/10 (it was a little funny when I saw it at the theatre but when I saw it again on video and TBS...I was stonefaced...nothing funny...I still laugh at the first one like crazy though)


BTW, anybody here with good taste ;) recommend "Goldmember"? I'm not in a hurry to see it simply because APowers2 was REALLY disappointing...Anyway, I'll probably sneak into it this weekend after I pay to see another movie first (I always see 2 or 3 movies in a row :D )


edit: Scream 1 (genius! and yes it was satire...genius!), Scream 2 (only saw bits and pieces), and Scream 3 (SUCKED DONKEY BALLS! despite a Jay and Silent Bob appearance...God, what a bad movie...I seriously wanted my money back :angry: )

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Guest bob_barron

AP3 is really funny.


Now come on- AP2 wasn't bad at all. It just sort of was too big for its own good.


bps was right- Scream is a parody, Scream 3 was just a really bad straight to video horror flick. Adult Approach my ass.


I just really dug Scream2- They picked good killers and it had Laurie from norm!

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I thought Scream 2 had some really good scenes in it.


I loved the play scene probably most of all.


Scream 3 was a mess.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I liked American Pie 2 better than the original.


I thought that movie was funnier.

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Guest bob_barron

My main problem in Scream 3 was that the killer was painfully obvious. They didnt even try to swerve us

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

That's true.


I always thought that the genius of the original was that even if you guessed...you were only half right.


I'd never seen 2 killers done before...so the brain isn't conditioned to think like that.


Think about it...the whole movie is cliches of slasher films...leading to an ending so wholy original that you couldn't get it.


Scream 3 was just...ok everyone else is dead...that narrowd it down.


And that happy ending shit...make...me...vomit.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20








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Guest El Satanico

American Pie 2 was alot better then the original.


I didn't like the original at all. It only had like 5 funny parts and then that "serious" ending they put on it was just plain stupid.

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Guest bob_barron

I agree with AmerP2 being better- AmerP1 was too romanticy and too chick flicky- like I'm sure girls liked AmerP1 more.


Randy's death was so awesome. I jumped out of my seat during that killing sequence.


After the first killings in Scream I always pick the killer/killers and I'm always wrong. For Scream 3 I was like: The director dude and uhhhhh I have no idea.


And when I was right I was like: ummmmmm oh.

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Guest MrRant

I thought Grumpier Old Men (sequel to Grumpy Old Men) was better than the first.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20














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Guest J*ingus

I hated all of the Scream movies, but it would take a long time to explain why. (I actually wrote a term paper on sexism in the modern horror movie, with Scream as my main dissection victim. Side note: Men, Women, and Chainsaws 0wnz.


And in this debate, can we not count any continuing series that goes past three or four entries? I mean, there's quite a few Bond movies that outclass Dr. No, and pretty much all of the other Star Trek movies besides part 5 were better than the first one.


Anyway, a few sequels that I thought were superior to part 1:


The Godfather, Part 2


Evil Dead 2

Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust

Bride of Frankenstein


And a few other personal faves that would get me flamed to death if I listed them.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20




You-can't-get-no-better-than-that. :lol:

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"I actually wrote a term paper on sexism in the modern horror movie, with Scream as my main dissection victim. "


But since Scream was a self proffessed derivative of other horror films...wouldn't it be those films fault?

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Guest bob_barron

You hate Scream?? I think you're getting flamed right there. :-)


Except for Rush Hour 2 I really can't think of any off the top of my head

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