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Guest Whatmaniac

Which of these three superstars....

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Guest Whatmaniac

Hypothetical scenario: the WWF booking committee has decided to open up the glass ceiling and permit one of the following wrestlers to join in the prestigious main event club. Triple H has even offered to job clean with no strings attached if it would help. The leading candidates for the push are RVD, Eddie Guerrero, and Booker T. Which one of these three should get the push?

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Guest Whatmaniac

Doesn't anyone want to see Eddie get elevated? I thought he was second only to Chris Beniot in terms of popularity among internet fans.

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Guest Anglesault

He's also kind of, err...Latino Heatless. Booker NEEDS a big win, and the fans want RVD in the mains.

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Guest thebigjig

It would be awesome if all three were elevated, but I gotta go with Booker T.

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Guest LooseCannon
Doesn't anyone want to see Eddie get elevated? I thought he was second only to Chris Beniot in terms of popularity among internet fans.

Hell, I like Eddie better than Benoit, but Booker is more ready to carry his end of a main event feud.

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Guest Anglesault

We need more information though. What caliber gun is being held to HHH's temple?

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I think RVD and Eddy should get the major end of any push. Booker dosen't really need crammed down anybody's throat right now, so keep the push going as it is. Slowly.


I'd rather see all three of them elevated before Benoit, however.

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Guest Shaved Bear

RVD is so over its rediculous, he is liked my marks and smarks, he is perfect for the ME push

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Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics

Yeah, RVD is crazy over, so he should get the push.

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Guest Whatmaniac
We need more information though. What caliber gun is being held to HHH's temple?

44 caliber with explosive tipped heads. HHH is also cut off from his steroids, causing him to shrink.

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Guest redbaron51

RVD is over yes...but I like where he is right now.


Push Booker T

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Guest thebigjig

Don't get me wrong, I love Eddie... but I'm getting EXTREMELY annoyed with his mic work as of late. His overuse of the words "Essay, Homes, Man" in every freakin' sentence is killing his character. Everytime he does a promo I'm thinking "Okay Eddie... you're mexican. We get the point. As if we couldn't tell by the name"

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Guest thebigjig

I like RVD's place right now. He needs to feud with Benoit so he can pick up things that he hasn't been using, like psychology. This has already been discussed, but RVD's selling last night was horrible, although the match was still great. If he works some more with Benoit, I think they'll not only adapt more to each other's styles, but they'll each learn a few things.


Booker doesn't have anything else to do right now. I say push him... but for God's sake, get the guy a speech instructor (same with Guerrero.)

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Guest nl5xsk1

I think that Booker T is the most prepared for a full-blown Main Event run. I like RVD, but can't see him holding the Title right now. Booker could have a run as the champ and it would just seem more believable. As for Eddie, I don't think of him as being more than an IC champ. His skills are there, but he just doesn't seem to be the total package that Booker is. (and no Lex Luger jokes)

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Guest mach7

Booker. Definitely Booker. RVD will have fans no matter what. Eddy is a heel and doesn't necessarily need wins to get over. Faces are tough to get over and if a win over a Heel HHH is what it took then I say give it to the Book!

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Guest Anglesault

I think Eddie's best Latino Heat Mic work was earlier this year when he would rant in Spanish and translate in English.

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Guest DrEvil
44 caliber with explosive tipped heads.

Trips would no sell, then convince Vince to send them down to work on their intensity.



Booker T gets my vote. RVD is the most over by far, but still needs to work on his psychology to really work a great match before he's ready. Eddie has all the skills needed, but I think Booker is a more complete package.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

Eddy for sure. The others arn't even in his league. Of course, I'd push Benoit over all of them at this point.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

In case no one has been watching lately...


Booker had very disapointing matches with both Eddy and Benoit...and other than the word "SUCKA"...he's not too over either.



It has to be RVD.


If only because he wasn't jobbed out for a year like Booker was....oh yeah...and he's also far more over and is having far better matches every night.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"but RVD's selling last night was horrible"






I'm starting to see what people mean when they say everyone on the board sounds the same.


Does anyone remember "Hulking up" or the Rock and HBK no selling entire matches my doing that stupid kipup at the end of them?


RVD didn't grab his arm for the last few minutes of the match...most of which time he spent face down on the mat or in the crossface.



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Guest Flyboy

It would take some time to get Booker T. more over than just the word "sucka".


RVD, of course.

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