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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The One and Only NWA TNA week 7 thread

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

At about the 4 minute mark they seem to have taken things up a notch by introducing a couple high spots and picking up the pace a tad.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Styles is laying on how great Jerry Lynn is real thick.


Meanhile...Ki puts the Dragon Sleeper on Lynn while Lynn is on the ring apron.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

For the first time Lynn actually got to drop someone from the Gory Special move.


Lynn has the cradle piledriver ready to go...but Ki counters into an armbar submission.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Front suplex on Ki leads to 2.


They trade kicks and forearms...man Lo Ki is great...then again...so is Lynn.


Ki goes for his knockout kick and connects.


I love that shot.


2 count only.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"They need to add some more feuds in X-division"


I agree.


When Daniels gets back from Japan I'd expect them to get him and Ki into a feud to compliment Lynn/Styles and Daniels and Ki are the other 2 high profile guys in the division

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

They pick it up another notch now.


Styles leaves the booth because Lynn was in trouble...but Lynn had countered it and Ki threw Lynn into the ropes, and Styles kicked him in the back of the head.


Ki does the Ki-Krusher on Lynn but the ref had thrown the match out due to interference.


Styles then talked shit in Lynns face and Ki took him out for costing him the match.


I guess Styles will be the heel from this point on.


The match was terrific until the finish...although it does add more to the feud...and perhaps Low Ki will be added to the further plot.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Disco comes out to do his Jive Talking sketch.


His guest is Goldylocks.


He says she'll go topless on the show.


Don't I wish.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Disco is actually funny.


He gets slapped for telling it like it is...then gets a knee to the groin.


Paulina from Tough Enough 1 (the good season) comes out and uses a sleeper on Goldy.


You know...her not showing her tits...kinda made her a heel.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Low Ki vs. AJ STyles vs. Jerry Lynn next week





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Guest Trivia247

Now... was Paulina coming out a Mark out Moment? Im glad shes in the business and all she is a fricken Giant compared to most of the women wrestlers...but is that really a markout moment?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Don Harris vs. Malice first blood




The Truth vs. Ken Shamrock for the title.




The X title 3 way.


Well...I'm ordering.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I didn't mark out for her...but I did like her from the Tough Enough show.


I can't really mark out for women wrestlers not named Trish...but I am glad she has a job.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Hall and JJ start off on the ramp as Hall couldn't wait.


They brawl on the table.


This is a good start as it gives the match the feeling of actual hatred that it should carry.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

They are backstage and Jarrett is getting his ass handed to him.


Hall looks sober and slightly motivated.


This would mark the first time those two things combined in nearly 7 years.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

They are battling in the crowd which has the crowd making noise for a change (you know...2 very good X matches and 2 surprisingly good other matches didn't do it...so I give them credit for that)

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Guest Trivia247

Im starting to think Hall is always on his best behavior on the smaller feds like NWA ECW IPW TCW and the Japanese feds, but as soon as he gets around his buddies he glug glug

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Guest LesnarLunatic

I hope that midget doesn't come out and shoot on Jarrett or anything.


Anyways, as for Hall, look for his triple crown match with Muto in Japan. AKA "The worst triple crown match ever". :)

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

JJ is using the stretcher as a weapon on Hall.


The crowd is HOT.


Hall is actually working...they continue to use the stretcher as the focal point of the match.


Hall sets him up for the Edge....and nails it.


BUT THE TRUTH makes the save by pulling the ref out.


Axe kick on Hall but it only get TWO!


Bery beleivable near fall.


Lynn comes out and slingshots over the rope onto JJ but only gets 2.


Another beleivable near fall as Monty Brown and Truth battle and all hell breaks loose.


Styles takes out Lynn and tries to interfere when Harris yanks him off the rope.


They are both down and the ref is counting them down.


They get up just in time and slug it out...with Hall taking control.


He gets the strectcher but takes out the ref when JJ ducks.


JJ dropkicks Hall and grabs a chair.


Steamboat comes out, JJ tries to hit him with a chair but he ducks and it rebounds off the ropes and hits JJ/


Hall tries to use the chair but Steamboat grabs it from him...JJ comes from behind and gives Hall the stroke on the chair.


JJ wins...wild finish.


That...is how you end a show.


I want more.

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Guest 4Life
Im starting to think Hall is always on his best behavior on the smaller feds like NWA ECW IPW TCW and the Japanese feds, but as soon as he gets around his buddies he glug glug

Less stress. More time with his kids.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Yeah...TNA is the perfect fit for Hall...who can spend 6 days of the week at home and still geta paycheck.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The Torch pretty much matches my sentiments on the show exactly:


"Better than the last two weeks overall with a good, satisfying mix of matches, interviews, angles, and segments. Not a "can't miss" show, but definitely a fun two hours of wrestling that, compared to a WWE PPV, is a bargain given the nonstop action and fresh stars involved. The smaller setting wasn't a factor at all to me this week, although I was one of the people least bothered by last week's production downgrades. They did a good job fixing last week's problems, though"

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Guest Raven_Effect01

It looks like NWA-TNA is trying to step up from the last two weeks' failures as evidenced by the Styles/Skipper, Lynn/Low Ki, and Siaki/Slash matches. I wasn't that entertained by the main-event, though the way the brawling went tonight fit well with the hatred of Hall and Jarrett.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

What I liked about the ending was that there was so much going on that it had a very exciting feel to it as it went off the air.


It mad me want next week to come sooner.

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Guest Vyce

GodDAMN, I really dug this week. God, Wednesdays are such a breath of fresh air now.


All I can say is this - who the FUCK knew "The Truth" was ever this damn good.


Curse you, WWE, for sticking him in tag matches with drug addicts. You could have been pushing him to the moon.

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Guest 4Life
GodDAMN, I really dug this week. God, Wednesdays are such a breath of fresh air now.


All I can say is this - who the FUCK knew "The Truth" was ever this damn good.


Curse you, WWE, for sticking him in tag matches with drug addicts. You could have been pushing him to the moon.

I agree. The only thing that hurt K-kwik, krush, The Truth was when he sold all that offense in week 4 to that Nascar driver.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Man...I had to piss for the last 45 minutes of the show..but I just had to hold it.


They did a very good job of keeping things going IMO.


I couldn't find a spot to get up and piss.


That's the mark of a good show if you ask me.

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Guest treble charged

I'd like to say that Disco Inferno's segment was some of the funniest wrestling TV I've ever seen.

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