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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The One and Only NWA TNA week 7 thread

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21





Low Ki and Jerry Lynn are rumored to be getting 20 minutes tonight (so sayeth Jeremy Borash on a radio show)


That rules.


AJ Styles defends his X title against Elix Skipper


That rules.


Jeff Jarrett faces Scott Hall in a strecher match


While it may not rule...I look forward to it.


Apolo vs. Malice


I got nothing...I still don't know if it's first blood...I hope so...


Slash vs. Sonny Siaki


If it leads to Elvises vs. Tempest and Storm next week...hooray...if not it should still be a decent little match.


Ricky Steamboat returns tonight


That rules


Disco Inferno does his talking


I hope that involves THE TRUTH on it...because THE TRUTH absolutely RULES.


And the aforementioned THE TRUTH will be seen in some fashion.



Looks good to me...but I'm a mark.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

We start off right into the X title match with Elix Skipper and AJ Styles.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

Just to throw in, Lynn accompanied Styles to the ring.




'Hollywood' Spike Jenkins

- 2nd Biggest NWA TNA Mark behind BPS

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Lynn and Styles are still friends even though Styles walked out on him last week...as Lynn accompanied Styles to the ring and took a seat at the broadcast position.


Skipper attacks Lynn from behind and we're off.


Counters, go behinds and strikes are traded in the early going.


Skipper took control after a full nelson suplex...and went on to hit some impressive offense.


Skipper looks real good.


He's working Styles neck.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Just as I say that...Tenay points out that Skipper is attacking Styles neck to set him up for his play of the day finisher.


But I swear...I said it first.


Nice hold by Skipper on Styles' neck.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Skipper catches a Styles' rana attempt an hit him with a powerbomb.


Then goes back to attacking the neck.


At this point Styles head should be falling off.


Styles counterd a Northern Lights into a neck submission of his own.


I really dug that spot.


Styles reverses another Skipper attack into an inverted DDT.


Styles misses a top rope leg drop, allowing Skipper to get back on him.


Styles counters a Skipper charge and powers him over the top rope with his legs.


A very nice exchange on the ring apron leading to a Skipper leap onto Styles over the top.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Styles counterd the play of the day into a Styles Clash attempt...but Skipper countered that too.


Skipper was on the top rope and Styles missed him with a dropkick...but hit the ropes so the effect was saved enough that the spot wasn't that blown.


With Skipper down Styles went up top and finished him off with the Spiral Tap at about 12 and a half minutes.


A great way to kick off the show...a fine match.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The announcers go over a few things:


Shamrock still champ

JJ not suspended

JJ vs. Hall



Then Monty Brown comes out and attacks Skipper after what happened last week.


You know...they are pushing Brown just right.


Skipper then takes the advantage breifly...but Brown does a pretty impressive press slam into a nice looking fallaway slam.


Why do I like Monty Brown?


He picks Skipper back up and takes him out with the Alpha Bomb.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

JJ comes out with someone in a sack.


Skipper is still down in the ring.


I am just noticing...but the production values seem a world better than last week.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins





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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

JJ promo.


He said that he was told that he must start at the bottom of the ladder and work his way back up to the top.


He says he'll play along...so he opens the sack and has a midget in it.


JJ says he is going to cripple the midget live on pay per view.


Which I find funny.


He piledrives the midget, slams him and gives him the stroke.


He calls out anyone from the back and Puppet the Psycho dwarf comes out.


He asks Puppet if he's upset because JJ stole his midget killing gimmick...that's funny.


Puppet pulls a gun.


Russo at his lowest.


He threatens to shoot securities kneecaps off...and JJ takes him out with a chair.


Ricky Steamboat is in the house.


Ricky following a segment where a midget ran around with a gun...something...not...right

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

JJ challenges Steamboat.


He says if he beats Steamboat he gets a title shot...if Steamboat wins JJ gets his suspension.


Steamboat takes off his jacket and gets in the ring.


Scott Hall sneaks in behind JJ and takes him out while Steamboat distracted him.


That was a good segment...save for the gun toting midget.


Hall grabs the mic and says that he'll send JJ out on a strecher tonight.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Goldy interviews a very cocky Sonny Siaki.


I think I'm in love with Goldylocks.


Slash and his manager come out for the next match...which will lead us to Slash vs. Sonny Siaki.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Mitchell joins the commentary booth.


2 matches...2 guest commentators.


They only have 3 headsets...so Don West doesn't call matches this way.




Meanwhile...back in the ring...Siaki and Slash are having a pretty spirited go of it.


Siaki is hitting some flashy moves.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Mitchell left commentary so Don West is back on.


Slash had hit some pretty good moves then decided to put on a rest hold.


That's not going to move the crowd.


He had it on for a while too.


They are back to pace now and are both on the top rope.


They both fall and get crotched...Slash gets up and misses a top rope move.


Hey...I just realized this is heel vs. heel...WHATZUPWITDAT?


Siaki with a nice overhead pump handle suplex.


Siaki looks like a million bucks to me tonight, Mitchell distracts the ref and Slash puts a mask over his opponents head and beats him with a neckbreaker.


A little on the long side at 7 and a half minutes...and the wrong person went over IMO.


But not bad by any means.


The crowd sucks though.


Mitchell takes his thing of blood and annoints Siaki with it.


I don't get it either.


Don Harris (who is security) comes in and cleans house.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Goldy interviews Steamboat.


He talks about how TNA is trying to take things into their own hands instead of following the laws of the NWA.


Although it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense...it is a nice touch.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The Truth frees a black TNA dancer from her cage.


Don West actually said something funny.


Truth: "They are exploiting you for their own benefits"


West: "The TNA girls are for all of our benefits"

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The dancer slaps Krush after calling her a Ho a couple times.


Monty Brown comes out and attacks Krush as he was about to lay down some violence on the ho.


The Truth gets the upper hand and takes off to the back.


Steamboat comes back out.


He calls the Truth out and tells him to say what he has to say about "them" to his face.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

K-Krush references Steamboats WWF career and points out that They held him back.


Steamboat agrees and grants The Truth a title shot against Shamrock next week.


Truth celbrates by rapping...

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Malice and Apolo is next.


If you need proof Russo is in control...this is only the third match of the night and we're halfway through the show.


Don't get me wrong...the angles and stuff have been fine...but Disco Inferno has to talk still too.


The match lengths themselves have been fine...but people aren't going to pay for all talk.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

SO far surprisingly so good for this match.


They aren't fighting like traditional big men..they've really livened it up with some highwpots, fast action and power moves.


Color me impressed.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Apolo is busted open.


A good near fall roll-up spot...that was a pretty beleivable near fall.


Apolo hits a superkick for an actual impressive win.


I stand corrected...good match at about 6 and a half minutes.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Malice chokeslams the ref and is about to chokeslam Apolo when Don Harris (security) runs in and attacks Malice.


Slash runs in and he and Malice take out Harris with a wicked looking neckbreaker and a chokeslam.


Mitchell puts the blood on Harris.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Don West is in the ring and he introduces Miss TNA Taylor Vaughn.


hmm...3 hard hitting matches and we bring out the TNA.


I fear for this segment.


Bruce (of the Rainbow Express...formerly Alan Funk, KweeWee and the Funkster) comes out.


He says that the Truth's words inspired him.


He wants a shot at her Miss TNA title.


Oh boy.


Low Blow on Bruce...oh god...there's a ref...and a bell.


She hits a better suplex than many men...then slams him.


2 count only...man...Russo...


throws some chops...she tackles Bruce and they are catfighting.


He clothslines her.


Abdominal stretch.


This is absurd.


Well...Bruce wins.


And he is the new Miss TNA.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Goldy is in the back where Low Ki is working out.


Just like week 5...Low Ki says he does his talking in the ring.


Midget's with guns and gay characters winning TNA crowns..well...it's all been kept short.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Low Ki vs. Jerry Lynn is next.


Styles comes out with Lynn.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Nice counters to start.


They do a cool spot with Ki in a head scissors trying to kick his way out...every time he kicked Lynn Lynn applied more pressure...eventualy he did kick his way out.

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