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Guest nWoScorpion

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Guest cynicalprofit

Roise and Jamal are two big fat guys, just like the Kongs were, Awesome and Kolossal.

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Guest CED Ordonez

and don't call them big fat guys, call them hosses like JIM ROSS does, bah gawd.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

who had his own private hoss in FAKE RAZOR RAMON (using fake Diesel aka Kane is way too easy).

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Guest CED Ordonez

who, as Big Titan, jobbed the FMW World Martial Arts Title to TARZAN GOTO back in the early 90's. (Bet you thought I'd go with an obvious, huh?)

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

mainly because Verne lost the brilliance of JUMPIN' JIM BRUNZELL to the WWF (that's a joke by the way)

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Guest CED Ordonez

who also got his face maimed by OUTLAW RON BASS courtesy of a cowboy boot spur (another one of those things I marked out for as a kid)

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

who lost his prized saddle to BARRY WINDHAM back in the glory days of Florida wrestling.

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Guest Ace309

Barry played a Stalker for a brief period in the WWF, not unlike DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE

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Guest CED Ordonez

Badd Company's Pat Tanaka went to the WWF and joined AKIO SATO as the original Orient Express.

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Guest CED Ordonez

I forget if it was Shawn or Marty, but one of the Rockers got their leg "broken" by the chains of HERCULES during his Power & Glory days.

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Guest Lonewolf218

Oh yes, it was Shawn Michaels who suffered that "injury." He also had an injury that caused him to "lose his smile" and had a concussion at the hands of Owen Hart.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

who inherited getting his ass kicked by BAD NEWS ALLEN from his brother Bret up in Stampede when Bret went to the WWF.

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Guest CED Ordonez

who is a legit Judo badass like NAOYA OGAWA (but Bad News was a better pro wrestler)

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Guest cynicalprofit

NAOYA OGAWA....um......another Japanese star I've never seen, just like H.(Which is he fake Hayabusa.)


(And no, the Kongs were fat.....Hoss involves muscle, the Kongs only had fat.)

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Guest Midnight Express83

H his now retired and confined to a wheelchair, just like DYNAMITE KID!

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Guest Ace309

Who were long considered badasses until Vince got his hands on them and stuck them with a silly, cartoonish gimmick, not unlike ADRIAN ADONIS

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

who gave birth to BRUTUS THE BARBER BEEFCAKE when Ed cut his hair at Wrestlemania III

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

who had the most charisma, but least talent of all the Armstrong boys, the inverse of his brother BRAD ARMSTRONG

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Guest Ace309

Brad used as a finisher the Russian leg sweep, which was always called a 'neckbreaker' by the late GORILLA MONSOON

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