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Guest hhhr00ls


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Guest evenflowDDT

Well, whoever he is, he's gone now... and Scotty Flamingo is the man. He used to be my avatar, now he's my boss!


Damn... I still gotta apply for a banner, I've got Raven, Jonny Polo, and Scotty Flamingo pics that could go on it.

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Guest Will Scarlet

Sheesh. It looks like that Triple H fan was banned already. :( Too bad.


I am not sure what Terra's character was. I think it was similar to his Jean Paul Levesque character, but I am probably way off.

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Guest massivHEDtrauma

Whatever. Everyone says they miss Terra Ryzing, I miss Raven's "pretty boy" characters. Just seeing the man who would one day become the dark and foreboding Edgar Allan Poe/Oscar Wilde-quoting badass say "word to your mother" is enough to make me mark the hell out.

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Guest Flyboy

Damn... it's amazing how a HHH mark brought good conversation out of all of us.


Big is right... HHH IS God. :o

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Guest evenflowDDT

Dude! This guy just called in the radio show FROM PRISON!!!! That rules!

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Guest Respect The 'Taker
yo all u ppl who dont like the game should be knee attacked! hhh is the best wresler in the wurld hes beter then jericho and yur littl god kurt angl too. he dosnt hold ppl down your all just jelus cuz he has seks with stefany mcman and you cant hhh wurks hardr then nyone in wresling cuz he is that dam good. anglsalt and alfdog and bps are biches hhhatrs suck hhh is bettr then evryon no matr what u all say.




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You Are Being Flamed Because:

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[ ] You started a long, stupid thread

[ ] You continued spreading a long, stupid thread

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[ ] Your lack of understanding of the fundamentals is disgusting

[ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message

[X] You posted low-IQ flamebait

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[ ] You followed up to a blatantly obvious troll

[X] You said "X rules, Y sucks" and gave no support for your lame statement

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[ ] Your post contained nothing but psycho-babble.

[ ] You are claiming that you know more than Newton, Ohm, Pavlov, etc.

[X] Your awful grammar made the post unreadable

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[ ] YoU tYpEd SoMeThInG lAmE lIkE tHiS

[X] You say your 'L33t liek Jeffk.', Or your spelling is so bad that no one can read it.

[ ] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally worthless that you are being flamed anyway


To Repent, You Must:

[ ] Refrain from posting until you have a vague idea what you're doing

[ ] Stop masturbating for a week

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[ ] Bust up your keyboard with a hammer and eat it

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[X] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor (monitor must be plugged in)

[ ] Actually post something relevant

[ ] Print your home phone number in your ads

[ ] Be the guest of honor in alt.flame for a month


In Closing, I'd Like to Say:

[ ] Blow me

[ ] Get a clue

[ ] Get a life

[ ] Go away

[ ] Grow up

[ ] Never post again

[X] I pity your dog

[ ] You need to seek psychiatric help

[ ] Morons like you give ammo to pro-censorship morons

[ ] Yer momma's so fat/stupid/ugly that etc...

[ ] Take your gibberish somewhere else

[ ] Go back to school and actually learn something

[ ] Learn how to post or get off the site

[ ] All of the above


This has been the Taker Mark

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Guest evenflowDDT
.... That's strange.


The radio station you're listening to?

I was (and still am... 12AM-4AM... HOLY SHIT! I've gotta finish this column, it's almost 4AM!!!! err... sorry) listening to Subsonic, on Live 105. My favorite radio show of all time, they play all this underground dance stuff. Well, it's probably not underground by any means, but it is to me because I don't have any access to clubs or dance music in my area other than this show.

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Guest saturnmark4life
i no i mak sns mor then u do bichmclrghug vadr is a fag u shud get a new avtar lik i sed bfor.

Let it go Hunter. Just ignore all the cynical negative internet guys.

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Guest benoitrules2000

YAY! It's the return of that phantom x-guy from the old forum, and he turned heel!!!

I loved his feud with x-killer that was hilarious!

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Guest Flyboy
That's nice, Anglesault.

I called him that first!


Well, actually Kotzenjunge did, but... I modified the name! <_<

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Guest HoffmanHBK

I'd wager he ate the cookie sometime over the course of two days.


*Olympic Slams Anglesault in an act of incredible irony*

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Guest DrTom

Actually, I probably didn't. I have a strict policy about not taking cookies fron strangers over the internet... or something like that. Yeah.

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Guest Anglesault

::But Rob walks right into a Book End from AS. AS kicks Rob in the balls, destroying the cookie::

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Guest HoffmanHBK

*gives AS the Test big boot as he turns around as crowd goes INSANE for the Test reference* :D

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