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Guest Anglesault

A Glimpse of what is ahead.

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Guest Anglesault

Well, with Summerlslam 10 days away and Brock vs. Rock getting heavy comparisons to a certain other Summerslam match, I felt the need to prepare everyone for what could be.


From Keith




Oh, man, do I *have* to watch the main event?


- WWF title match: Diesel v. King Mabel. This was set up because GOD

HATES ME and wanted to see me suffer. Mabel pushes Diesel around to

start, because he's JUST TOO FAT. Diesel can't slam him, but a

shoulderblock sends him to the floor. Diesel then has the balls to pull

out his no-hands pescado. Last time he did that was Souled 98 against

the Giant, by the way. They fight outside the ring, with Diesel going

to the ringpost and Mabel charging, but eating a foot to the face. Back

in the ring, crowd is deader than...well, I'll resist my baser impulses.

Mabel hits a ugly Bossman slam and a buttdrop. Ref gets bumped for no

adequately explained reason, and MOM double-team Big D. Lex Luger makes

the save, but gets taken out by Diesel (who assumes that Luger is on

Bulldog's side and thus is against him). Luger takes out Mo anyway, so

no hard feelings I guess. And that is the last appearance of Mr. Luger

in the WWF. Back in the ring, Mabel gets the belly-to-belly for two,

but misses a splash off the second rope. Diesel follows with a

shoulderblock off the second rope and gets the mercy killing at 9:10.

Thank god it's over. -**


The Bottom Line: Diesel drew no heat for this show, while Ramon and

Shawn rocked the house, and Vince STILL didn't take the hint



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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I want to see a Mabel reaction when Lesnar wins. I would laugh my ass off if the crowd pelts the ring with trash.


Whoever is going..encourage everybody else to do so, please? You'll be doing a good deed for all of us that may watch..

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Guest Human Fly
I would laugh my ass off if the crowd pelts the ring with trash.


Not too much trash though. If the ring fills up with crap like when Hogan turned the WWE will think Brock is a heel heat machine. If Brock gets on the second rope to raise the belt and gets nailed with a half-filled beer that would be about perfect for me.

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Guest Smeghead

From Summerslam 1995:


The Bottom Line: Diesel drew no heat for this show, while Ramon and

Shawn rocked the house, and Vince STILL didn't take the hint.


Now let's rewrite that bit for Summerslam 2002:


The Bottom Line: Brock drew no heat for this show, while Benoit and RVD rocked the house, and Vince STILL didn't take the hint.

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Guest Anglesault

I'm starting to notice some major 1995 parallels



Angle=Bret Hart

John Cena=Various useless wrestlers Bret had to put over


Continue the list!

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Guest HartFan86
Taker = Taker

LOL! Good one.


I'm trying to think who Booker & Jericho might be...but nothing is clicking in my head.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Jericho = Bigelow


Main evented Wrestlemania, but had his career squashed by HHH/Diesel.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Hulk Hogan = Lex Luger (failed push, nothing to really do at the ppv, probably leaving soon anyway, blonde)

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Guest Anglesault

Booker=Ahmed. Fans love him, won't be anything much more than an upper midcarder

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Edge = Bulldog


The backup plan in case Brock/Mabel fails. Better than tag partner Hogan/Luger.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Rikishi = Yokozuna


Fat Samoan a year removed from when anyone cared about him.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Jericho/Benoit = Owen Hart: Former "main eventer", never really given the ball despite being super over at one point. Victim of Clique politics.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Benoit = Owen


Great wrestler and former main eventer, shunted down to the midcard, where he creates his own niche for himself. Stuck in career limbo.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Regal = HHH

Bradshaw = Godwin


Midcard blueblood gets his at the hands of the working class. Vince's favourite angle.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Oh come on! Rock is 10xs the wrestler, entertainer, draw that Nash was and Brock is 10xs the wrestler that Mabel was. The circumstances are completely different and the only thing that can tie them together is that Brock is getting an unwarranted push.

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Guest Anglesault
Wouldn't Brock be Sid? Oh well

Brock is getting the Mabel push.


Storm and Christian= Bodydonnas (?)

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I'd say Brock is getting a Yokozuna push, rather than a Mabel push.

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Guest I Like WDI

This board will never change. Why don't you just shut up and enjoy the fact that there is likely to be three MOTYC in one PPV instead of snivelling like the little bitches you are.

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Guest The Flying Dutchman

I will be laughing my ass off if (more like WHEN) Brock vs. Rock kicks ass. Everyone seems to forget that


1) Brock is an NCAA champion.


2) All of Brock's excellent work in the indies.


3) The Rock is more than capable of carrying Brock (and any other midcarder to main eventer) to an exciting match.


If you guys focus on the stuff you don't like, you're going to make yourselves miserable. Think about this.


RVD vs. Benoit - Everybody's happy.


Eddy vs. Edge - Everybody's happy. Okay, Anglesault isn't happy. Big deal.


Rey Misterio vs. Angle - Everybody's happy. Okay, Anglesault isn't happy. Whoopdy freaking do.



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Guest the pinjockey

How long do you think this match will go? We all know about the Brock being winded from turning off the alarm clock in the morning arguement by now. I can't see this match reasonably going more than 10 minutes.


As for it possibly being a decent match Brock had a match with the guy that can make him look the best being RVD who would be willing to bump to the point where it looked like he was dead for Brock and those matches were watchable at best. They aren't going to have Rock bump enough to sell Brock as a monster and I don't know if Rock is enough of a ring general type to reel him into a decent match.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

You know, a lot of this "Brock being winded after 30 seconds" stuff is just crap. He's been an amateur wrestler, plus a pro for how long now?


Ever think they've told Brock to do the heavy breathing to show his "intensity"? Or that they film his backstage stuff either way before or way after his actual match, and they tell him to do the breathing to make it look like he just came from his match?


"OMG! He's breathing heavily during a backstage segment! I bet he gets winded just getting out of bed in the morning!"

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