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Guest Anglesault

A Glimpse of what is ahead.

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Guest the pinjockey
You know, a lot of this "Brock being winded after 30 seconds" stuff is just crap. He's been an amateur wrestler, plus a pro for how long now?


Ever think they've told Brock to do the heavy breathing to show his "intensity"? Or that they film his backstage stuff either way before or way after his actual match, and they tell him to do the breathing to make it look like he just came from his match?

I honestly hope you are right but he has also been involved in very few matches that have gone past the two minute mark in the last five months. The first two or three months were three move squashes. So I don't think it is too much of a stretch to think he can't go a long match.


I can't imagine though that they would want him to breathe that heavily. It only made him look ridiculous. If they taped that before the match they would have had to look at the playback and see it was not good, everyone I knew who watched it were laughing at him.

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Guest I Like WDI
I honestly hope you are right but he has also been involved in very few matches that have gone past the two minute mark in the last five months.  The first two or three months were three move squashes.  So I don't think it is too much of a stretch to think he can't go a long match.


It's a possibility, I don't doubt that, but I think they were squashes because they were booked that way. You can't be a NCAA champion if you blow up taking a crap or whatnot.


I can't imagine though that they would want him to breathe that heavily. It only made him look ridiculous. If they taped that before the match they would have had to look at the playback and see it was not good, everyone I knew who watched it were laughing at him.


A lot of people think Hogan's poses are cheesy and laugh at them. Same with the People's Elbow. Doesn't mean that management or the person in question didn't want him to do it.

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Guest the pinjockey

I think there is a difference though for something campy done mid match that gets the crowd into it or a pose for pictures as oppposed to panting during a interview in the back that has no crowd interaction.

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Guest The Flying Dutchman

OMG~! You think! That puts you a step above most people, actually.


I can't imagine though that they would want him to breathe that heavily. It only made him look ridiculous. If they taped that before the match they would have had to look at the playback and see it was not good, everyone I knew who watched it were laughing at him.


Remember, you're basing the argument on WWE management having any sense.


Oh, and don't forget the Brock HAPPY DANCE~!. Now THAT's just bizarre.

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Guest I Like WDI

They can still see it on the screen, and they still cheer/boo stuff like that. I don't see the difference.

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Guest The Flying Dutchman





*blows your house down*


The match will STILL be much better than anyone here thinks it will. Of course, you're all expecting it to suck, so even if it does rule, you'll think it sucks anyway so you won't be wrong.


I rooting for an F5 on Rock followed by the Shooting Brock Press.

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Guest I Like WDI

I'm going for a Rock Bottom countered into an F5, countered by Rock, who spins Brock round and hits a Spinebuster. Rock then misses the Elbow, Brock hits an F5 for 2.9, but finishes Rock with another F5 and a Shooting Star Press. Or something.

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Guest cabbageboy

Oh, I don't think Rock/Brock will be negative stars like that Nash/Mabel main. And yes, Brock's push reminds me more of Yoko than Mabel. I could at least see a slight menace to Yoko's persona. And really I can't think of any vastly better ideas for 1993. With Mabel, that was just crackhead booking. I was baffled as to what they were doing. I mean, there were literally about 10 guys who would have made more sense main eventing than him. Diesel/Shawn rematch would have been ok, Diesel/Bret, Diesel/UT, Diesel/Bigelow, Diesel/Owen, ANY of those would have been a better idea.


"The Bottom Line: Brock drew no heat for this show, while Benoit and RVD rocked the house, and Vince STILL didn't take the hint."


Too funny I was thinking that same thing.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
The match will STILL be much better than anyone here thinks it will. Of course, you're all expecting it to suck, so even if it does rule, you'll think it sucks anyway so you won't be wrong.

I had no idea Anglesault spoke for all of us.

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Guest The Flying Dutchman

Ugh. My apologies, McLargeHuge. Making general statement. Not be all and end all of forum thinking.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Just asking not to be lumped into any kind of single train of thought. Unless it includes thinking HHH is God. That's ok.

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Guest The Flying Dutchman

*lumps you into single train of thought*


*tears quad*

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Guest I Like WDI

*Faints with shock*


Sometimes you gotta forget the storylines and enjoy the wrestling for what it is.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

I'm psyched about the entire card, actually. No Hogan = Great card thus far.

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Guest Anglesault

Well, Rey/Angle will be a good match, and Rey won't make Angle look like a terrified 4 year old (Kane) or a bumbling buffoon (Edge) Plus, Rey won't yell DORK ans Spear Angle alot. What's to lose?

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Guest Brian

True. Now Angle gets to make someone look like a four year old dork.


"2) All of Brock's excellent work in the indies."


He didn't have any.


I'm looking at Brock and I see alot of promise but he's still super raw. He's going to need a stronger moveset because he's not going to make a good vulnerable heel. I see a whole lotta punching and shoulder blocks.

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Guest I Like WDI

I think he needs a couple of cool looking mid match moves to pop the crowd. Maybe a Baba style dropkick or a powerbomb of some kind?

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Guest SlowChemical6

No offense, but you guys can't draw any parallels between a match that took place in 1995 and a match that HASN'T EVEN TAKEN PLACE YET. Benoit vs. RVD isn't ***** yet, and Brock vs. Rock isn't -** yet. Sorry, but you are gonna have to wait for the matches to...you know, actually happen first. For all we know, Benoit and RVD are gonna get screwed with a 10-minute time slot.

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Guest Rabbi_wilson13

Hopefully they don't, but since HHH will want to have a "hot opener" (see burying) they'll get moved there.


I think Brock/Rock can range anywhere from negative stars to a great match, but thats putting a lot of faith in Rock's ability. Brock hasnt' impressed me yet, but maybe this will be his breakout match. And I still say the fact he's winning isn't set in stone yet. If this is the Mabel push, look where it ended.


Summerslam is shaping up to be a good-great ppv, and if they tack on a hardcore match, it'll just be like SS 2000 which was one of the best I've ever seen for variety. Don't say it'll be bad before it happens, but all the signs are pointing to Brock blowing up and the match being heatless, which is tough for a Rocky match.


Hopefully not, though.

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Guest SlowChemical6

If Brock blows up, he's in trouble, because Rocky wrestles a *very* frenetic pace. The guy is a cardio machine.


Then again, let's see how good Rocky is.


Bulldog blew up within 30 seconds or something at SummerSlam '92 and forgot the entire gameplan, and Bret carried him to a ***** classic.

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Guest cabbageboy

I doubt Rock/Brock will be negative stars kinda bad. It'll likely be forgettable though, just a way to job Rocky out. I don't think WWE outta even put the title on the Rock again, if he's not going to be around very much.


I wish RVD/Benoit was some sort of gimmick match. Can anyone imagine the awesomeness of those guys in a HIAC? Crossface on top of the cell! Rolling thunder on top of the cell! That would be an almost sure fire ***** match.

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Guest SlowChemical6

That would be too cool for a Big 5 pay-per-view. The WWE always blows the really cool gimmick matches on a nothing pay-per-view like Unforgiven or Vengeance or Armageddon.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

I'm not ordering it...I won't be able to....


but I want him to do an SSP to beat Rock......the best way to get someone over like that is to have them bust out something that the casual fan doesn't think is possible and they will eat out of his hand...especially if he plays it up as a heel afterwards...


All I want is an SSP!

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Guest Anglesault
If Brock blows up, he's in trouble, because Rocky wrestles a *very* frenetic pace. The guy is a cardio machine.

Hey, WWE Magazine says that Brock runs around Minneapolis at three in the morning carrying logs! He HAS to be a cardio machine! Oh yeah, it also says that HHH is my hero.

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Guest Anglesault
True. Now Angle gets to make someone look like a four year old dork.

When did this happen?

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Guest Brian

I'm talking about Rey. Generally Angle looks like the weak dor who get constantly bad-mouthed but now it's Rey.

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Guest Anglesault

So he compared him to a munchkin. It could have been worse. He could have thrown in a lawnmower joke.


Besides, Rey kicked Angle's ass, bloodied him, and chased him away. The feud is pretty even.

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Guest Austin3164life

You guys are just starting to realize that 2002 is the "Attitude" version of 1995?


In all seriousness, there are some ironic parallels from 2002 and 1995. All we need now is Vince McMahon back on commentary, and Mideon running around in farm attire.

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