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Guest Sebastian_the_Bastard

Things that you say

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Guest Sebastian_the_Bastard



*to the max


*Rocken (stole and modified from my brother)




*in the FACE!




*"My name is _____, and I ______" (when insulting someone you're talking to... example: "My name is Nate and I'm whipped!")


*______ can SUCK IT!!!! (stole that from UCB)


*(Someone asks What's up? or What Are You Doing?) Oh, y'know... stuff


*A LOT!!!! (inside joke)




That's all that immediately come to mind..



I'm outta herrreere-er-eerere-re!,

Sebastian the Bastard

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I call people fat bitch and that caught on with a lot of people. I don't call fat people that, just people that I catch doing something that is completely gluttonous or slovenly. Anybody can be a fat bitch at any given time. If you are laying around looking like a fucking slob, you're a fat bitch. If you are doing something that is extremely gluttonous or greedy, you're being a fat bitch. One time I had gone grocery shopping with one of my roommates and he saw a tasty cake package on the ground while we were heading towards the car. He was about to stomp it flat, but at the last minute decided to kick it to see if there was anything in it. Sure enough, there was a cherry pie in it, which he picked up and kept. I was calling him a fat bitch all the way home. I like it because it just rolls of your tongue. Try it sometime, it's very gratifying.


I don't know the first time I did it, but I saw an insanely fat person and made the noise that the Nototrious BIG used to make (Unghh!). My two best friends were on the floor laughing at that and that one ended up infiltrating the whole campus. It was versatile too because it could be substituted with fat bitch too. It had gotten to the point where one of my friends said it, and someone asked him how he knew about it.

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Guest eiker_ir

when someone says....."am i ____ or what?" i reply "what"



i can't remember right now



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Guest Kotzenjunge

Eiker, I'd like to note that Gizmo dances right along to Ice Cube's "Today was a Good Day."


Things I've said that catch on:


"Fo sheez."



This doesn't count because someone else started it, but "The Whole! Fuckin'! Show!" caught on big time when I did it the first time a couple of years ago.




Fo sheez,


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Guest cartman

I tend to say "Niiiiiicccceeeeee" dragged out a bit and my friends start doin now too...especially at work...

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Saying "Wicked Mc" before something caught on VERY WELL at my school...and me and my friend Szymanski started it. Like, if you wanted to say something was "really fucking awesome," you'd say "Wicked McFucking awesome" or "Wicked fucking McAwesome!"


A variation is "wicked tons of," but my friend Meehan started that. I just used it more :D. Like, if you're going to lunch, you say "dude, wicked tons of lunch!"

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Guest NazMistry

About 6 months ago, I started calling all my friends 'Chico', it caught on so big that I was once called Chico. Only once.

Yeah it didn't really catch on...

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Guest eiker_ir
Eiker, I'd like to note that Gizmo dances right along to Ice Cube's "Today was a Good Day."


i haven't noted that before




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Guest papacita

"Yah" (not "Yeah")


"That's sykotic"


Anything about Kood aid...that's it.

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Guest MaxPower27

Just more sarcasm than anything.


One of my friends: Man, I was watching Friends last night

Me: Well there's your first problem


Me and my buddies started a "Rockin' like Dokken" thing our senoir year.


"What the fuck did you say?" Well, that was stolen from CKY, but we kind of made it funnier-er (is that a word)


There are more, but I'm going to Taco Bell......I'll continue the list at a later time.

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Guest Incandenza

As an insult, calling someone a "cock," except stretching it out like "coooooooooock."

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Guest papacita

"You worthless alcoholic!"


I stole that from Al Snow, but it was funny.


Also (no offense to any homosexuals on the board) "That's gay and lesbian". I haven't said that since the 11th grade, but that one caught on real big in high school.

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Guest Marshall

When me and my friends ae going to do something exciting we say "lets get some living in!" We are quite lame. Feel free to mock us.

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Guest What?

"n't!" (after someone says something, you say that. It's like saying "Can't" or "Wouldn't". e.g. "I banged that chick." "n't!"




"Sucka Herb Punk!"


"Off the heezy-for-sheezy"


"Ah, you cunt!" (Geoff Rowley-Flip "Sorry")


"______(Name of person you're talking to)....fuck man, I fell cuz of Fred's gay outfit"-(Mark Appleyard-Flip "Sorry")-I said that the day after I saw the Flip video and I just kept on saying it whenever I fell. Now, they say it!

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Guest Tha Cunnysmythe

"What the (bladdy) piss/cock"


"For cock's sake"




"You get nothing"


"Good day, children"


"Good morning" (I say this at all times of day)


*That sound that Cartman made before he sang 'Kyle's Mom is a Bitch' in the Christmas episode*




"Son of a bastard"


"darling/sweetie/duckie/honey/random ghey endearment"


"It sucks the cock"


"That drinks deeply of the schlong soup"


"Munches on a mouthful of balls"


"Makes me moist"






"I may strangle"


"Like we always do about this time" (Haven't said that for a while, though)


There are probably more that I've forgotten.

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Guest crandamaniac

Whenever me and my friends do something we aren't exactly proud of, we always respond with the phrase "head lowered in shame!"

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Guest Sebastian_the_Bastard

*I also give out tons of nicknames (Princess, DC, Sunshine Chica, etc.)


*calling people "kid"

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

If someone's up doing something, one of us will often say, "Hey, grab me that ____ while yer bullshittin'" Putting "Fucking" in the middle of words, like Apparent fucking ly.


Horse Pussy


Whore's Bath


If someone says, "I hate ____" Someone will usually reply with, "I heard you liked it" in a totally matter of fact manner.

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

"Vince" is what my best friend says. It started as a reference to Vince McMahon, and eventually it just took on a life of it's own, replacing normal words in our everyday conversations.


Example: "Why don't you just Vince it?"


"Vince" can be a noun, adjective, verb... Anything.


... She also says "Taha", but that stems from some bizarre thing about our friend Natasha, and Kane.


I plan on incorporating some of terms listed here into my everyday speak. That Dokken thing is classic.

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Guest Tha Cunnysmythe
"Vince" can be a noun, adjective, verb... Anything.

I'm like that with 'quim'.

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion
Off topic, TRITEC, that's the most bizarre Avatar I've ever seen.

Thanks, I made it myself. I have too much free time.


... Cunnysmythe : "Quim"? May I ask how that started? That one's really interesting...

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Guest What?

I just realized these right now


"You...you just don't think before you talk...do you?"




"Who did who in the what now?"


"Oh yeah, my anal probe..."


"_______, The floors smell TERRIFIC!!"


*making a race car sound when I'm walking by people


"Now with extra Tanons!" (what?...you don't get it?)


"...What? You don't get it?"


"Ha ha ha...ha...ha.....shut up...."


"Hey...Heeeey....Wake up wake up wake up...c'mooooon....wake up...you awake?...wake up wake up....heeeeey"


"But you guys said that if I shoot that guy, I become part of the crew, and now I'm serving three life sentences...what's the deal?"


"No...nobody cares...______! nobody cares...."

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Guest spiny norman

Deary deary me


Whoopsy Daisy


Nanoo Nanoo!




Other outdated assorted catchphrases.


Turn that frown upside down.


Talk to the crotch.


Yeah, they're all about as depressing and crap as this lot. I have no life. Sigh.

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Guest saturnmark4life

" I got a better idea. WHO CARES?" can't remember where i got that from.


"That's probably the worst thing ever."

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Guest Tha Cunnysmythe
... Cunnysmythe : "Quim"? May I ask how that started? That one's really interesting...

There are a few words that I use for everything. 'quim', 'cock' and 'cunt'. Maybe a few more. Quim was the first one, and I'm not sure how it started. I've always been the kind to twist words and meanings.

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Guest LexLugerRules

You know how when people say shit or fuck when they stub their toe?


Well I say MOTHERFUCK! And now everyone i know says it.

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