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Guest HVilleThugg

SWF Smarkdown --The Card-- (August 19th, 2002)

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Guest HVilleThugg

SWF Smarkdown

The Card

Venue: Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri

Due Date: 12pm Central Time, Monday, August 19th

Send Promos To: BA_Baracus


{This is like Heat card with all you bitches needing the show off. The PPV better be worth it dammit. Oh, and I’m warning you…this card was made without reading the show, so…don’t complain.}


#1 Contendership to the SWF Tag Team Titles

“Deathwish” Danny Williams/Xero vs. Sacred/Lerrin Breggan

- Danny and Xero really impressed the SWF stockholders in their first tag match together, and the board members feel that they have a true, honest-to-goodness tag team on their hands here. The board members want to exploit this new found talent, since tag teams don't pop up often in the SWF. So, the board demanded that Stubby give Danny and Xero a shot at the tag titles at Apolcalypse, but, being the hater he is, Stubby refused. After some back and forth, Stubby agreed to let them WIN a shot at Chilly Chilly Bang Bang and the SWF Tag Team Titles. What Stubby failed to mention was that they'd have to overcome this Creative Control buisers in the form of the veteran Sacred and the rookie monster Lerrin Breggan. Who will go on to face CCBB at Apolcalypse?? Find out this Monday!!

- Word Limit: 4500

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Hardcore Match

Annie Eclectic vs. Ced Ondornez

- On Storm, Annie and Tod deKindes lost a handicapped match against the SWF Hardcore Champion, Jay Dawg, by disqualification when Annie lost her cool and took it to JD with her singapore cane. Despite losing the match, she seemingly got the best of the newly crowned Hardcore god there, but no she may have The Clan breathing down her neck. Rumors ciruclating around the Internet indicate that this may be Ced's last match for a while, as he's supposedly be pulled form TV to tend to some personal matters. Should those rumors be true, Ced has a chance to go out with a bang against Annie, but has Annie calmed down since Storm, or will she just take her frustrations on Ced's hide? Will The Clan take care of Annie as JD requested, and if so, will they have an impact in this match? Or will they fail like when they tried to protect Stubby's girlfriend from The Enlightenment? Only time will tell.

- Word Limit: 4000

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Singles Match

“TNT” Taylor Nicholas Thompson vs. Chris Raynor

- Chris Raynor saw something very, very distrubing on Storm and stormed out of the arena, leaving his Carnie bretheren dazed and confused. One can only speculate that this the tape had something to do with Edwin and/or Silent. Has Chris gathered himself enough to take out the Magnificent Seven's Taylor Nicholas Thompson, a former US champion? Or will his mind be elsewhere, allowing the explosive one to pick up the win??

- Word Limit: 3500

- Send to HVilleThugg



#1 Contendership to the US Title

Ash Ketchum vs. Tod deKindes

- Tom Flesher has held the US title for some time now, but now he'll have to defend it on Apocalypse next Sunday. Ash Ketchum was the victim of some vicious shots with bolt cutters on Storm during his match with Frost, a match that he won via disqualification. However, the stock holders have stepped in once again, and demanding that the Poke Freak get a shot at the US title due to the rapidly growing fanfare surrounding the phenomenom known as Pokemania. Stubby is getting a little pissed off at the fucking board, and will make Ash earn his shot by defeating another fan favorite and fellow X Force 9 member, Tod deKindes. Both these competitors will be kicking ass as of late, but how will facing each other effect the X Force 9 locker room? Will they be able to remain friends after one of them goes on to the PPV to face Tom Flesher for the US title and the other one goes home crying with no title shot? Or is it that Stubby and Creative Control has their own plan to execute with 2 X Force 9 members in the ring at once. Should be interesting...

- Word Limit: 4500

- Send to HVilleThugg



Steel Cage Match

Silent vs. Z

- 3 weeks ago, Silent beat Z within an inch of his life after the foolish Carnie challenged the Slaughterer to a hardcore match. With complete disregard for standard logic and all practical thinking, Z has agreed to step inside an unforgiving steel cage with the most controversial Clan member, and most think that in doing so, Z has sealed his fate to end up in a body bag before next Sunday's PPV. On Storm, Silent began to randomly beat on The Boston Strangler, his opponent for the night, instead of stepping inside of the squared circle with the M7 monster. After seeing that not even Thoth can control the rookie, why in the fuck would Z want to get into a steel cage with him? Stupidty comes to mind...but some might call it foolish bravery. Either way, this should be a bloodbath not to be missed.

[/i]- Match Rules: DQ and countout rules are not in effect, but pinfalls, submissions, and KOs are NOT in effect. The winner of the match is the first to escape the cage by climbing out through the open top. Once inside, the door will be shut and locked.

- Word Limit: 6500

- Send to BA_Baracus[/i]




Tag Team Match

Longdogger Pete/Edwin MacPhisto vs. Perfect Bo/Chris Wilson

Special Ring Enforcers: Jay Dawg & Silent {no matches from you boys}

- At Apocalypse, Chris Wilson is set to take on Edwin MacPhisto for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship for an unprecedented thrid time, despite falling short twice previously. Also at next Sunday's PPV, Longdogger Pete is set to take on the returning Perfect Bo after Bo fooled the X Force 9 leader into thinking the Perfect One would join his group. On Storm, Bo managed to get the jump on LDP in the parking lot, beating the shit out of him with a crowbar, while Jay Dawg took out his business manager, Sarah Leavenworth. What will be the fallout from Creative Control's heinous actions at the end of Storm, and what will happen if Wilson and Edwin get in the ring together with their big title match on the horizon? And with Jay Dawg and Silent at ringside, how does that factor into the match? Will Silent be able to keep his hands off Edwin? Will Silent's presence alone enough to distract Edwin from the task at hand? Will Jay Dawg take it hardcore of Longdogger Pete after the two of them have been jarring back and forth for some time? BAH GAWD....WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!! Find out on SWF SMARKDOWN!!!

- Word Limit: 5000

- Send to BA_Baracus

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Guest HVilleThugg

Everything else goes in later. If i fucked up anything, either I or Stubby will fix it.


Da "fuck the world" H

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Woo. Great card Thugg, especially good for just being rushed and whatnot.




MATCH OF THE NIGHT PREDICTION-Cage Match, with the Opener in a close second.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Uhhh...I changed a few of the matches on there.


Apparently descriptions are coming tomorrow.


Mothernature says..."

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Oy! I don't get a chance to become a four time US champ!!?



:( (N)(N)(N)!!!

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Guest CED Ordonez

Hey everyone, I've got a bad family crisis on my hands that I won't get into details about . Nobody died but to gain a bit of a perspective about how much it's affecting me still: It's almost 5 in the morning and I haven't gone to sleep yet. Most of time I've spent IMing some really good friends for a little consolation and advice and that started at around midnight.


Not that anyone would miss my SWF presence anyway, but I've got to take care of personal matters at the moment.



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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Never have I teamed with Pete before. Zing!


Silent/Z cage match is what I'm jonesing for...and not that there's anything wrong with Sacred and Breggan getting a tag title shot, but man, I don't think Sacred's even going to want to win that. Heh.


Pretty accurate card for not having read the show yet, though...

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Guest AnnieEclectic

grumble gurmble.......



hey now, if Ced's having personal issues that causes him not to write, I'll take a new opponenent, and I'm not too picky about it. Just keep it a hardcore match and I'll be happy. Hell, bring Stubby out of retirement, doesn't matter. Just as long as Ced doesn't get somewhat screwed do to RL's interference.


Whatever you want to do, if you cant find an opponent I'll take the show off, I dont know, I'm flexible.



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Guest Perfect_Bo

Thugg, this is the second time you put me on Smarkdown, last week I was lucky to write because my daughter was sleeping all the time, but I'm going out all this weekend with my daughter, you know that I have no time to write for Smarkdown...


You even said it was your fault... What? Are you mad at me because I'm gloating about breaking your neck? :)


I can't write, sorry Wilson but I can't write...



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Guest AnnieEclectic

Aw, if you were fighting Chris, we could've just moved Ced and you out and matched up. but it's tag, so I guess that won't happen.


Although the idea of fighting Chris Wilson intrigues me. Must be drawn to ass whoopins I guess....



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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Kind of important this match goes through. Wilson, if you need some assistance, let me know.

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Guest Tod deKindes

I thought I made it clear I couldn't be booked for mondays!


Dammit, now I can't show...

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Guest HVilleThugg

Jesus F'ing Christ!!


Ok, ok....If you got booked any you can't write...sorry. My bad. I got in at like 1am, and I didn't have matches from any of the markers, and I was already dead tired to begin with. I had to wake up early the next day, so I was a little preturbed to say the least. Then, come to find out, the whole time I was waiting to post the show, I was waiting for people that no showed, and that just kept it piling on. I was tired, angry, and just in a generally bad place last night. I didn't even read the show before booking the card, so...you can see how my mind was really out of whack last night. I thought that I got everyone who needed the show off, but it seems that I forgot you Tod. I'm sorry. Don't worry about it because had you been off the card, you still wouldn't have gotten the chance at the US title...and we won't hold the no show against you in anyway, as it was my mistake. Bo, I did remember that you can't write for SD, trust me...as many times as we talked about it. However, I needed you in there for the match to make sense, and I figured that Wilson could just write the whole thing to make up for his no show on Storm. Annie...sorry honey, but you're gonna have to fight Ced. I wasn't aware of his situation when I booked, so....wait...Stubby editted that match in right? Well, either way, it's still too late to go changing participants because there's a chance they won't be back here in time to find out they are writing. Just write that match against Ced, and just make sure not to squash him...that's the best we can do here.


Ok...with that out of the way...


Thanks to Stubby for fixing that card, as it was obvious I was in another world when I booked it. Normally, I'd be annoyed with him changing my card, but given the circumstances, I think it worked out for the best....so no harm done.


Ok, so...there's the card, in all it's crapticity. Let's get to it and move on to the PPV. Promos people, let's set up the PPV proper. Match descriptions will be in later tonight when I get back from my second show today. I gotta read the show now so I know what the hell is going on.


Da "still mad at the no shows on Storm" H

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Psst...Annie, it's a free win apparently. Don't complain...or no show.


I know you can't write for Smarkdown usually Tod, but you had already been booked when I went to edit the card and there was really no-one else to put in the slot. Try and write if you can.


I'm sure Wilson can pick up a bit of the slack in the tag match Bo.


So uhhh...excelsior and onto the PPV!


Mothernature says..."

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Guest Tod deKindes
you still wouldn't have gotten the chance at the US title...

What's that supposed to mean? So even if I DID (hypothetically) write for monday and I won (hypothetically), why would I not have gotten the US title shot? Is that match not a #1 contender match? Hmmmm?

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

I think he means, you are getting a title shot now...


If you were left off the card... you wouldn't have gotten the chance.

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Guest The Myriad

Hmm. I wasn't booked, but I *can* write, so if anyone would rather write against me than their non-existent opponent, I'd be happy to oblige.



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Guest HVilleThugg

You know what...


I'm getting just a little pissed off. I apologized for the mistakes, and Stubby did his best to fix them. What more do you want? Tod, JD's right...that's what I meant. I meant that if you were not on the show, you wouldn't have gotten the chance to fight for the US title, so there's nothing lost there if you no show. But, honestly, it's not that fucking bad. So what if you accidently get booked and you can't write. I already said that it wouldn't be held against you, and you didn't do anything storyline wise that has you not on SD, so what's the big deal. So you no show, and what happens?? Is Ash going to throw you off a bridge onto a spiked bat? Please, stop giving me shit for something that's not that bad, especially when I already said that it won't be held against you in any way.


Merc....fuckin-a....all I can do is say sorry. You keep getting overlooked....I don't know what Stubby has planned for the PPV, but I'm certain he can work you in for the Storm afterwards, if not on the PPV itself.


Sacred, I'm not sure, but I don't think I was the one who booked that tag match. I'm pretty sure I had some X Force 9 people in there, so if you're gonna hate someone about that, hate Stubby (for whom I"m still grateful for his card fixing abilities). I"m pretty sure I had XF9 there because Breggan told me that night that he didn't want to be booked....so, yeah....yell at Stubby about that one...not me.


Bottom line: If you're mad about your match or whatever, just let it go. It happens. That was a bad night, and I apologized, but harping over it is just going to make madder, and if I can't have fun here, I'm so gone.


Da "was going to do descriptions, but now is mad so he's gonna go get some coffee" H

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Guest Ash Ketchum

Guys, just calm down, OK?


Thugg's made a few small mistakes. Don't get all bitchy at him.


For one, I'm gonna have fun. No offense to Tod, and it sucks that you can't write for Smarkdown (which I just remembered), but now that you think about it, Thugg's going to get to read a really fun match.


And I promise: Tod won't get hurt in the process of the match too badly. Maybe a small brusie, but that's it. Because wet salmon can brusie you when you get slapped with it... :D

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Guest Rabbi_wilson13

You people get too upset over one card.


If I get time to write somewhere, I'll just bust out the whole thing. That's no biggie at all, Bo. Understand.


Annie, you want some of this?! *shadow boxes* You just bring it!

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Guest HVilleThugg

Ok....there are the descriptions. Z and Silent, I added some match rules for your cage match. If you can, try to follow them, but if you have already started, then don't worry about it. I won't take any points off if you don't follow the rules stated on the card. But, if memory serves me correctly, this shouldn't be a problem.


Da "calmer now" H

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Guest Tyler McClelland

At least people don't use your character without your permission to make you look like a sissy on-card... even when you win a vast majority of your matches!




Deal with it. No-showing is a way of life.



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Guest The Myriad

Don't worry about it Thugg, you're only human. It's probably better to leave me OFF of the PPV card at this point, seeing as I've been completely non-existent as far as storyling goes. I'll pick things up after there.

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Something just occured to me... Most matches... the Enforcers act as refs as well... Remember WM14...



Are me and Silent allowed to count pins?

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