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Guest Shanghai Kid 2002

What if HBK/HHH is the match of the year?

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Guest Shanghai Kid 2002

Check it out, i'm not saying the match is going to be great. I'm just trying to be optimistic here. Like I said, if it hits *** than it will be considered a success.


If its Shawns last match, he's not going to ruin his legacy by going out there and putting on the worst match of the year. HBK at 50% is still an average worker and I think the match will at least be average. I think it depends on how much heat HHH has going into it. If HHH is getting cheered during the match..than it will be a total failure.


I don't have a fact, I just have the opinion that if HBK wasn't ready to put on an at least average match, why the hell would he get back into the ring?

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good point, i dont think he would. I also wouldnt be suprised if he comes out with some credibilit, i dont think HHH will put him over clean but i dont think he will want to get destroyed in his last ever pro match.

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Guest jester
I just have the opinion that if HBK wasn't ready to put on an at least average match, why the hell would he get back into the ring?

Why? Here's a little hint: cha-ching.


As for this talk that "HBK wouldn't come back if he couldn't put on a good match," oh sure. Wrestlers never come back when they're beyond their prime. They all have the good grace to realize they can't put on the same performance and bow out tastefully, just ask Hogan.


I think the match has potential to be good, but they will have to handle it very carefully and very skillfully. The problem is we don't yet know if HHH is back up to some kind of decent form (that six man was promising, but far from convincing). He's being given a very big assignment so soon from coming back from an injury: carry a match with a guy who can only take the most basic bumps.


It also doesn't help that the angle leading up to this match changed directions about 18 times. HHH, join the NWO. No, the NWO is folded. HHH, please come to Raw/Smackdown. We'll devote PPV time to your decision. Ok Shawn, I'll come to Raw. Oh wonderful HHH, you're my friend, but I won't be your manager because Bischoff said so. That's ok, put on this T-shirt. Oh boy! We're faces and we're DX again. No, I'm a heel and you're a face, take this super-safe pedigree. Now, join me or I'll beat you up again because I'm a heel. Oh wait, somebody already beat you up. I'll try to find out who did it because I'm a face, and make all the heels look like wimps. Wait, I beat you up, because I'm a heel afterall.


And the amount of actual wrestling in this lengthy exchange? Zero.


The odds are strongly againt this match. If it turns out ok, or better, wonderful. However, I for one don't expect it to be good, but worse, the lead-up to it has made me not much care.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo
It also doesn't help that the angle leading up to this match changed directions about 18 times. HHH, join the NWO. No, the NWO is folded. HHH, please come to Raw/Smackdown. We'll devote PPV time to your decision. Ok Shawn, I'll come to Raw. Oh wonderful HHH, you're my friend, but I won't be your manager because Bischoff said so. That's ok, put on this T-shirt. Oh boy! We're faces and we're DX again. No, I'm a heel and you're a face, take this super-safe pedigree. Now, join me or I'll beat you up again because I'm a heel. Oh wait, somebody already beat you up. I'll try to find out who did it because I'm a face, and make all the heels look like wimps. Wait, I beat you up, because I'm a heel afterall.


And the amount of actual wrestling in this lengthy exchange? Zero.


The odds are strongly againt this match. If it turns out ok, or better, wonderful. However, I for one don't expect it to be good, but worse, the lead-up to it has made me not much care.


*Stands up and applauds*


That summed it up perfectly.

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Guest RickyChosyu

He's doing it put over Hunter. Isn't that reason enough? He wants his friend to look good. That's it. You heard him say it would be a "fight."


It's not a matter of Shawn's will to put on a good match. He's not at 50%, he's at 10%, if that. Combine that with HHH being very shody right now, and there's just no chance the match will be very good. It's FACTS, so stop trying to employ your backward logic as a response, because it doesn't work. Theories lose out to facts every time.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Imagine if HHH's quad collides with Shawn's lower back...oh dear, the consequences will be catastrophic. Also, there is no way this can go above ***, unless they go COMPLETELY into bloody brawl mode, and potato the hell out of each other. a technical match between the two would be a guaranteed DUD or worse, and a weak brawl would border on negative stars like all weak lame brawls. I cite HHH/Undertaker as precedent. MAYBE Crips will suddenly get motivated with the heel turn, and start to bust ass again, realize his weaknesses, and compensate, OR, he'll turn into boring monster heel HHH instead of boring babyface HHH.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker

bps I challenge you to be positive for one day in your life...its overly obvious you analyse things far too much...


I hate to sound like Chris Jericho, but sit back and be entertained mate.


...Sadly, i feel some bps-wrath heading my way...


This has been the Taker Mark

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Guest RickyChosyu

Guys, his opinions are based on fact. Keeping an open mind is one thing, but if you have justifiable reasoning that says HBK/HHH isn't going to be good, it hardly makes sense to disregard all of it in hopes of being "possitive." It'd be like Bush disregarding the stock reports for a day just so he could tell everyone "the ecconomy's up again!" to highten our spirits. It makes no sense, and it's really, really dumb.

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Guest Shanghai Kid 2002

I guess we'll just see how the match turns out. Like someone said above, it could be good if theirs a tremendous amount of blood spilled.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Styles vs. Lynn on NWA next week will be a MOTYC, mark my words...


and HHH vs. Shawn will not break a full star

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Guest claydude14

I think we'll have a good idea on if HHH is going to be better than he was as a face after Rock-HHH this monday. If it's on par with their past work, then there's a slimer of hope for SS.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Well, it's an entirely different topic, but I'm of the opinion that AJ styles couldn't work a match of the year if his life depended on it, and Lynn hasn't had a really good match in three years. Whatever.


Lots of blood doesn't equal MOTY. Sorry, buddy, that's not how it works. If that were true, XPW would be having MOTYC every night, and so would every other two-bit indy in the world. Blood is only good as an added affect to create drama, not the basis for it.

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Guest claydude14
and Lynn hasn't had a really good match in three years. Whatever.

have you ordered ANY nwa-tna ppvs?

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Guest BionicRedneck

Lynn is a good worker. I dunno about Styles (i haven't seen enough of him) but most of the US indy workers are big time overated



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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I think the "Well, he's overrated.." debate is kind of lame..


Simply for the fact no two people see wrestling the same way. To a lot of you, Benoit is a great, exciting worker. To me, he's boring as hell.


See my point?


I guess as long as I'm entertained, I could care less what a worker is rated as on the internet. Styles, Lynn, Lo Ki, etc..have been doing some of the more entertaining stuff this year. So it works for some people, but may not for others.

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Guest BionicRedneck

I depends on who you ask. Scott Keith (and maybe Meltzer, i dunno) said it was HHH Vs Austin 2/3 Falls. I enjoyed Mutoh Vs Tenryu the most.

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Guest Brian

I'm guessing that the popular WWE choice was the infamous tag from 5/21, but I though Jericho/Rock Survivor Series, sans finish, was stronger, and their No Mercy match was up there. If not, than the horribly overrated two of three falls match probably won.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
What was deemed MOTY for 2001?

Well, the WWF officially deemed it HHH/Austin at No Way Out. My vote went to Benoit/Austin from Edmonton.


Question: I wasn't in the country during the beginnings of the Austin/Angle fued. Was it any good?

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Guest Brian

Oh, I forgot about Benoit/Austin. That should have been MOTY 2001 given the state of the other matches, for the WWE.

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Guest BionicRedneck

Yeah, i forgot about Austin/Benoit. I just saw that again the other day, and it was fucking awesome.

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Guest Olympic Slam
What was deemed MOTY for 2001?

Well, the WWF officially deemed it HHH/Austin at No Way Out. My vote went to Benoit/Austin from Edmonton.


Question: I wasn't in the country during the beginnings of the Austin/Angle fued. Was it any good?

The begining of the feud was more hilarious than epic. Would you believe a great feud like that spawned from cowboy hats, singing, and hugging? Sigh, sure the Invasion angle sucked, but brother the backstage segments during that time were comedy gold!


I had a feeling it was the No Way Out Match. The MOTY always ends up being something gimmicky. Though the WWE will prolly pimp Hogan v Rock as MOTY for 2002.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Blood, when used and focused on properly, heightens the drama of a match. Since HBK/HHH will be more of a 'dramatic showdown' rather than a wrestling match, a lot of blood is necessary. And since the feud began with blood (HBKs face into the window) it would only be fitting for the match to have lots of it.


I mean, the match can suck but at least people would walk away saying "BOY! That was a lot of blood!" rather than saying "BOY! That match sucked ass"

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Guest RickyChosyu

Oh, I have no doubt the color will be able to leave people satified. Hell, that's why cage matches used to be such a big deal, because it didn't matter who was in the ring, you knew you were going to get blood, and that's all that you could ask for. However, a MOTYC is entirely different, and requires much more than just blood.


As for the "everything depends on your opinion" arguement when it comes to good workers, I find this highly over-used and really just a sorry excuse for people who don't know how to justify what they say. Yes, what you like and don't like in wrestling is subjective, but only to a point. When it comes to matches, it's not that hard to actually pay attention and see what different guys are doing, what works, what doesn't, and generally what makes a match great. There are many things that fit into that category, but when someone holds an opinion, they should be able to justify it with more than "I like what I like", which, unfortunately, isn't the common case these days.


Lynn's work, as of late, has been decent, but spotty, and obnoxious in many ways. As someone who was a pretty big mark for his ECW work, I can still admit that most of it (namely the series with RVD) was some of the most over-rated wrestling in the history of the internet, and while Lynn can be a very smart worker, match of the year is something he isn't capable of. As for Styles, he's basically your average all-flash, no substance indy worker, as far as I can tell. Well, that's not quite fair. He's above average, but MOTY isn't something he's going to be getting to, especially with Lynn.

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Guest BionicRedneck
As for Styles, he's basically your average all-flash, no substance indy worker, as far as I can tell. Well, that's not quite fair.

Actually, that was fair.


Some people might consider spot fests MOTY. It does all depend on personal preferance.

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Guest Brian
As for the "everything depends on your opinion" argument when it comes to good workers, I find this highly over-used and really just a sorry excuse for people who don't know how to justify what they say. Yes, what you like and don't like in wrestling is subjective, but only to a point. When it comes to matches, it's not that hard to actually pay attention and see what different guys are doing, what works, what doesn't, and generally what makes a match great. There are many things that fit into that category, but when someone holds an opinion, they should be able to justify it with more than "I like what I like", which, unfortunately, isn't the common case these days.

Like I've said in the past, basically when you've thrown away all personal bias and looked at the match as it is, than you can rate things fairly and objectively, even universally.

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Guest Breetai

"Remember, it's going to be a "fight." Like the Taker/HHH "fight." Yeah"



Or maybe like the Taker/DDP "Fight"

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Guest Retro Rob

Do any of us really know what kind of condition/shape Shawn Michaels is in? The guy was ready to make a full-scale comeback last year, so I'm sure that he is at more than 10% or 50%. Maybe he will surprise us. Given 4 years his back injury may have improved quite a bit. What I'm trying to say is that none of us should jump to conclusions about Michaels' condition because we haven't seen him wrestle in years. If you do chose to jump to conclusions, then don't be surprised if you are proven wrong.

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