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What is the greatest WWE/WWF match ever?

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Guest godthedog
Bret vs. Flair, Iron Man Match, Boston Circa 1992.

i knew you'd say that, & i was going to do the same. well...actually, i prefer the bret/owen cage match, but the iron man match is a VERY close second.


and i think trips/cactus from the rumble is overrated. yes, the individual spots are sickeningly great, but the match just doesn't have the same flow to it as, say, bret/flair or bret/austin. i think the prescripting of the match hurt it, as some of the time it just seemed like they were saying "okay, we finished that one spot, now we have to get in this place for the other spot." hunter's selling is absolutely god-like (and my favorite thing about the match), but foley's long-term selling frankly sucks. he didn't make a point to look hurt & fatigued as the match went on. after the shock value of all the cool spots, there isn't as much to admire.

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Guest RicFlairGlory

As far as Hell In A Cell matches go, I have to give the nod to Michaels / Undertaker, it was the first, and despite the finish was the best wrestled the whole way through. Mankind / Undertaker seemed a little more of a spot fest, and by the time they got to Triple H / Cactus Jack, that was pretty much "Lets carbon copy Mankind/Taker, and add fire."


Gotta be HBK and 'Taker


Now brawls, its been a while since I saw Austin/Bret, but man that was one of the best... As much as I liked the RR Cactus/Triple H match... its no Austin/Bret.


Top Matches


Bret/Austin SS

Bret/Austin WM

Bret/Owen WM

Razor/HBK SS


I know I'm missing a lot, but theres a lot I havent seen in a while

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

But they DID play off their Survivor Series match. Austin tried to play hitmans game at SS96 and it almost worked, but Bret was too smart for that and quickly got the win with the cobra clutch reversal. Then Austin tried to get Bret to play HIS game and Bret ultimately did. However, the key in this match was that to win Bret would have to be Bret again, he would have to win with the submission. The kicker is that Bret never let go and thus showed his true colours... Really some fuckin Ironic shit there.


The ending was a complete 180 from their SS96 finish. Instead of the quick surprise win, it was long and drawn out.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Yeah, you're deffinately right about that. At Survivor Series, Austin showed that he couldn't be Bret, because he was too meticulous when he didn't need to be (moving Bret away from the ropes after the Stunner, and missing his opportunity to pin him right there) and not carefull enough when he should have been (releasing the Cobra Clutch too late and getting pinned as a result). However, at WM, he showed that Bret couldn't beat him at his own game. When it came to making Austin swallow his pride and quit, Bret couldn't get the job done, no matter what he threw Austin's way, and it was Bret who was exposed as fake, not Austin. Like you said, ironic shit.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Sasuke/TAKA was good for what it was, but doesn't have a right to be on any "best of" lists. It wasn't anywhere close to even being the best match of that night, let alone best WWF match ever.

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Guest BionicRedneck

the biggest problem with Sasuke/TAKA (although it was a lot of fun) was that it seemed to have another 5-10 minutes left in it.

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Guest wolverine

I would go with Bret vs. Owen WM 10 as well as the best WWF match I've ever seen. Only thing is that it probably wouldn't crack my Top 30 overall.

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Guest BionicRedneck



what would you rate the match?


would any NA matches be in your top 30?

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Guest RickyChosyu

I've heard you and Chris say that a few times, and I actually would be interested to know what each of your top thirty are. I know that this is off-topic and would be best discussed in another forrum, but I am curious to know what each of your #1's are (I would think Dream Rush, but I'm not sure...)

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Guest -Cutthroat-

Hmm, thats a tough one. Well...I'm going to go with the WWE best match ever as HHH vs. Austin in the steel cage.

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Guest Haku

I wanted the Sasuke/TAKA to go longer to showcase the real talent these guys have but didn't happen.


I dunno if this would be on the best of but the 10 man tag and Canadian Stampede was great.


I really liked the match when Raw was an hour and it was Davey Boy and Owen Vs Shawn and someone who escapes me.

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Interesting how HHH is the subject of much abuse on this whoe forum, but get mentioned a number of time on "the best match ever thread"




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Guest Down Below

I do love every match mentioned in this thread that I have seen.


However, if you are asking me what do I think the greatest WWE/WWF match ever (ie the best match ever, taking into account storyline, brawling, technics, psycology, holds, counter-holds, the finish, historical significance etc), it has to be HHH & Austin versus Benoit & Jericho for the tag-team titles the night after Judgment Day 2001.


To me the match was a perfect example of pure upper-card evil (Austin & HHH) against determined lower-card underdogs filled with talent.


That's just my opinion though, take into account that I started watching in 1998.

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Guest Si82

Well I'm going to go for Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart in the Submission Match from Wrestlemania 13. This, in my opinion, is the greatest match ever! It had it all, a good, long, compelling story line, two great wrestlers, brawling, blood, drama, a hot crowd and of course the double turn at the end. Sheer perfection.

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Guest pochorenella

Having heard all the experts on this forum, I just want to put my two cents in:


My favorite WWE match of all time is Michaels vs. Undertaker Hell in the Cell.


But the greatest match? I can't really pick a winner, so it's a three-way tie for me:


Austin vs. Bret WM 13

Bret vs. Owen WM X

HBK vs. Razor WM X


Just my humble opinion.

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Guest pochorenella
I really liked the match when Raw was an hour and it was Davey Boy and Owen Vs Shawn and someone who escapes me.


That's gotta be the Tag Title match with Owen/Bulldog vs. Austin/Michaels, and it's a fucking great match. But I don't think RAW was only and hour then, they were going for two hours. At the end, Austin kicks the shit out of Bret and "destroys" his leg. Classic stuff.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Hmmm.....there was a Women's Tag Title 2/3 Falls match at RR '88 between Martin/Kai v. The Jumping Bomb Angels (Yamazaki/Tateno) that was pretty choice. Thats about the best I can offer.

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