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Guest hhh6294

Promo: "Meeting in the hallway"

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Guest hhh6294

*~* Half and hour after the exiting Metal goes off the air finds a lot of the superstars of the SJL in the back of the Gund Arena, celebrating yet another sucess... but not all of them. The cameras on the prowel in the world of the SJL catch Mike Van Siclen, who unfortunately was ousted in the main event first, leaning heavily against a wall, muttering to himself, as he stares blindly at the floor. *~*


"... I'll show them..."


"...I'll be the champ sooner or later..."


"...no one messes with MVS..."


*~* As the muttering continues, the camera man finally gets bored listenting to all of the yacking from Siclen and turns around, heading back towards the jumping party in the locker room. He gets about ten feet from where he saw Mike, when all of the sudden a deafening impact is heard from the direction Mike was standing *~*


{--- SMACK! ---}


*~* The camera man jets his camera around, just in time to see the poor Siclen fall to the floor unconciously with large ammounts of blood pouring from an open wound in his forehead. Standing above him, is a tall and dark man... with the most distunguishing feature in the SWF... a green and black steel pipe in hand. Yes... Jacob Helmsley. Jacob watches the poor man slump to the floor in a heap of blood while laughing sadisticly at the fallen MVS. Jacob bends over to get into the face of Mike and begins screaming at the fallen Main Eventer. *~*


"SO you think you're the best... huh Mike? You think that no one can beat you... right? You're the Amazin' one... you're a long time Veteran in this sport... you are destined to be the next World Champion... RIGHT!!!!"


*~* Jacob takes one more swing with the steel menace, connecting coldly with the chest of MVS, making him twitch a bit from the impact. *~*


"Now here this... you Amazin' peice of monkey shit... you are being hunted. Long enough... have you walked around the fed thinking that you're top shit. Long enough... have you run your mouth. No more... is your free ride. This... what I am going to do to you... is the real truth of existence in the SJL. Mike Van Siclen... your good time in the SJL is over. Remember this... the Psycho Mantis... is now at your heels. Jacob Helmsley... has you in his crosshairs. Watch your back... Mike... I'm coming for you!"


*~* Jacob stands back up tall and takes one more shot at Mike, just for good measure as from behind the Camera man, Fred Hallbrook comes out from a back Hallway and meets up with his client. *~*


"Jacob... let's get..."


*~* Fred looks down at his feet, and sees the blood from MVS touch his new shoes *~*


"Aah shit... these were new shoes too... well... let's get going. We need to start planning for Wrath."


*~* Jacob and Fred both walk off of the scene, as Fred starts to gripe about the fact that he now has blood on his new shoes, as the camera man zooms in upon MVS, as a trio of EMTs rusn into the scene and begin to check up upon the downed Mike Van Siclen. *~*

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Guest Insane Clown Dan

Farkin' eeeeevil, Jacob is. He lays out MVS with that blasted steel pipe and threatens him like a bloody crawling mess.


Good work, yo. Provided you write against Mikey there, this reestablishes you as a major threat... if you weren't already one. :o

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