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Osama bin Laden is back at helm of al Qaeda...

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Guest Cancer Marney
Well that is the main reason why this "war" against terrorism, will ultimately fail.  It will just produce stronger and more agile terrorists.

Really? That's funny. Because to the best of our knowledge, most of the terrorists still in Afghanistan are now scared shitless and on the run, half-dead from starvation and/or missing one or more limbs. The others are completely dead. If that's your definition of "stronger and more agile," I'm all for it.


there are some terrorists in Iraq and Afganistan so we are gonna engage in full scale war to liberate the people.....!?!  That just sounds so phony.  I mean azif the people didn't need liberation BEFORE sept. 11th, now all the sudden they need to be freed.
To paraphrase Mr D'Souza once again, our interests don't sully our ideals. Our ideals dignify our interests. If we went around liberating everyone who needed liberation, we'd be called unilateral, imperialist warmongers. (Wait a sec, we're called that already. Never mind.) Now, when we decide that it's in our interest to liberate oppressed, voiceless people from cruel, dictatorial regimes, so that those regimes can't plunder natural resources in order to fund and shelter terrorists, we're called hypocrites. Charming. Original, too.


Please cut the crap. We should have freed the Kurds from the threat of being gassed 10 years ago, but the fact that we didn't in no way makes freeing them now wrong. It makes it all the more imperative.


You, NCM, and you, DH - you're the ones peddling "phony, self-serving bullshit" here. Say anything, bitch about anything, revise history, lie like crazy, so long as it demeans America and her President, right? Sorry. I stopped listening eleven months, twenty days, and seventeen minutes ago.


The plain fact is that you're wrong, and what you're advocating is cowardly, craven, and evil. I've seen what your brand of appeasement and willful blindness gets us. 3000 of my countrymen dead, fires that vaporise steel and concrete and burn for months. You want us to take the chance that could happen again just so the Europeans don't get their feelings hurt? Just so a bunch of petty, oleaginous tyrants can get fatter and fatter at the expense of their people?


Go to hell. And take your pathetic, sleazy, utterly transparent sophistry with you.

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I don't think anyone was advocating doing nothing.


But I have said it before, and say it again, the Bush administration have gone about setting up for an attack on Iraq in the most cackhanded, half-assed way, that even if he comes up with some evidence now I don't think a lot of people will buy it.


If he had just come out at the start and said we are attcaking Iraq for reasons A,B and C, I think he would have avoided all the trouble with his European allies.


I do think the majority of European countries would have supported him if he had done this, but I think a lot of the goodwill after 9/11 has evaporated because of Bush and his team.

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Guest Cancer Marney

It would have evaporated no matter who did what. The world loves us bleeding.

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Maybe, but not this quickly. Everybody was shocked after 9/11, and every single ally of the U.S was prepared to help.


I do believe that it has been the uncomprehensiable arrogance and stupidy of Bush and his administration that has eroded support so fast.


In fact didn't Cheney say that they would invade Iraq no matter what the opinion of members of congress. That is what scares me and a hell of a lot of people, the fact that they seem unwilling to listen to anybody, no matter what.

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Guest Cancer Marney



The more people terrified out of their minds that the clenched right hand of the most staggeringly powerful nation in the history of the world might come crashing down on their heads, should they so much as dream about harming even one of her citizens, the better.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Fuck bombs, I say we expose Marney to gamma radiation, thus transforming her from a normal sized human into a 400 foot tall godzilla lesbian, and she can unleash her patriotic red white and blue atomic fire breath and eye beams on the terrorists and their sympathisers.

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Do you really think it will ever stop?


Sure if you sucecced in demolishing terrorism and bringing Democracy to the ME I can see that lasting 30 or so years, but it would be like placing a plaster on a bullet wound.


The resentment of the U.S would still be there, and the minuite you drop your guard those democracies will crumble and terror will rise again.


Force has its place, but this attitude of "we go in, we win, end of story" isn't going to fly.


Its going to take decades of nation building to even have a glimmer of hope and even then Im not convinced that it would work in the long run.


The U.S and the M.E might as well be 2 different planets, and if you think you can go in and force yoyr'e values and ideals on this volitile area I think you are in for a nasty surprise.

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Guest Cancer Marney
Do you really think it will ever stop?

Sure. Kill enough scum, you can stop anything.


the minuite you drop your guard... and terror will rise again.
"The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime, and the punishment of his guilt." - John Philpot Curran


Force has its place, but this attitude of "we go in, we win, end of story" isn't going to fly.
Sure it is. Ask the Taliban. Wait, you can't, can you? They don't exist anymore.


if you think you can go in and force yoyr'e values and ideals on this volitile area I think you are in for a nasty surprise.
We had a nasty surprise already, thanks. I'm ready to try the alternative.

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The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime, and the punishment of his guilt." - John Philpot Curran.



Thats all very well, but I think we have all seen time and time again were the warnings of the past have been ignored.


I have no faith in human nature that such lessons will be learnt even from such a tradgedy as 9/11

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Guest Cancer Marney
expose Marney to gamma radiation, thus transforming her... into a 400 foot tall godzilla

I think my girlfriend might have one or two objections to that.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
expose Marney to gamma radiation, thus transforming her... into a 400 foot tall godzilla

I think my girlfriend might have one or two objections to that.

Due to the wonders of modern technology spawned by nuclear proliferation and the space age, we can transform your girlfriend into "Gaymera" the gigantic rotating homosexual turtle. you two could pillage the middle east together, it'd make for an exciting date. Not to mention the potential for "cute couple" compliments..heh heh.


Stop by the far east on your way home, scare the FUCK out of those people.

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Guest Cancer Marney

Ugh, a turtle? I think I prefer her the way she is. Besides, the end of the date would destroy one or two continents and swamp the other five with tsunamis.


You get 10 points for the play on Gamera, though. ;)

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Guest big Dante Cruz

I wonder how hesitant Europe would be if the plane that had hijackers that were planning to crash into Big Ben or London Tower hadn't been ordered ground... by who? By the United States.

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