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Guest pete

Favorite pure wrestling feud of all time.

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Guest pete

I would have to say the greatest pure wrestling feud of all time is Flair/Steamboat. In 1989 they did things that are incredible by even todays standards. On television they had 3 incredible matches. The work was just incredible with each match being taken into context for the next match. I thought the heat was just fantastic. I feel people really underate the heat for these matches. The work was so good that the lines became blurry between who the heel was and who the face was. They were wrestling for the greatest prize in wrestling. What is even more amazing they were putting on MOTYC headlineing houseshows. I have 2 of them on tape and they were amazing too. I really can't think of any feud for the World title that had the pure wrestling and psychology these guys showed. The only thing close would have to be either the Hart Brothers in 94 but Owen never got a chance to hold the title, or the HBK,B.hart feud that most people only think about the Montreal screw job. I mean Steamboat/Flair went on for 5 months straight. While the HBK/Hart feud was off and on for years and didn't really start to go when they wouldn't work with each other.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

In recent times, the Chris Benoit vs. Booker T best of seven series for the T.V. title and Benoit's feud with Malenko. Those were both based around who's the better wrestler pretty much.

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Guest converge241

Flair - Steamboat

Rock - Shamrock (i know im in the minority, but i thought they always "clicked" together)

Midnights- RNR

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Guest razazteca


Super Crazy vs Tajiri

Awesome vs Tanaka



Satanico team vs Ultimo Guerrero team over the tag team name



DDP vs Raven vs Benoit

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Guest Si82
Malenko vs. Guerrero in ECW was awesome from what I hear.

It was awesome, from what I have seen of it.

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Steamboat/Flair was awesome, as was Flair/Funk, possibly the greatest feud ever.


I'll go with Misawa/Kawada, Awesome/Tanaka, Austin/Hart, Hart/Hart, and...oh yeah, MALENKO/GUERRERO~!

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Guest Tony149

I'll go with Flair/Steamboat. Those guys never had a bad match with each other.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I'm going with Dreamer vs Raven...not the best "wrestling" ever...but enough hard hitting matches and great psychology to stretch it out over 2 years and have it not go stale

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Guest wayzing

If in ring action is the only criteria we just can't forget to include Tiger Mask vs. Dynamite Kid from 1982-83. We'll probably never see a program so far ahead of it's time again.


Flair vs. Windham in 1986 deserves an honarable mention too. It's seems to be somewhat forgotten but it's easily a top 3 for Flair. I've only seen two matches but looking back in the Observer it looks like they were constantly putting on at least ****+ efforts.


They're out of fashion now but Triple and the Rock also have an impressive history together that probably will be underrated in the future.


My list then:


1). Tiger Mask vs. Dynamite Kid

2). Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat

3). Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin


I wanted to include Shawn Michaels somewhere but I can't think of a program that was long and interesting enough to hold up in this thread.

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Guest MaxPower27

I'll go with Austin/Hart as my favorite, just because that's the one that was in my generation, per say.


All time, though, I've always loved Midnight v. Rock-n-Roll, Flair v. Steamboat and Flair v. Funk. Awesome stuff. Notice how nobody's mentioned anything from pre 1993 WWF? (I know why)

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Guest Coffin Surfer

Misawa vs. Jumbo

Misawa vs. Kawada(despite the one sided booking)

Flair vs. Steamboat

Sting vs. Vadar(why does everybody forget WCW's best Heavyweight feud of the 90s?)

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Guest pete

The Flair/Windham stuff was underrated. I have seen 3 of their matches in the 80's with each one being incredible. Coffin Surfer mentioning Sting/Vader was way cool. Those guys really had some great battles in the early to mid nineties.(really stiff and brutal) Those matches carried the company match quality wise after Flair left.

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Guest imajackoff?

I was a kid when it was going on, but I remember Tommy Rich v. Buzz Sawyer being pretty intense.

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Guest gwf0704
I was a kid when it was going on, but I remember Tommy Rich v. Buzz Sawyer being pretty intense.

I remember as a teenager seeing that feud develop from start to bloody finish with the Last Battle of Atlanta cage match. All of the Smarks who love Benoits intensity would have loved how a young Buzz Sawyer would use the same intensity in his matches. Classic heel v babyface.

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Guest BionicRedneck

Just curious why a few people are putting Raven/Dreamer in "Best PURE WRESTLING" thread. I mean I enjoyed the feud, but it wasn't great pure wrestling.

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Guest RazorxEDGE
Just curious why a few people are putting Raven/Dreamer in "Best PURE WRESTLING" thread. I mean I enjoyed the feud, but it wasn't great pure wrestling.


First off, it says "favorite"...not "best" or "greatest".


I interpreted "pure wrestling feud" as a feud that was centered around who was the better wrestler and settled in the ring...not necessarily a feud that had great scientific matches.


That being said, Dreamer/Raven was not pure in EITHER sense.



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Guest BigPoppaKev

Kawada/Kobashi (I love those two moreso than Misawa.)






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